The Rat Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

Even though in Western culture, the rodent is associated with dirt, darkness and at the best a low cunning, Chinese astrology holds the Rat as a positive example of resourcefulness, tenacity and survival instinct. So if you are born in the Year of the Rat, here are some other qualities you can look for.
The Rat in Chinese Astrology is the supreme embodiment of social charm. A person born in this year is affable, friendly and capable of disarming even the shyest individuals with their inherent charm. The Rat is thus at their best in social settings and usually figures at the heart of a party or get-together. They like being surrounded by people and in fact thrive on exchange and collaboration.
Another trait which contributes to the Rat’s popularity with their fellow beings is their conversational skills. They are witty, expressive and highly capable of holding their listeners’ attention with their verbal dexterity. The Rat is one of the few animals of the Chinese Astrology who can discourse on almost any subject under the sun – may be not always knowledgeably, but most definitely, interestingly. However the Rat is not above a little manipulation and is capable of using their conversational skills to fulfill their own ends.
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One of the defining traits of the Rat is their love of variety. This is a person who loves fun and frolic but most of all, the new and the untried. This craving for diversity may at times seem to border dangerously on instability and fickleness. In a group of all the representative animals, the Rat is usually the first to grasp a new thought or appreciate a new sensation but within the blink of an eye he/she may have moved onto something else. To an outsider, this could smack of restless and an inability to see things through. However, those close to him know that the Rat needs new sights and experiences to feel alive.
In his/her professional life, the Rat brings together all their qualities of resourcefulness and quick thinking to profitable use. No matter how trying the circumstances and how impossible a situation seems, the Rat can be trusted to come up with a solution or to find a way out. Then again the Rat’s intrinsic social skills make him/her perfect in areas like sales, marketing and public relations and anything else that offers an opportunity to mix business with pleasure. They can charm their way into selling anything and convincing anyone of the potential profit in a situation. This is also related to a strong speculative streak in their own natures which makes the Rat probably the most instinctive gamblers in the Chinese zodiac. Thus this animal is capable of incurring several losses one after another and yet the gains they make are often so spectacular that the losses fade into oblivion.
Multi-tasking is another of the Rat’s qualities which contribute both to their professional and social success. So if you know a guy who has two jobs, plays football on Wednesdays, helps out at the local parish on weekends, works out at the gym three times a week and still finds time to ask you out, chances are that he is a Rat. Such a person is adept at doing a number of things at the same time and their high levels of energy help them to do so. However the Rat does not take well to authority and may resent being told what to do. Thus they often deliver their best in situations which gives them enough leeway to take decisions.
Overall in business as in life, the Rat is usually ruled by the philosophy of self comes first. They are highly adept at securing their own situation in a competitive world and can fight tenaciously to stay on top. Indeed this person is fond of the good things of life like good food, fine wine, going to concerts, buying nice clothes, attending and hosting parties and other requisites of a social bee. When taken to an extreme, such a trait may have the tendency to run to greed and an excessive concern with the superficialities of life.
As far as health is concerned the Rat has a tendency to burn-outs and periods of exhaustion, primarily due to the hectic social and professional life they like to lead. Other than this, the Rat can also get high-strung or given to a nervy quality than can be pushed to edge in times of excessive worry or stress. The kidneys are especially a vulnerable area with the Rat which is why they should drink clean and enough water so as to purge the entire system of impurities.
In his/her personal life, the Rat is highly exciting to be with. Their innate enthusiasm and zest for living are extremely infectious and the Rat’s companion will discover entirely new facets of the world to which he/she may have never been exposed earlier. The Rat will court their beloved with such a charm, sophistication and wit that the latter are sure to be left breathless. The Rat can be exceedingly romantic and will constantly think of new things to entice and excite their lover. Life with such a person can never be boring even though a companion may get out of breath at times. Someone who is unable to keep pace with the Rat’s frenzied socializing may be in danger of losing the Rat’s romantic interest. Thus it is extremely important that a lover offer ample sources of intellectual stimulation along with personal appeal in order to have a fulfilling relationship with the Rat in the long run.
Though the Rat has a tendency to lose interest in a person or thing over time, this does not imply that they are incapable of long-term committed relationships. Once the Rat has really taken to a person, there is no end to what they will do for their object of love, other than of course regularly performing the boring chores of domestic life. The Rat thrives on variety, fun and challenge and can be hardly expected to show enthusiasm for washing dishes and vacuuming the house. Even then, the Rat usually gets along with almost all other animals of the Chinese astrological system even though it seems most compatible with their own kind.
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