10 Things that Women Look for in Dating Profiles

Online dating has become an inextricable part of the larger dating culture today. Not only does it help in weeding out incompatible contacts but lets you choose from a particular social, ethnic and professional background. However men and women often look for separate things when deciding whether to contact a potential partner online. So if you are a guy, keep in mind these top ten things that women look for in a dating profile.

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Your photo

It is a mistake to set up a dating profile and then balk at posting a photo to accompany it. Repeated surveys have shown that profiles with pictures are more likely to get responses than those without photos. While an element of mystery is all very well, most smart and attractive women out there want to know exactly who it is they are meeting online. So get yourself clicked in your smartest pose, preferably one that does not include your beer buddies or your favorite bar hostess. It is not necessary for you to look like a smoking-hot Brad Pitt, but if you can get your photo retouched for minor corrections like a receding hairline or an unsightly scar, so much the better. Finally make sure that the picture is recent and definitely yours since the whole point of a dating profile is to meet someone in the real world and there, any falsehoods are bound to be discovered.


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to browse photo profiles of women looking for dates.

Your potential as a partner

Today there are various kinds of online dating sites, those that range from offering marriage partners to casual hook-ups and even extra-marital lovers. Thus what a woman is looking for in a profile depends to a large extent on the kind of site you are both members of. If it is a portal for serious, long term relationships, try to create a profile that would make you appear husband material and emphasize qualities like material security and trustworthiness. On the other hand if you have posted your profile on a casual dating site, it would make more sense to highlight your looks and sex appeal.

Your financial prowess

No matter what kind of relationship a woman is looking for – long term or casual – it never hurts to let them know you have greenbacks. Financial prowess scores high with women since it guarantees that not only her needs will be looked after but that she will be wooed in style as well. This is particularly true of millionaire dating websites where the prime draw is money – lots of it. And even if you are not taking home a six-figure salary, be sure to point out that you are financially settled, in a successful career like law or surgery and on your way of making it big. However stay away from the temptation to lie outright about your job title or post a photo with you posing against your employer’s Ferrari. This is a charade that is impossible to keep up for long and sooner or later, you will have to come down to your true level.

Your sense of humor

Every woman wants to be dated by a guy who is fun to be with and not someone who is merely looking to flaunt his ego or unburden his woes on a date. Thus if you can create a dating profile that is humorous, witty or even wacky, it is sure to get noticed. Most women who are smart and financially independent are not looking to get hitched or sleep with a guy after the very first date. They are seeking someone who can give them sparkling conversation and generally an enjoyable time. However in your desire to appear funny, be careful to avoid politically incorrect or chauvinist jokes since these can appear in bad taste.

Your good intentions

Safety is a major concern with women who are looking for dating partners on websites. Practically every day there are media reports of how women are attacked, cheated, stalked or robbed by men they met on a dating site. Almost every major dating portal has articles on safe dating which advises women not to give out personal information, financial details and especially meet strangers at home or other isolated places. Thus among the aspects in your profile you would do well to highlight is your reliability. Do not insist on knowing your partner’s phone number or home address if she is not keen on giving them out herself. Offer to meet her at a popular café or bar where women are comfortable going to. And finally let her pick the place and time so that she feels confident of being safe with you.


Ease of access

Proximity plays an important role in helping women to decide who they should agree to meet in the real world and who can wait. The closer you live to a potential partner, the better are your chances that she would agree to a meeting. This is why address and zip code often make up important search parameters in a dating site. While this is not to say that you cannot find your ideal mate from other towns, from a woman’s perspective, it makes better sense to try out guys who are geographically more accessible.

Your intellect

Very few women want to date a guy who thinks Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian soccer player. While a Mensa-level IQ may not figure as an important quality at a casual or adult dating site, most smart women looking for a suitable partner want to be assured that they will not be bored to death on date. This is because the majority of women are looking forward to interesting conversation or a lively time on an evening for which they have taken pains to dress up and spare time from work. So even if you are not an astro-physicist, at least create a profile that shows you have an alert, aware mind and are interested in learning new things and experiences.

Your vocabulary

Try and avoid using slang and obscenities when writing a dating profile; firstly because you are not 50 Cent and more importantly because you want to reach out to her and not compel her to open Google translate to read your message. So stick to as style that is easy to understand and that is neither too formal, nor reads like text-language.

Your confidence

One of the biggest mistakes that guy make while creating their dating profile is to put phrases like “I don’t know why I’m doing this” or “I don’t think much of dating sites but I’m willing to give them a try”. Sentences like these scream insecurity and are bound to make the writer appear lame and scared. And really, why should a woman reply to you when you have yourself admitted that you are not comfortable with dating sites. No one has the time or energy to take upon a weak ego and nurture it to health and assertiveness. Rather be confident and positive when writing a profile and women will be drawn to its energy.

Lack of baggage

All potential partners, whether men or women, are apprehensive about responding to profiles which imply a good deal of emotional baggage from previous relationships. Whether you have gone through a divorce or a life-threatening disease, leave these accounts for later when you feel emotionally closer to your partner. A dating profile is not the place for such intimate revelations. Everyone is looking for a partner who can give them an enjoyable and interesting time and not whine about past experiences.