What are Greek Men like - Dating Men from Greece

Greece is a Mediterranean paradise and men from this land appear to embody all the qualities of passion and drama that oozes from every pore of its art and culture. At the same time it is a challenge negotiating the fast changing world of gender and economy that being a part of the Western world entails. Here are however is a brief description of what you can expect when you meet Greek men.

TIP: This website has many Greek millionaire men looking for women to date.

Living larger than life

Greek men are fond of living life on a higher than average note. Not for them the predictability of a routine life which involves a certain number of hours at work, the gym and at home. Rather they like to fuel their entire beings on whatever they are doing at present and get completely involved – even to the point of forgetting other appointments. For instance a guy is completely capable of spending fourteen hours a day at work and then hanging out with co-workers or clients even after that. On the other hand if he has been having a great night at the bar, he may think nothing of continue to extend the fun to the next day, ignoring any other he many have planned up. This is not to imply that nobody works in Greece or that there is no work schedule or work culture to speak of – its just that men enjoy living in the moment and extracting every bit of fun as much as possible out from the fleeting second. In the same line, go anywhere in Greece, especially in summer and you will see large number of festivals taking place, with people participating and enjoying themselves – never mind a working day or a weekend.

An endearing sense of spontaneity

There is something in the air of Greece which makes the men spontaneous and happy-go-lucky. It is unusual for them to sit and agonize over whether a particular course of action would be right or wrong; so a guy may be comfortable walking up to tell you what a beautiful woman you are even though he is sporting a wedding ring. They are not likely to spend hours weighing the pros and cons of a situation but would much rather jump in the fray and enjoy themselves. So you will find a Greek man flirting outrageously with you, haggling with your over a piece of merchandise with great relish and even losing all he his money by gambling. At the same time though you can be assured that they will pick themselves up the next day and cheerfully start all over again.

Addicted to high drama

On the whole Greek men are highly emotional in nature. When things are going well for them, the joy and enthusiasm they radiate are exceedingly infectious and you cannot help but be drawn to celebrate the wonderful thing called life. On the downside though, they are apt to get extremely worked up when beset by even minor problems. If you are in a relationship with a Greek guy, be prepared for huge temper tantrums when your guy would rage about how the world and all the gods are conspiring to pull him down – he may even smash a couple of things and kick around the furniture for good measure. You can hold the high sense of drama in ancient Greek tragedy responsible for this kind of emotional ranting but then this is how a large number of men here behave.

Smoky hot looks

Not for nothing that you have heard about men here looking like Greek gods. You will find it very easy to fall for the perfectly-sculpted physique and the dark, raven hair of the Greek men. Add to this their brimming sensuality and you have all the makings of a passionate encounter at hand. However also watch out for some men who take their role of God’s gift to women way too seriously. So if you are on a trip to Greece, you may find men with greased hair and wearing gold chains, following you interminably even after you have made it clear that you want to have nothing to do with them. Be careful of another type who will woo you with amorous words and passionate gestures only to ask you to pay his bills and cover his rent. In this sense, Greek men are largely like those found anywhere else in the world - some good, some bad and the majority somewhere in between.

Tied to the apron strings

It is said about Greek men that they never truly get out from the shadows of their mothers. Greek mamas are a formidable presence in their son’s lives and if you don’t belong to their culture, chances are slim that she would approve of you as her son’s partner. Almost every mama wants a good, virginal wife for her son who can cook, clean and bear lots of children. Indeed maternal feeling runs so high that the mothers are perfectly happy keeping house for their sons even when the latter are way past adulthood. She is always in the background and her son knows that no matter what he does and how old he is, his mother will always be there to pick up after him. Thus it is little wonder that most Greek men grow up to believe that a woman’s place is – or at least should be – in the home, to cook, clean and take care of the kids.

On the positive side though, Greek culture is highly centered on family relationships. The men – after they have got around to accepting the fact that they are married – take their family responsibilities quite seriously; they make good fathers and providers; and even though some may not be above flirting with a foreign woman once in a while, on the whole they make caring husbands as well. Most importantly the world is changing faster than ever – with it old notions about gender roles are giving way to more egalitarian views and today’s Greek men are hardly untouched by it.