Best Cities in USA to Meet Wealthy Hispanic or Latino men

Traditionally most of the Hispanic population in the USA has been concentrated to the western and southern parts of the country because of the proximity to Mexico and other Central American countries. However with growing educational and professional opportunities, Hispanic men have now made it big in other parts of the country as well. Here are some of the US cities where one can meet wealthy Hispanic men.

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San Francisco

Located on the Pacific shore, the city of San Francisco is one of the most important centers of commerce, entrepreneurship and culture on the western coast of United States. All these factors make San Francisco a top draw for both long-time as well as budding millionaires in this part of the country and thus an ideal place to meet wealth Latino men since the city has long been a draw for the immigrant Hispanic communities. According to the newest estimates from US Census, 15.4% of the county’s residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin1. One of the best places to meet wealthy Latino men would be the Silicon Valley, so named because of the dense concentration of internationally renowned high-tech companies in the area, the best known among which are Google, Apple, Facebook, HP, Yahoo, Oracel, Cisco, eBay, Adobe and many others. Due to the dense concentration of software experts in the Silicon Valley, San Francisco today boasts of a large number of skilled and high-tech professionals who easily make more than a million in a year, either as salaried employees or from their own enterprises. Most millionaires among these techies began with start-ups of their own which then went on to earn billions of dollars. Eduardo Saferin is one such internet millionaire who made his wealth here even though he has recently moved to Singapore. Other places to look for wealthy Hispanic men would be those related to the tourism industry since this is the mainstay of San Francisco’s economy and several of its landmarks are now internationally recognizable because of their frequent portrayal in films, music and popular culture. Apart from this, San Francisco is also one of the most important centers of finance, enterprise and commerce on the Pacific Coast in United States. Today the city continues to retain much of that significance which is evident from the fact that a large number of multinational banks, financial institutions and venture capital firms have their regional headquarters or are based in the city. In fact Montgomery Street in the Financial District of San Francisco is known as the ‘Wall Street of the West’. All these indicate the presence of a large concentration of finance professionals in the city including bankers, investment consultants, hedge fund managers and CPAs, among which a healthy number would belong to Latino ancestry. These men may be found having a drink at upscale bars along California Street and Downtown areas or teeing off at some of the most exclusive golf clubs in the city like the Presidio, the Lincoln Park or the Silverado Resort.


Known as the Gateway to the Americas, Miami is one of the most important centers of commerce, fashion, culture and media in southeastern United States. Miami-Fort St Lauderdale has one of the highest concentrations of Hispanic community in the United States. Traditionally they have concentrated in the western side of Miami especially Little Havana, West Flagler, and Flagami which have been home to many of the city's earliest immigrant communities from Latin American countries. however in order to meet the really loaded Latinos, one would have to take the search to luxury resorts lying around Miami like the Marriott’s Key Largo Bay Beach Resort, the Boca Raton, Four Seasons, Ponte Vedra and La Playa. A good idea would also be to get to know the mature Latino men since these places are well-patronized by rich retirees. One major reason for this could be because Florida is one of the nine states that provide exemption from personal income tax and thus is a top draw for rich entrepreneurs and inheritors looking to retire in a place where they know they don’t need to share their assets with the government. Besides, the natural beauty of the coast, rivers and miles of white beaches in and around Miami act like a magnet for the well heeled who are eager to live the good life in this pretty spot. On the other hand for women who wish to meet Latinos that are young and wealthy, one can check out the city’s media professionals as well as celebrities. This is because Miami is a thriving center of art, fashion and culture besides being home to a well established media and entertainment industry.


