How to Meet Rich Men in Toronto, Canada

Considered the economic capital of the Canada, Toronto is also one of the most expensive places to live in the country. In fact a report in the news website,, pegged Toronto as the priciest among the five Canadian cities1 which formed part of a 2006 survey of 144 cities from across the world. So if you are interested in meeting the rich and single in Canada, the place to head for would be Toronto where most of the high-fliers of Canadian economy are based.

TIP: Browse photo profiles of single rich men in Toronto, Canada

  1. Look for the czars of finance

    The major sources of wealth in Toronto are finance, business services and real estate. The significance of the city in the financial industry of the country can be gauged from the fact that the Toronto Stock Exchange is the third largest in the American continents by market capitalization and eighth in the world. In fact all the major five banks of Canada are headquartered in Toronto as are most of the country’s multinational corporations. So if you are interested in meeting the finance fat cats with more than a million a year, the place to frequent would be the Bay Street in the Financial District of Downtown Toronto. While corporate buildings, banking headquarters and financial centers may not offer much opportunity for socializing, keep an eye out for the cafes and restaurants at these places since it is here that the bankers, hedge fund managers and wealth consultants are likely to head to grab a coffee or a sandwich during lunch.
  2. Hunt for the Rich Hunks of the city

    Known as the ‘Hollywood North’, Toronto is also one of the most important centers of showbiz in the continent. The city in fact is the third largest producer of films and televisions series in North America and the second largest exporter of TV series. In 2002 Toronto’s film and television production industry contributed around $1.16 billion towards the city’s economy.  This makes Toronto the city of choice for media moguls as well as for successful producers, actors and directors. So if you are interested in dating men who are rich and attractive to boot, Toronto may be the place for you. Most of the city’s film and television studios are in the Portlands area and among these one of the most high profile is the Pinewood Toronto Studio. The city even has its own Canada’s Walk of Fame with a series of stars on designated blocks of sidewalks along Simcoe Street and King’s Street. Upscale bars, restaurants and cafes in all these areas may thus be the ideal way to bump into the rich and handsome among the city’s most eligible males.

  3. Explore the posh residential areas

    One of the best ways to rub shoulders with the rich and single is to live close to where they do. This will throw you in close proximity to successful potential mates, say, while walking your dog or having a late evening jog. And even if you cannot afford a small pad in the wealthiest of Toronto’s neighborhoods, keep frequenting the cafes, supermarkets and parks in these areas. Sooner or later you are likely to come across someone who is perhaps earning in millions and best of all single. In Toronto the older parts of the city like The Annex, Yorkville, Rosedale, Forest Hill, Lawrence Park, Lytton Park, Moore Park and Casa Loma are the historically wealthy residential enclaves. On the other hand, east and west of Downtown Toronto have in recent times seen the emergence of exclusive neighborhoods like Kensington Market, Leslieville and Riverdale which have been fuelled by new money and artistic enterprise.
  4. Drop in where the rich have fun

    If you are looking to date the single and successful men of Toronto, start frequenting the bars, pubs and nightclubs where they usually head for a night out. Most of the nightclubs are located in the Downtown Theater District and include ones like the Big Easy, Tower of London, The Living Room, the Casino Lounge, Schmooze and the Courthouse Chamber Lounge. On the fringes of the Entertainment District there are yet more hot nightspots like the Bamboo Club, the Guvernment, Money and the Phoenix. Many among these cater primarily to dance lovers while others combine several aspects of a lounge where one can either hit the dance floor or relax with a drink among friends.
  5. Be mindful of the age group

    One of the easiest ways to land a date with a rich and single guy is to know among whom to look for and if recent trends are to believed it is the men in the 50s and 60s age group. A report in National Post website 2 reveals that the majority of recent millionaires in Canada including Toronto are among the Baby Boomers who are “accumulating assets like crazy” according to David Foot, an economics professor who specializes in demographics at the University of Toronto.  Figures gleaned from Statistics Canada shows that Canadians in their 40s more than doubled their holdings from $210,800 in 1999 to $456,800 by 2005 while those in their 50s nearly tripled their wealth. This, explains Prof Foot, “is population ageing at work”. In the 1970s and ‘80s, the Boomers then in their twenties were borrowing to buy houses and cars while another decade down the line, they were repaying those debts. However in their late forties and fifties, the very same people are now accumulating stocks, bonds and vacation properties.  So those girls in Toronto looking for rich guys to take care of them have a good chance of meeting sugar daddies in sectors like real estate, finance and business equities. However, warns Prof Foot, the increase in millionaire families in Canada will begin to taper off in about a decade when the newly rich will need to dig into their assets to live the kind of life they have become used to. So if you are planning to start your search for a rich date in Toronto or in any other Canadian city, hurry or you might end up with a guy using up the last of his assets.

