How to Meet and Date a Wealthy Widow

Many women are left immense fortunes by their late husbands – such wealthy widows can make great partners because of the easy life and material comforts they can provide their boyfriends. And who knows, if you fulfill her real needs, she may even consent to a more committed relationship down the line. However the first step is to find such women and here are a few tips on how to meet and date a wealthy widow.

Be seen at the right places.

Most people who have inherited a fortune are actively involved in a favorite cause. This is even truer of wealthy widows who are single and thus free to spend their money as they wish. Fund-raising galas and charity dinners are thus perfect places to meet such women who can afford the company of a young and charming lover. And even if you find most of the rich single women arriving at these $500-a-plate dinners with a partner in tow, most of them will probably be dates just for the evening. So go ahead and compliment the lady on her string of South Sea pearls and who knows you might end up with an invitation to her country estate for the weekend. Again, wealthy women who are free to indulge themselves in multiple ways are extremely likely to be found frequenting upscale retail stores, shopping to their heart’s content. So hang around in sections like apparel, jewelry, footwear, accessories and other luxury products which make a lifestyle statement and you may be lucky to attract the attention of a single shopper who will appreciate the company of a young man.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many wealthy widows looking for men to date and marry.

Another great idea to meet rich single women including wealthy widows would be to frequent places where they go to have a good time so drop in at fashionable pubs, upscale wine bars or exclusive clubs where they are likely to be found chilling out. If you find entry to these venues too expensive, try to arrive as a rich friend’s guest or wait for occasions where you can act as a volunteer. Luxury spas and health resorts are other destinations where you might end up meeting millionaire women, looking to pamper their bodies. Unlike successful professionals who may be busy adding on to their millions at the office, the women you meet here during the working hours are more likely to be rich heiresses and wealthy widows who need to find ways to spend their money.

Find a mentor at the workplace

In these days of female professionals reigning at the top corporate positions, you can just as well find a lady mentor to give your personal and professional life a boost. Financial professions like banking and investments, advertising, media, fashion, business and the corporate world are some of the places where you are likely to find successful women professionals, who if you are lucky may be single too. Keep your networking skills humming and even if you do not come across a successful widow yourself, your female co-workers may know of some hot-shot professional who after having lost her husband is ready to date again. The problem with this approach is that the dating pool is going to be rather limited as there can be only so many successful women who are widows too. However the plus point is that you can get to know her through your professional connection and thus establish a comfort level before moving on to a more personal encounter such as a date.

Court in style

Once you meet the woman you wish to ask out, approach her properly. Don’t appear desperate for a date or else she will suspect that you are after her money. Be cool, calm, collected and tell her you’ve never seen a more glamorous, put-together woman. And though she may have the resources to buy whatever her heart desires, even then all women like to be indulged now and then. So how about making her something that could never be duplicated in the market? If you are the artistic type, gift her a painting that you have made. Or if you can wonders with wood and a chisel, how about making her a jewelry box in which she can keep her pearls and emeralds. Then again you can always pamper her with a relaxing back rub or a sensual foot massage. Or perhaps treat her to a three course dinner that you have cooked yourself. A woman who has everything will perhaps appreciate your undivided attention more than anything else. Let her know you are there for her and will do her bidding. So come up with a few love coupons, with various romantic ideas printed on them and the period by which she should redeem them. She might find it funny at first but she is sure to be pleased by your romantic gesture.

Let her take the lead

When you are dating a widow – wealthy or not - keep in mind that she has gone through a traumatic experience and may be still emotionally vulnerable. So take things slow and let her set the pace of your relationship. Also be prepared for ups and downs as you get to know each other. She may want to draw back for some time for no apparent reason. This is likely to be the result of mixed feelings on her part. As a woman she may want to seek out your company but as a former spouse, she may still be battling feelings of guilt over dating other men.

Be honest about your intentions

A woman who has lost her spouse may be looking for someone to fill the void in her life whereas you may be dating simply to have a comfortable life through a wealthy partner. If you are not yet ready for a relationship, make sure she understands this. A widow is already coping with feelings of sorrow and loss and it would be unfair for her hope where none lies. On the other hand, if you do want a relationship with her, go ahead but with patience and understanding. Remember that you are getting into a situation that will require more tact and forethought than a normal relationship.

Consider complications if you want to continue

Dating a wealthy widow is not the same as a normal relationship. She may have kids who are not yet ready to find their mother dating somebody. Children need to take their own time to heal from the loss of a father and may be jealous if they see their mom entering a new relationship or suspect you of being a gold-digger and making away with money that is rightfully theirs. But if they share a healthy relationship with her and if you genuinely like her, eventually they may accept someone who makes their mom happy. Also if her late husband was a well-known figure in society, she may be reluctant to be seen with you openly, especially if it has not been long since her husband died. Some widows are careful about honoring the public legacy of her husband, especially if the latter belonged to old money and if their allowance or inheritance depends on avoiding scandals.

Finally have fun

If a wealthy widow has agreed to date you, most likely it is because you make feel happy, alive and young. Disregard the disapproval of others - your family may be horrified, your ex-girlfriend might start making fun of you and your friends could be sniggering behind your back. You don’t have listen to them - if you’ve truly found the older rich woman who makes you happy, go ahead and simply enjoy yourselves.