How to Meet and Date Rich Men in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Prince Edward Island is one of the three Maritime provinces of Canada and is also the smallest province in both land area and population. Even then it has a vibrant economy but most of all scenic views and a great quality of life which makes it worthy of the moniker, “Garden of the Gulf". so if you are looking to be wined and dined in style in this part of the country, Prince Edward Island may help you meet the right singles.

Meet the Wealthy Farmers

Agriculture remains the dominant industry in Prince Edward Island, as it has since colonial times. Agriculture is very important to the rural way of life on PEI with 3.9 percent of the population living on farms1. The 2011 census listed 1,500 farms primarily engaged in growing crops and raising livestock on PEI. Potatoes represent the province's single largest agricultural commodity in terms of farm cash receipts. In 2012, Island producers harvested potatoes totaling 23.9 million hundredweight (cwt) of product. The province is a major producer of seed potatoes, exporting to more than twenty countries around the world The processing of frozen fried potatoes, green vegetables, and berries is a leading business activity. Grains and Oilseeds are primarily grown in rotation with potato crops. Fruit production is very diverse on Prince Edward Island with Lowbush blueberries making up the largest acreage of commercial fruit crops at 13,000 acres. Commercial cranberry bogs and strawberry fields are located across the province. Vegetables are an important cash crop for many Island farmers. Beef production is a part of 40 percent of Prince Edward Island farms while Dairy production has become highly specialized and mechanized in recent years which in turn has made annual milk production exceed 100 million liters. all these are pointers to the lucrative status of agricultural activity in Prince Edward Island which is why a successful single from this sector would make an eligible date.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many single millionaires from Prince Edward Island looking for women to date and marry.

Fish in Rich Waters

located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on Canada's east coast Prince Edward Island offers 1,100 miles of coastline, deeply indented with many estuaries and bays. Other than barrier beach ponds, which can be found at the mouth of many streams, there are few natural lakes too. all this means that fishing is an important industry in Prince Edward Island. the landed value of the catch which is made up of several species was over $170 million in 20062. the province has also developed a significant aquaculture industry primarily involving the culture of mussels, oysters and salmonids. in recent years entrepreneurs in the sector have realized that processing the catch increases the value of the catch significantly. the total economic return to the province from fisheries and aquaculture industry including employment in processing and other related service industries increases the value of the industry to approximately $350 million. Many of the province's coastal communities rely upon shellfish harvesting, particularly lobster fishing as well as oyster fishing and mussel farming. thus the fishing ports of Prince Edward Island and aqua-farming hubs would be good places to meet successful entrepreneurs and professionals associated with the industry.

Mingle with Wealthy vacationers

Tourism is a critical driver of economic activity, employment, and tax revenue for Prince Edward Island. The industry accounts for 6.88% of PEI’s total GDP and generates approximately $42.9 million in provincial tax revenues3. Over 1.2 million visitors travel to PEI each year. In their 18th annual World's Best poll, Travel + Leisure ranked Prince Edward Island as Top Island in Continental US & Canada. miles of beautiful beaches and Rolling hills characteristic of a significant portion of the island's landscape are its chief attractions; apart from this the Island is known for some unique experiences like clam hunting, Anne of the Green Gables tour or exploring the myriad culinary and artisan crafts of the culture. however if you intend to meet well-heeled guests, try and frequent the most luxurious of its thirty-plus golf resorts which offer a range of attractions - from the best golf courses in the world to superb food, accommodations, and entertainment. Some of these would be Rodd Crowbush Golf & Beach Resort or Les Furber-designed championship golf course, located in New Glasgow, Glasgow Hills Resort.

Meet the High-Fliers of the Island

The island's economy has grown significantly over the last decade in key areas of innovation. Over the past fifteen years, aerospace has developed into one of the fastest growing industries on Prince Edward Island. Ten companies now employ approximately 900 people and are responsible for sales in excess of $362 million annually4. The Holland College Aerospace Centre, and the Holland College Georgetown Centre, along with the University of Prince Edward Island, offer a series of standard and tailored programs to ensure the workforce is trained to meet the evolving needs of Prince Edward Island aerospace companies. Thus the hi-tech researchers, engineers and pilots of this province are likely to be among the best paid professionals in the province and you can mingle with them at events and conferences in places like Slemon Park - a 1,500 acre business park which used to be a Canadian Forces military base earlier.

Finally one of the best places to come up wealthy singles is at swanky bars and clubs where they drop in on weekends to have a good time. In Charlottetown, the capital city of Edward Island, ISE'S Bar raises the bar on sports entertainment while Sims Corner is an upscale version of the much popular steakhouse. Lot30 and Water’s Edge are some fine dining destinations in Charlottetown where the wealthiest of the city are likely to congregate on a night out.

In Summerside, Miss Daisy's Victorian Tea Room, Water Street Bakery And Deli and Harbourfront Theatre are some of the upscale hangouts. in Cavendish, The Lost Anchor is a fine dining establishment while Chez Yvonne's offers sumptuous local fare. seaside oyster bars are another specialty in Cavendish and you can choose from St. Anne, New Glasgow Lobster Suppers, Carr’s Oyster Bar and Blue Mussel Café.

however if several attempts at bar-hopping have yielded no luck in meeting wealthy singles, try and take your search to their doorstep. becoming a part of affluent neighborhoods is one of the best ways to run into the singles who live there and in Prince Edward Island Conamore, nestled just off Mount Edward Road; Edinburgh Drive, Parkside Dr. and Prince Charles Drive in Charlottetown and Battery Point Road in Stratford among the richest neighborhoods in the province5.


  1. Prince Edward Island - Agriculture on Prince Edward Island
  2. Prince Edward Island - The Fishing and Aquaculture Industry [.PDF]
  3. Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island - Tourism and Travel Quick Facts
  4. Innovation PEI – Aerospace
  5. The Guardian - Meet Prince Edward Island's one per cent