How to Find if Someone is Really as Rich as they Claim to Be

Being the perfect mate for a millionaire is hard work. You not only have to spend hours finding and meeting the right person but you may also have to go for a physical or personality makeover. It does not make sense if you invest so much time and effort – not to mention money – only to find out that your date has been grossly exaggerating his/her financial status.. So here are a few ways of finding out if as he/she claims to be without appearing rude or desperate.

Sound him/her out

Even though you should not angle for extravagant dating ideas at the outset, after a few dates you can sound out your partner on something special that you would like to do. For instance you can suggest a dinner at an upscale restaurant and once there, you can order a few expensive items on the menu. If your date is actually unable to afford fine dining, he/she will probably shoot down your choice of the restaurant, wince as you place the order, head for the restroom, complain of being on a diet or even suggests you order something else. If you don’t want to seem so forward in suggesting expensive dates, you can always wait for your partner to come up with an idea and then offer to upgrade the suggestion. For instance, if your partner suggests a romantic picnic for two, you can respond enthusiastically by saying that you would ring up an exclusive caterer and arrange for a gourmet picnic on his/her card. Or you could even go further and suggest that you both take a flight to the nearest beach and have a romantic picnic there. Your date may actually be too busy to leave town for the day but if he/she balks every time you upgrade his/her suggestion, then it is possible that your partner’s finances are stretched. At the same time, your partner may be actually rich but reluctant to spend enormous amounts of money on such dates. If this is the case, you still may be wasting your time on him/her since what use is a wealthy partner if he/she is not willing to spend on you?

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Check out the neighborhood

Usually wealthy people have homes in exclusive neighborhoods where the residential real estate prices are among the highest in the region. However it is also possible that your date does not own the house but house-sitting, or using someone's corporate-owned house, ranch, apartment or condominium. To find out who actually owns the house, you can check the deed records at your county court­house. Even if you know your partner is staying as a tenant in an apartment, you can get in touch with real estate agents to verify about the rent is he/she probably paying and how exclusive the neighborhood is.  For all you know, the apartment may be rented by a corporation for guests or out-of-town employees when they are visiting. So before you decide about a person’s financial status based on his/her neighborhood, make sure that you have done a thorough background search.

Accompany your partner to clubs

The rich are always members of some club or another and the more exclusive the club, the wealthier the individual is likely to be. However your partner should have taken you to such a club on more than one occasion for you to be satisfied that he/she is a member. Also watch how well other members know your partner; if they are truly familiar with each other, it means that your partner is a genuine member and not merely a guest. You can also take a peek at your mate’s membership card and such similar ways of confirmation about his/her financial status.

Spend time at the library

The reference section of your town or city library is likely to have several kinds of directories where the names, addresses and contact numbers of successful businesses, companies and important offices are listed. These may be the city directory, the telephone directory or the yellow pages. Find out the company or office where your partner claims to work and then contact them to find out more about his/her professional designation and/or financial position. Indeed the City Directory sometimes lists the marital status of individuals by giving the name of the spouse as resident, occupation, and sometimes lists the telephone number.

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When you call the office or company to check your partner financial credentials, you may not always get forthcoming replies and more than once you may even have to disguise your real purpose of the enquiries. On such occasions you can say that you are with a lending agency or with a social club and just verifying the person's position for membership or lending. Then there are several kinds of business directories and registries, some of which may give detailed information like the name of the company, address, and telephone number, Chairman of the Board, lists all officers, gives the company's primary bank, accountants, law firm representing them, sales volume, and number of employees. A directory usually has an index that you will want to use first to locate the year or volume in which your partner may be listed. You can also check out Investigative industry surveys to find out about the financial resources of your partner. Most industries have an industry report that provides basic information about com­panies in that industry. Such surveys are usually published as a book or professional reports and are broken down by industry, such as iron, petroleum, law, healthcare and so on. Finally you can request your librarian for access to newspaper or magazine back-issues to see if your partner has actually achieved all that he/she claims. However while scouring directories, registries and encyclopedias, it is important to remember that merely being listed in one of them doesn’t mean that your partner is successful. Conversely not all truly rich businessmen and professionals list their companies and contact number in such directories so as to avoid being solicited by sales people. The best way to go about it is to do your spade work and then cross reference from various sources so as to arrive at a reasonably accurate estimate of your partner’s finances.

Search online

Use internet search engines like Google to find out if there have been any mentions in the media about the person you're trying to investigate.  There could be mentions of awards received, lawsuits, inherritances etc. There are websites that will tell you how much a particular house sold for. Check profiles on social networking sites to see if they're really in touch with people they claim to know intimately. This may not always work because not everyone is on social networking sites.

Hire a private investigator

If you don’t want to wade knee-deep in papers and records, you can always hire a registered private investigator to find out about your partner’s finances. However make sure that the investigative agency is discrete and reliable or you may to do some serious explaining to your date if he/she finds out about your actions. A prime disadvantage is that private detectives are usually rather expensive but what you pay in fees, you gain in terms of convenience, privacy and accuracy.