Relationship Issues

When you Want Kids But your Partner Doesn't

Having a baby ranks pretty high in the list of life-changing experiences. However this can mean different things for either partner; so while you feel you are ready to have a baby, your partner may not be of the same view. Unfortunately this difference in priorities can create significant stress in...
By kalyani10

The Seven Year Itch - Does it Really Start after Seven Years?

Everyone has heard of the seven year itch, a popular way of referring to the idea that marriages typically tend to fall apart after seven years. However with wide ranging research on the quality of marriages and the reasons why they break up, the phenomenon of seven year itch has come under the...
By kalyani10

How to Do Household Chores Together

There are no two ways about the fact that chores are a drag – matter how much two people are crazy about each other and glad of sharing a home, still almost every couple would agree that the sight of dirty dishes piled high in the kitchen sink or bags of laundry waiting to be done are nothing to...
By kalyani10

How to Let Go of Someone you Love

Letting go of a loved one is always a difficult thing to do. When you love someone deeply, taking that person out of your life is like tearing away a part of yourself. The pain can be so intense as to debilitate a person. And yet life must go on. No matter how the loved one got separated – whether...
By kalyani10

When your Spouse and you Disagree on How to Raise Children

No two individuals are exactly alike in personality and as parents too, there are bound to be differences. One may be a bit quicker to scold or to forgive. One may be more sensitive to appearances and propriety, while the other may focus on results. Problems though arise when parenting styles...
By kalyani10

How to Stop a Relationship from Ending

No relationship is completely devoid of disagreements and occasional fights. It is only natural for two separate human beings to have individual priorities and ways of living which clash with each other. However despite all the ups and downs, it does not mean that a relationship has to break down...
By kalyani10

When you Want to Adopt a Child But your Partner Doesn't

Having a child of your own blood involves pretty powerful emotional and cultural connotations. So while you may be ready to bring up  someone else's biological offspring as your own child, your partner may not feel the same about adoption. Unfortunately this difference in priorities can create...
By kalyani10

Should you Attend your Ex-boyfriend's Wedding?

Weddings are occasions of laughter, romance and good wishes for the lucky couple. But putting forward your best side becomes truly difficult when you are invited to an ex’s wedding. There is hardly any woman who will not, at least once, think that that woman up there with the groom might have been...
By kalyani10

Are you ready for a relationship

The fragrance of scented candles wafts through the air, a bunch of roses perched at your windowsill is reminiscent of a memorable evening, the greeting cards that keep pouring into your mailbox for no particular rhyme or reason sends a euphoric thrill down your spine. Love, which was an all-...
By Futurescopes Research Team

When to End a Marriage - 10 Signs it is Best to Break up

While there are some couples who are mismatched from the start, most try to wait out the storms in their married life. However sometimes things have gone so bad and for so long that any attempt at setting things right seems futile and divorce is the only way. If you think so of your own marriage as...
By kalyani10

Is it Wrong to Not Want to Be in a Relationship?

Not so long ago ‘falling in love’ was widely thought to be the ultimate state of bliss; no matter how rich or poor you were, how pretty or plain-looking, it was as though the state of being in love put everything right – things might not always end the way you would like to but nevertheless just...
By kalyani10

How to Know your Partner Wants to End the Relationship

Sometimes despite your best efforts, a man or a woman may not respond to a relationship with the level of warmth and commitment that you hope for. Some may prefer to be upfront and tell you they are no longer happy with you. Others though, prefer to leave clues, hoping that you’ll get the hint but...
By kalyani10

Convince Husband to Stay in the Marriage

With no-fault divorces becoming universal and financial support virtually guaranteed to the less-earning spouse, husbands these days are rarely held back by social and moral compulsions if they have made up their minds to leave the marriage. And yet if you have shared a life, perhaps raised a...
By kalyani10

When your Relationship is Over - How to Move on Gracefully

It is natural for the end of a relationship to give rise to a lot of hurt, pain and anger. And in cases where you have been dumped, it may seem impossible to ever forgive your ex or move on to a more positive way of thinking. And yet however difficult as it may seem, letting go of the past is not...
By kalyani10

How to Cope When your Husband has a Vasectomy

Having a family is considered one of the most important ways building a network of love and emotional support in life. However there are many those who choose not to have children, either as individuals or together as partners. If you have just been made aware of the fact that your husband has a...
By kalyani10

Coping with Spousal Abandonment

There are many different ways in which a marriage comes apart – sometimes it ends with mutual consent while at times it marks the final episode in a series of bitter marital conflicts. While all of them may be equally painful, one of the most bewildering ways in which a marriage can end is spousal...
By kalyani10

You have women hitting on you when your girlfriend is with you

Somehow you’ve just got what it takes. Women find you undeniably attractive and irresistible. Lucky you! Most men would kill to be in your shoes. But you’ve got a problem…you have a girlfriend! And women just seem to get a kick out of fawning over you when she’s around. You’re on uncertain...
By Louella Vaz

How Long Should it Take to Recover from a Breakup?

If you are going through a breakup right now, one of your most pressing questions is probably how long is this going to take. The bad news first – it is going to be a while before you can bounce back to the dating scene. But the good news is that sooner or later and no matter how hard it may seem...
By kalyani10

When a Busy Career Leaves you with No Time for Sex

As humans are integrated beings, everything in your life affects everything else. Your work and love life too share a reciprocal relationship, no matter how much you try to keep them apart. Just like an unhappy relationship is likely to affect your productivity at work, similarly a high-pressure...
By kalyani10

How to Deal with an Obsessive Ex Girlfriend?

Relationships can come apart for a whole lot of reasons and the best thing that the partners can do is to go their own ways.  However some people have more trouble moving on than others and they keep trying to make unwanted contact with a former partner. If your ex girlfriend has been having...
By kalyani10
