Lesbian Festivals in USA

Pride parades and festivals are a great way to celebrate your sexual choice. Apart from raising awareness about your right to love who you want, it also offers men and women from the LGBT community a wonderful opportunity to interact, socialize and generally have a good time. Even though the following festivals are meant primarily for Sapphic Sisters in the US, open-minded women of all persuasions are welcome to attend.

TIP: Browse photo profiles of lesbian single women.

Ohio Lesbian Festival

Celebrated each year over a long weekend in September, the Ohio Lesbian Festival takes place at Kirkesville near Columbus, Ohio.  Columbus in fact has one of the largest lesbian populations in the US, a fact that not many people know of. The Ohio Lesbian Festival features live music performances by a variety of local and nationally-renowned artists over the entire weekend and there is a dance party which goes on till late Saturday night. The festival also has practical arrangements for the attendees like camping which is included in the ticket price as well as a festival kitchen which is operational from Saturday onwards and offers a wide variety of hot and cold foods as well as beverages. Attendees can also take back festival memorabilia and shop for lovely handicrafts made by lesbian artists. And even when the main festivities are over, don’t forget to explore the Arena District of Columbus which houses the Wall Street, one of the most popular lesbian bars in the entire country.

Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival

One of the longest-running women’s events in the US, the Michigan Womyn’s Festival has been going on for around 35 years now. The special thing about this event is that it is run solely by women who take care of every stage of the festival, right from the planning to the execution. The festival takes place each August and is especially famous for its pageantry and spontaneous celebrations of women’s love. Apart from live musical performances, there are also dance parties, costume parades, a daily film festival, art workshops and hand-made crafts on sale. The Michigan Womyn’s Festival strives to take care of the practical needs of its attendees. Camping ground is arranged right next to the festival venue and there toilets and showers are provided. The festival also has its own kitchen where the attendees can partake of three meals in a day in exchange for some volunteer work at the festival. The best part about the kitchen is that it also arranges for vegetarian fare. Finally to make the event welcome to all, the festival authorities ensure that childcare facilities, disabled resources and First Aid assistance are also easily available.

Girl Bar Dinah Shore Weekend

Every year Palm Springs in California celebrates the colors of spring with its very own lesbian festival. Nicknamed the Girl Bar Dinah Shore Weekend, this festival takes place around late March or early April each year and includes four days of sheer fun and revelry. Live music acts feature local as well as national artists while the comedy show is widely attended since it hosts performances by some of the best lesbian comediennes in the country. Other events not to be missed are the pool parties, the cocktail parties and dance nights – all of which culminate into a grand celebration known as Gurlesque on Saturday night. Attendees who can arrange for their own accommodation need only purchase a weekend events pass which will allow entry to all major entertainment venues. However if you have enough resources, you can also opt for the VIP Luxury Package which includes accommodation at a comfortable hotel as well as entry to all festival venues over the four days.

Silver Threads Celebration

This festival is unique in that it is primarily meant for lesbian singles and couples over the age of fifty. Appropriately named the Silver Threads Celebration, the festival is hosted at the Dolphin Beach Resort, St Pete’s Beach in the state of Florida. Held every January, the festival also makes for a great excuse to escape the cold winters of the north and go frolicking on the warmer beaches of sunny Florida. Over the day, attendees can keep themselves busy with various kinds of workshops including ballroom dance classes and astrology lessons, speed dating events as well as presentations on various issues affecting lesbians across the world. Those interested in merely having a good time can go shopping, socializing or swimming in the warm waters. However once night falls, there are parties galore at the resort where guests can shake a leg, have fun at a comedy show or give full reign to their imagination at various costume parties. There is usually a grand closing party which marks a culmination of festivities and the last one had guests grooving to a Hawaiian theme.


The Queer Women of Color and Friends or QWOC+ Boston is a grass-root women’s organization based in the Greater Boston Area. The QWOC is run entirely by volunteers and is primarily dedicated to creating and sustaining a diverse social space for lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of color in the metropolitan area. Organized by this forum, the QWOC Week is a seven-day pride festival that celebrates multicultural threads in the LGBT community of Greater Boston. This year the QWOC Week is planned from 1st to 8th August some of the highlights of the QWOC Week are workshops, seminars, narrative readings, a queer film festival, musical performances and even a karaoke evening sure to set all the guests tapping their feet and grooving to music. The festivities reach their climax with the final Blowout Party on Saturday evening and on Sunday there is an appreciation Brunch arranged for the organizers. Amidst all the fun and music, the chief aim of the festival is to heighten visibility of LGBT people of color and raise awareness about issues that directly affect this population and other marginalized groups of mainstream society.