The Wealthiest Hispanic or Latino Men in the World

The countries and communities of Latin America have not traditionally figured among the richest people of the world. But in recent years with free market opportunities and higher educational as well as entrepreneurial opportunities, many men from the Hispanic community have made good in business. Here is a brief account of the wealthiest men of Hispanic countries or ancestry.

Carlos Slim Helu

Despite the fabulous accounts of the assets of Microsoft giant Bill Gates and business mogul Warren Buffet, the richest man in the world does not belong to America at all. That laurel goes to Carlos Slim Helu, who in 2010 topped the ranks for the third year in a row, according to Forbes list of world billionaires1. His fortune is currently pegged at $69 billion. The 72 year old is chairman of Telmex and has large interests in telecom giant America Movil, which accounts for more than half his net worth. In April the company was fined $1 billion by Mexican regulators for monopolistic practices, but is appealing the decision.  Son of former Lebanese immigrant, Carlos Slim is now a widower and has two children. Slim is believed to be spending more time working with his Carlos Slim Foundation and the Telmex Foundation than he has in the past. He has reportedly declared that his goal is now philanthropic work that develops human capacity.

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Eike Battista

Eike Batista is Brazil’s richest man. This 55-year old mining tycoon is worth $30 billion2 and is one of those rare tycoons who actually made more money in the last recession. His oil and gas driller, OGX Petroleo e Gas, produced its first oil in a test well offshore in late January; his 61% stake in the company is worth $19.8 billion, two-thirds of his net worth.  A former offshore power-boat racing champion, Batista has been married to a Playboy cover model and in 2009 questioned by the Brazilian police in connection with smuggling. However Batista denied all charges and emerged unharmed.

Joseph Safra

The second richest Brazilian in the world, Joseph Safra is also ranks 52nd on Forbes list of world billionaires with a net worth of $13.8 billion As of March 2012. Saffra has made his wealth in banking and currently he is his country’s richest banker. His Banco Safra is the ninth largest bank in Brazil, even then he is looking to expand his interests which is why in 2011 November His Grupo Safra announced in November it would spend roughly $1.1 billion to acquire control of Bank Sarasin, a private bank in Switzerland, from Rabobank of the Netherlands. Apart from this Joseph Safra has also been splurging on enhancing his business reputation since he paid $285 million early 2011 for the office portion of the 660 Madison Avenue building in Manhattan, home to Barneys New York.

Eduardo Saverin

Eduardo Saverin owes his current net worth of $2.2 billion to his early involvement in the Facebook venture which has turned out to be one of the most defining cultural trends in modern times. The Brazil-born billionaire renounced his American citizenship in 2011 in favour of the highly developed Asian city-state Singapore. While the renunciation drew accusations of tax evasion in the US, Saverin defended his decision purely on personal grounds of choice of lifestyle. However Saverin has been careful to move to Asia only after settling lawsuit with former best friend Mark Zuckerberg and the social network. He has since invested in startups, including Qwiki and Jumio, which created the online payment company Netswipe.
 What was America’s loss seems to be Asia’s gain since at just thirty years and still single, Saverin is one of the most sought after billionaires in the world after Zuckerberg got hitched last year in 2011.

John Arrillaga

Yet another prominent billionaire of the community is American businessman John Arrillaga. A descendent of Basque ethnicity, Arrillaga is one of the most prominent landowners in Silicon Valley. Having made his money through real estate, Arrillaga is currently believed to have an estimated net worth of $1.9 billion and ranks 719, according to Forbes 2012 list of World’s billionaires. Arrillaga came into the real estate business with partner Richard Peery; the two began buying up tracts of California farmland and converting them into office parks in the 1960s. In 2006, the partners sold nearly 120 buildings for $1.1 billion. The Peery-Arrillaga firm now oversees just under three million square feet of office buildings and 290 acres of land in and around San Jose. Among the most famous tenants of the firm are tech giants Apple and Google. Apart from making money, Arrillaga’s interests include landscaping as well as philanthropy. He has been a great patron for athletics at Stanford University, his alma mater, and donated $100 million to the school in 2006; a sports and recreation center is named after him and the alumni center is named after his first wife, Frances Arrillaga.

Arturo Moreno

With a current net worth of $1.1 billion Moreno ranks 392 Forbes 400  and 1140 Forbes List of World’s Billionaires . The 66 year old resident of Phoenix, Arizona is a Vietnam veteran and made his wealth by entering into a partnership with Outdoor Systems founder William Levine in 1984. That business was sold to Infinity for $8.7 billion in stock in 1999 and he then bought baseball’s Angels from Disney in 2003. With this Moreno he became the first Hispanic to own a major sports team in the United States That team has made the playoffs five times since and is now the seventh most valuable team in Major League baseball with a 2010 worth of $520 million. In February 2006, Moreno led a partnership of buyers to purchase Radio 830 KMXE, the nation's largest Spanish-language AM radio station. Apart from serving as the served as the Spanish-language radio broadcast outlet for the Angels, the radio station has other morning and afternoon sports talk shows in its lineup.

Moreno is married – he and his wife, Carole, have three children. The Morenos established the Moreno Family Foundation in 1997, which supports non-profit organizations focusing on youth and education. It also has provided support to the athletic programs at the University of Arizona, as Moreno continues to be an ardent supporter of his alma mater.


  1. Forbes - Forbes World's Billionaires 2012
  2. Forbes - The World's Billionaires