How to Meet Single Rich Men in Tax Havens

Recent estimates suggest that an incredible $21 trillion dollars may have been stashed by the super wealthy of the world in tax havens across the globe1 – in other words the size of the off-shore economy may be as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together. Needless to say, tax havens are running thick with high net worth individuals and if you fancy a life of luxury, dating the singles among them may be your passport to the good life. Here are a few tips on meeting single rich men in popular tax havens of the world.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many single multimillionaire men looking for women to date and marry.

Lounge about in paradisal beaches

Some of the best known tax havens are small nations in the Caribbean; tropical paradises such as Cayman Islands, the Bahamas and the Seychelles offer generous tax conditions to foreigners of high net worth. Even Panama in Central American is another region where taxation is nil or minimal. The best part about looking for single rich men in these countries is that you can have a balmy beach vacation as you look for a loaded potential partner. Most wealthy visitors in these coastal nations can be found frequenting the upscale recreational destinations – thus premium golf courses, health resorts and luxury hotels are sure to attract the well-heeled visitors. The secret to meeting successful dates is to keep an eye out for those who seem to frequent the most expensive places to stay, dine as well as most luxurious ways to travel.
You could hang out at the bar or sample a dessert from the patisserie and if lucky, you may even have a wealthy guest seek permission to join you. Another way to come into notice of rich visitors is to frequent the exclusive clubs. The seafront of the most beautiful locations in a tropical island or coastal paradise is likely to have several luxury villas which are periodically taken by wealthy vacationers from around the world. Try to frequent the cafes, boutiques and even beaches in these areas so that you become a familiar face and it would only be a matter of time before you find an opportunity to strike up a conversation with a rich resident.

Explore small European nations

Another popular category of tax havens are small European nations where the main source of GDP is made up of the vast amount of funds stashed in its banks by overseas wealthy visitors. While Switzerland is well known for its secretive banks, other nations like Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Monaco are also famous as home to some of the largest private banks in the Euro zone. Such places imply a healthy number of international millionaires who have parked their resources to take advantage of minimal tax rates. You have a good chance of mingling with these crowds at the fashionable cafes and diners in the financial district – in Luxembourg these would be Rue Goethe, Av J  Kennedy, Cloche D’Or and the Boulevard Royal while in Switzerland you can explore cities like Zurich and Basel where headquarters of most of the country’s lucrative private banks are located.

However if you are not in the mood of chatting up the successful gentlemen in pin-striped suits, head for the most popular places in the country’s travel circuit like historic Luxembourg City, the medieval castle of Vianden, Echternach with its abbey and the wine districts of the Moselle valley. Besides these, the Mullerthal with its rocky cliffs in the east and the mountainous Oesling district in the Ardennes to the north are also favorites for outdoor enthusiasts. In Switzerland, look up resorts that are the hangouts of the rich and famous. One of these is St Moritz Located in eastern Switzerland while Ski Corviglia, Corvatsch or Diavolezza are some of the other famous skiing destinations here. Davos is another likely hangout for successful singles who like ample recreational opportunities along with the right kind of snow pack. This place is packed with swanky discos, ski bars, hotels and restaurants which guarantee a lively time to all visitors. For a place where the skiers meet the party-goers, head to Zermatt, with its view of the Matterhorn and hedonistic lifestyle. Here you can ski all day and party all night, drinking and dancing till the sun rises.

Look nearer home

While the stereotype of tax havens are little islands in the Caribbean or wealthy European principalities, fact is that even some of the major financial centers of the world can quality as a tax have. Technically speaking a tax haven is any jurisdiction that satisfies two criteria: First, its tax laws are attractive to global investors and entrepreneurs, and second, it protects its fiscal sovereignty by choosing not to enforce unfair tax laws of other nations, at least when they are trying to tax economic activity outside their borders. In this sense, many financial hubs of the world like Manhattan and London can be labeled tax havens since the fiscal laws of United States and United Kingdom enable foreigners to invest money and not report the income to their tax police. In London among the most stylish places where the big boys of finance are known to hang out are Berkeley Square in Mayfair and the Dover Street wine bars while the Red Lion in Crown Passage are known to serve the aristocracy as well. Destinations like Quo Vadis , Gordon Ramsay’s, Murano and Nobu usually have long waiting lists even for the richest patrons. However if you manage to get a table, you may spot a millionaire to two sampling his caviar or truffles.

In Manhattan Some of the bars which you might try your luck are the King Cole’s Bar for its exclusive clientele, Megu for its dramatic interiors and posh patrons and the Milk and Honey, a discreet invitations-only bar on the Lower East Side whose famous cocktails seems to have been attracting a far wider clientele now. However if you don’t mind seeing a little skin Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club is another destination where you might come across a rich single looking to have a good time. While Manhattan is famous for its colorful nightlife, try to frequent those destinations which are famous for their style quotient as much as for their prices and thus most likely to attract the richest patrons. The Touch with a total of five bars has a long list of impressive clients while Dylan Murphy’s in Upper East Side attract those fond of a more neighborly hangout and especially traditional Irish food and drink. For a purely dance scene, check out Columbus 72, the Saloon and the Marquee for its chic and trendy crowd. The best part about chatting up guys at one of these places is that they would likely to be in a relaxed frame of mind and keen on socializing with you.


  1. The Guardian - £13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite