Best Cities in the World to Meet Single Technology Entrepreneurs

While policy planners and actual entrepreneurs may clash on several fronts, both agree that there are certain cities which are more encouraging to new businesses. These usually have to do with several factors ranging from presence of colleges and universities which provide the talent pool to open and liberal culture which encourage creative thinking necessary for tech startup. Here are some of the cities in the world best known to offer these conditions and thus attracting the young, gifted and sometimes very wealthy technology entrepreneurs.

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San Francisco

The dotcom boom of the 1990s took off in the in the south of the San Francisco Bay Area and soon this part of the city came to be known as the Silicon Valley.  The most famous of the internationally renowned high-tech companies in the area are Google, Apple, Facebook, HP, Yahoo, Oracle, Cisco, eBay, Adobe and many others. Due to the dense concentration of software experts in the Silicon Valley, San Francisco today boasts of a large number of skilled and high-tech professionals who easily make more than a million in a year, either as salaried employees or from their own enterprises. Most millionaires among these techies began with start-ups of their own which then went on to earn billions of dollars. Among the best known of these ventures which have their headquarters in San Francisco are do online successes as, Twitter,, and the Wikimedia Foundation. The best part about looking to date these wealthy techies is that most of them are likely to be the youngest millionaires in the world. while Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg got hitched in 2011, others like Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and Square  who at  36, enjoys a net worth of $650 million as well as Pete Cashmore, chief executive of Mashable who 26 already has a net worth estimated as high as $95 million1.


Along with finance, the other mainstay of Boston’s economy is technology. In fact in in 2006, Boston and its metropolitan area ranked as the fourth-largest cyber city in the United States with almost a million high-tech jobs. The reason for this is probably the presence of reputed institutions like MIT as well as Harvard which regularly produces highly-skilled and motivated engineers and entrepreneurs.  So if one is interested in hooking a date with a geek loaded with the greenbacks, the places to haunt will be the cafes and watering holes along Route 126 which is actually the nerve center of Boston’s technology industry.


Even though Toronto has been the financial nerve center of Canada, in recent years it has emerged as one of the most preferred destinations of technology wizards looking to launch their own enterprises. in fact Toronto ranked fourth in a global report of the top 25 best places to start a tech business behind New York City and London, according to Startup Genome , a California-based research organization 2. apart from the fact that Toronto’s strong financial reputation helps in attracting venture capitalists necessary for financing new businesses, Ontario’s capital city is home to strong electronic components manufacturing, and computer and communications equipment manufacturing industries. apart from this Toronto’s location also gives it a strong advantage, according to the report, which states that Toronto businesses have one of the best access entry points to consumers compared to all other metro areas in North America. the best places to meet single tech entrepreneurs would be the ICT and other tech-based offices of Downtown city but even then when the wealthy geeks are not working, they can be spotted at some of the hippest bars and clubs in the city located in the Downtown Theater District which include ones like the Big Easy, Tower of London, The Living Room, the Casino Lounge, Schmooze and the Courthouse Chamber Lounge. On the fringes of the Entertainment District there are yet more hot nightspots like the Bamboo Club, the Guvernment, Money and the Phoenix where many rising single entrepreneurs can be found be jiving to music.


In the last decade or so, the high technology sector has emerged as one of the most significant components of the economy in Stockholm. Today the city is home to several high-tech multinational companies like Ericcson, IBM and Electrolux; In fact, Ericsson is believed to be the largest employer in the city with around eight and a half thousand employees in the company payrolls. Software experts, engineers and other highly skilled professionals employed by these companies make up some of the best-paid people in the city, among which there are sure to figure more than a few singles. The presence of a thriving software industry also implies techies who begin with start-ups of their own and then go on to earn millions of dollars. So you can take your chances with the geeks by hanging out at some of the trendier bars and pubs in the areas where most of these high-tech companies are located like Kista, a major IT center located in northern Stockholm.


In recent years, Finland’s economy has been dominated by the service industry with a special emphasis on high-technology manufacturing and allied services. Nokia, the world-famous cell phone manufacturer and world-leader in mobile communication is actually Finnish in origin and is indeed the country’s largest company. Other Finnish companies – such as Instru, Vaisala and Neles which is now part of Metso - have succeeded in areas such as industrial automation, medical and meteorological technology, all of which have their nerve center in Helsinki. So if you are keen on meeting successful singles in Finland, it would be a good idea to mingle with guys associated in the hi-tech sector. Engineers, software experts, computer programmers and other highly-skilled professionals working in the services sector are among those who are likely to be making big bucks at their jobs. Most of these professionals work in and around Helsinki and you would do well to check out the meeting places in Espoo, which is part of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area; the headquarters of Nokia for instance is located in Keilaniemi, Espoo. The Helsinki University of Technology is based in Otaniemi, Espoo, along with a thriving science community that includes numerous startups and organizations such as VTT – the Technical Research Center of Finland. Some other technological companies which are headquartered in Espoo are KONE, Tekla and Fortum.

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is the capital city of Israel, a country which is noted for devoting one of the greatest percentages of its GDP towards research and development among all other countries of the world. As a consequence it has not only some of the best infrastructure for scientific research on the planet but also a large army of scientists and researchers who are among the best paid professionals in the city. Indeed Israel ranks fourth in the world in scientific activity, as measured by the number of scientific publications per million citizens. all this input has served to put Tel Aviv on the global map of tech startups. In 1998, the city was described by Newsweek as one of the 10 most technologically influential cities in the world. Since then, high-tech industry in the Tel Aviv area has continued to develop. The Tel Aviv metropolitan area, including satellite cities such as Herzliya and Petah Tikva, make up the country’s hub of high-tech companies which is why it is also sometimes referred to as Silicon Wadi. Best of all, Israel has one of the youngest populations in the world. Despite it being a Jewish state, there are people from all over the world studying or working in the technological sector of Tel Aviv. the high standard of living and many socializing opportunities of the city make this is a great place to meet young and single technology entrepreneurs.


The service sector is the most important driving force of Singapore’s economy and a major component of this sector is technology. In Singapore, both the highly qualified professionals as well as technological entrepreneurs take back some of the biggest paychecks in the country. Besides, this segment of the population is also composed of many expats from Western and other Asian countries. This is because Singapore's largely corruption-free government, skilled workforce and advanced infrastructure serve to attract investments from more than 3,000 multinational corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe – a significant percentage of which are technology-based startups. Finally the working conditions in the top ranks of these white-collar jobs are comparable to the highest global standards. thus if you wish to be dated by young, successful singles in Singapore, one of your best chances lies in exploring professionals associated with the thriving technological sector of this city-state.


  1. The New York Times - Bachelorville’s Big Fish
  2. - Toronto tech: City is fourth best place in the world for a startup