Dating Advice

When your Crush Likes your Best Friend

Cupid’s arrow flies in strange directions – just because a person loves someone doesn’t mean that his/her affections will be returned in the same way. But what makes things worse is that the return affections land on someone just a few steps away – like on a friend. So if you find that your crush...
By kalyani10

How Do you Know He is Into You - 10 Signs That Tell You

So you have been dating a guy for some time now and wish to know what he really thinks about you. However you might have to wait some more if you depend on explicit words or big, showy gestures like fancy dinners as expression of his intentions. Instead look out for small clues ranging from body...
By kalyani10

How to Be More Interesting

While most people around us are striving for money or good looks, the ones who achieve real social success are often the genuinely interesting personalities. This could be because people are jaded by the mainstream norms of beauty and financial success and instead are attracted to those who possess...
By kalyani10

How to Be More Confident

Self-confidence is one quality which shines through in practically every sphere of life, whether at the workplace, at a party with friends or out on a date with a special person. In almost any kind of relationship - personal, social or professional relationships – confidence gives you a winning...
By kalyani10

How to Be More Outgoing

Some people seem born to be the life of all parties – they are vivacious, popular and constantly sought after. A far cry from those who are left in the shadows and almost invisible in groups. If you feel you are one of the latter, despair not. A well-kept secret about the former group is that most...
By kalyani10

Why Do Men Hate Shopping?

With the holiday season coming closer, there will be many among the ranks of the boyfriends and husbands who would be dreading an inescapable part of the preparations - shopping. Few things rouse as much fear in a man as the prospect of going shopping with a female partner. It is curious that men...
By kalyani10

5 Secret Tests that Girls use to Evaluate Guys

Over the process of evolution, the female sex has developed several mechanisms to select a mate who would be right for her. These may not have been very obvious in times and societies where women were or still are not allowed to choose partners, but where you live it is highly likely that your...
By kalyani10

10 Signs Someone Wants to Ask you Out

One of the biggest dating challenges is decoding the behavior of a potential partner on whether or not he/she is suggesting a date. While smiles and laughter may be signs of mere friendliness, sometimes a shy and guarded stance can actually mask an interest in you. Here are then ten signs to...
By kalyani10

How to Hold your Liquor at a Party

For good or bad, alcohol has come to be an inescapable part of socializing. While you may be labeled a spoilsport for refusing a drink – and not buying for others in turn – at the same time there is nothing worse than being bandied about as a drunk who got sick and made a scene. Here too like in...
By kalyani10

How Moving in Together Could Change your Relationship

In today’s world of soaring divorce rates, most couples are hesitant to commit themselves to marriage for fear of finding out that they are not really suited to be long-term partners. And yet, it is only natural that two people in a serious relationship would want to share a life together. In such...
By kalyani10

How to Be More than a Booty Call?

Different people date for different reasons. Some do it only to have a casual sex partner while some may be looking for companionship or even for a committed relationship. If you are clear that you want a no-strings attached fling, that is your decision but when you wish to be something  more...
By kalyani10

How to make a good impression on a first date

So you actually got past your inhibitions to flirt with that drop-dead gorgeous woman and summoned up the courage to ask for her number? And you’ve even successfully called her to fix up a date without bungling it up! Now that you’ve got her where you want her, or at least where you can see her...
By Louella Vaz

Do Women Like Men with Tattoos?

Ever since primitive times, human have adorned themselves with various kinds of body art. While earlier this stood for tribal affiliation or indicated hierarchy in a community, today tattoos are more personalized. They can range from making fashion statements to naming the object of one’s romantic...
By kalyani10

5 Sure Signs He Likes You

One day he could be bringing you coffee to your desk while the next day he may be looking through you as you pass him in the corridor. Sometimes guys can be as inscrutable as is popularly thought of about women. So if you are obsessing about what the guy you have a crush on is thinking and you are...
By kalyani10

10 Signs He Does Not Like You

Now that you have spotted the guy of your dreams, you cannot wait to make his acquaintance and get your personal life roaring on the right track. And yet it may equally be possible that you are not his kind of girl and he is only being polite when he says he’ll call you. If you wish to avoid a...
By kalyani10

Questions about money to ask someone you want to marry

Here's a list of questions about money you could ask someone you want to marry. These questions related to finances and their answers would reveal your partner's finances, money management skills and attitude to money. They're especially important if you're marrying someone for their money. If...
By Futurescopes Research Team

80 Sweet Text Messages to Send to Your Girlfriend

Since technology is advancing with every passing minute, sending your girlfriend love letters and notes are a thing of the past. Today, almost everybody uses a cell phone and communicates either by sending text messages or calling, of course.  Text messages sent during occasions serve as a...
By Poonam Advani

Should you Tell your Date If you Have STD?

STDs or sexually transmitted diseases comprise of a group of infections that is transmitted from one person is to another by intimate contact. Even though sexual contact remains the most common way of transmission of this group of diseases and because of which they are known as STDs, they can even...
By kalyani10

How to Make a Woman Feel Safe

One of the biggest concerns for women in the context of casual dating is safety. Since the partners are usually strangers in this kind of dating, a woman needs to feel secure with the date to be able to have fun and make for an enjoyable companion. Here are a few ways to make a woman feel safe and...
By kalyani10

10 Things Women Shouldn't Do after Thirty

Gone are the times when a woman was practically compelled to give up all things enjoyable after thirty and forced to get ‘serious’. Now thirties are the fun years when women can bask in their hard-won emotional and financial assurance after years of experimenting. And yet there are certain things...
By kalyani10
