How to Meet Eligible Rich Men when you're a Single Mom

Meeting successful and attractive singles can be a challenge at the best of times. However when you have kids at home, finding the time and opportunity to meet the right people seems to be all the more difficult. However with some advance planning and ample help from babysitters, phone calls, here are a few ways you can meet eligible rich men even as a single mom.

Spread the word

As a single mom, you cannot afford to while away time at bars and nightclubs, waiting for a guy to buy you a drink. In fact it is best if you sound out family members and close friends that you are open to dating once again but are looking for someone from a specific economic background. You will not only have the advantage of meeting someone in a safe and familiar setting but knowing your priorities, your friends and family will make every attempt to set you up with someone compatible.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many single millionaire men looking for someone to date and marry.

Explore the workplace

One of the best places to meet well-off singles is in their workplace. Professionals like doctors, lawyers and software engineers spend long hours at work because of the demanding nature of their jobs. Thus one of the surest ways to bump into them would be to get a job yourself at one of these places like major hospitals or legal offices. Likewise banks, corporate houses and hi-tech companies are other places where well-paid professionals can be found. As a single mom, you are most likely earning a livelihood so wherever you work, keep an eye out for the movers and shakers of the business and should you happen to come across a single among them, by all means go ahead and do your best.

Look out at places of business

If you are looking for a rich man to date, hang out in places where they are most likely to frequent like banks, convention centers or coffee shops in business districts. Here the rich guys maybe busy with work but wait for lunch-hours or coffee-breaks to find time to chat them up. Best of all, you can browse these places during day hours and not worry about getting a babysitter or leaving your older kids alone at home at night, when most recreational places come alive.

Join a hobby club

One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a special interest class. This will not only bring you in touch with people with similar interests but help you to learn something new and interesting at the same time. The best part of this strategy is that you need not worry about finding the time, since such classes are generally held over the weekends or just twice over the week. However in keeping with your ultimate aim of meeting eligible singles, make it a point to pursue interests which usually appeal to people with ample resources. Single and successful men are likely indulge in expensive hobbies like wine-tasting, collecting rare artifacts, breeding race horses or travelling to luxurious destinations. Thus if you can be associated with such pursuits you stand a good chance of rubbing shoulder with eligible singles. It might not be possible for everyone to own a stud farm or bid for an original Monet but in case your profession or hobby has something to do with the world of high art or fine wines, then perhaps you can see more of these rich men, many of whom might be widowed or divorced and thus single. After all as a single mom, time is precious and you cannot waste it by getting chatty with that guy from your yoga class only to find out that he works at the diner.

Attend fund-raising events

Charity galas and fund- raising dinners are another common place to meet eligible singles though this option might require a bit of planning on your part in the nature of getting an invite as well hiring a babysitter.  Such fundraising galas are important places to be seen if one is to make a mark on the social scene which is why these are popular venues where the rich and successful people gather. This is even more applicable in case of older rich singles since many of them find a genuine satisfaction in using their well-earned millions to support a worthy cause of two. However be sure to look and dress your best since first impressions do matter when you are dealing with those who have the best of everything.

On the other hand if you cannot afford an invite to such $500-a-plate dinners, you can join non-profits where successful professionals or single rich retirees volunteer or which they contribute to. You can work alongside them or meet them to solicit contributions.

Don’t neglect daily opportunities

As a single mom, you cannot afford to go out every night of the week, leaving your kids with the babysitter. So it would make sense to explore any dating opportunities that your daily routine might present. With kids at home, you are sure to go shopping some time or other. Hang out in high-end department stores around the sections where men’s accessories and apparel are stacked. Or browse through the sections like electronics and home improvement which stock some pretty nifty-looking men’s toys. Then again grocery shopping is something every single mom has to fit in her schedule – once in a while ensure that you pick your veggies from boutique food stores or shops housing organi produce. This way you can meet the male shoppers who can afford relatively expensive products and are thus likely to be successful.  Get chatting if you find someone looking the part – if he is single and willing, you will surely find much more to discuss over a cup of coffee.

Do the culture circuit

The next time your kids clamor for a movie or a picnic, why not take them to the theater, a painting exhibition or a museum instead? Not only will you be introducing your kids to a history of their country, culture and arts, you are more likely to meet men who are more culturally aware and thus quite likely to be well-off. After all it is only those who can afford leisure activities who turn out to be patrons of art and culture. What’s more as opposed to the museums and art galleries of the older kind, nowadays these venues have workshops and activity centers especially for kids. Thus while your children are discovering the joys of origami, you can take a quick trip around the venue and get chatting with a like-minded single as well.

Keep your options open

If you are looking for a rich mate who is single as well, chances are he has already been married before. And as a single mother, it is unlikely you will find a potential partner among young men unless of course you are lucky enough to catch the eye of a wealthy heir. So while looking for eligible singles, don’t automatically discount older singles who may be wealthy divorcees, widowers or retirees. While some of them might have continuing commitments in the form of alimony or child support payments to previous partners, most of these singles are likely to have attained a financial position in life which would enable them to take care of you as well as your kids.