Another city from Florida where you can meet well-off Hispanic men is Jacksonville. Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida, both in terms of population and land area. Apart from this, it epitomizes many of the best attractions of Florida like natural beauty, high quality of life and exclusive recreational options. According to the 2010 US Census, 7.7% of the city’s population was of Hispanic or any other Latino ancestry apart from wealthy vacationers and retirees which are the staple of most Florida cities, here the officers in uniform make up some of the most coveted partners in the Hispanic community. Jacksonville is one of the most important military stations on the Atlantic Coast of the US and in fact has the third largest military presence in the entire country. The nearby Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, the Naval Air Station, the Naval Station Mayport, the Blount Island Command as well as the Florida Air National Guard stationed at the Jacksonville International Airport, all make the military the top employer of the city. A good way to meet them would be at officers’ parties or grand mess functions most of which allow officers to bring civilian guests. Other than these, one can attend shows, parades and celebrations like the Jacksonville Sea and Sky Spectacular organized by the military where one can mingle with a lot of eligible officers. Apart from specific professional groups, one can meet wealthy Latinos at reputed fine dining destinations like the Palm Valley Fish Camp for its excellent beach ambience and seafood. On the other hand if you want your rich date to be more culturally-oriented, try frequenting the Florida Theater which is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places as well as the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts. The Jacksonville Landing in downtown is the major entertainment district in the city where most of its restaurants, bars, nightclubs and high-end shops are located.


Phoenix is the capital of the state of Arizona and an important center of trade, commerce, culture and industry in the Southwestern USA. As such Phoenix can be trusted to have ample number of men who are rich and successful in society, a good percentage of who are likely to be men of Latino ancestry since according to the 2010 US Census, in Phoenix, 40.8%2 of the population belong to the Hispanic or any other Latino ethnicity while for the whole of Arizona, the figure is 30%.  Traditionally the economy of Phoenix has been land-based and in fact real estate but in recent times the corporate sector has acquired a significant presence in the job market and is one of the best employers in the city. Arturo Moreno is one such member of the wealthy Hispanic community who made his fortune by entering into a partnership with Outdoor Systems founder William Levine in 1984 and then selling off his stocks to Infinity for $8.7 billion in 1999. Moreno  became famous as the first Hispanic to own a major sports team in the United States when he bought baseball’s Angels from Disney in 2003. In Phoenix, some of the places to meet the wealthy executives would be at the swankiest bars in the downtown business areas like Ritz Carlton or at the corporate conventions that keep taking place in venues like the Phoenix Convention Center, the Desert Willow and the Black Canyon convention centers. Other than these, successful Hispanic men can also be found supporting their community at many of the Latino festivals that are hosted in Phoenix like Tempe Tardeada, Chandler’s Mariachi Festival, and Hispanic Heritage Day at Arizona Diamondbacks, Fiestas Patrias at the Musical Instrument Museum as well as Mexican Independence Day celebrations.

San Diego

Not only the second largest city in California in terms of population but is actually one of the richest in the country. In fact in 2005, San Diego was ranked on the fifth place among the wealthiest US cities by Forbes Magazine; even better though is the fact that this city has a healthy percentage of Hispanic population. In San Diego, the percentage of total population belonging to the Hispanic community or Latino of any race was 28.8%3. Among the Hispanic population, 24.9% were Mexican, and 0.6% were Puerto Rican. Manufacturing is one of the biggest components of San Diego economy So if you are keen to meet rich Latinos from the city, keep a lookout for the industrial bigwigs, senior management executives, financiers and other professionals who hold lucrative position in the corporate ladder. You can either head for the central business district known as the Core or browse through  the City Hall, the World Trade Center, Copley Symphony Hall, and the Civic Theatre where the successful professional are often to be found. Apart from this, some of the most eligible men in San Diego are likely to be officers in the US defense forces. San Diego is one of the biggest military bases on the West Coast and these include US Navy ports, Marine Corp bases as well as Coast Guard stations. And while they may not bring home the kind of inflated paychecks that financiers and software professionals do, the glamour of the uniform and the extensive privileges of a military life can more than make up for lack of hard cash. however the really wealthy Hispanics of the city are likely to be found in the affluent residential neighborhoods of the city like the suburb of La Jolla with its sections like Farms, Shores and Heights, the suburb of Rancho Santa Fe with exclusive gated communities like Covenant, Horseman’s Valley, Rancho Siel and Fairbanks Ranch as well as Carlsbad in the north. Then there are entire islands like the Catalina Island which are popular with wealthy vacationers for their luxury resorts, beaches and sports activities.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles or the City of Angels in Spanish is naturally one of the cities which attract some of the most successful Hispanic people of the country. traditionally people of Latino descent have been based on the east of the City of Los Angeles, centered around the unincorporated areas of East Los Angeles and City Terrace and the Los Angeles district of Boyle Heights. However now many of the wealthy members of this community can be found with addresses at the famous Los Angeles rich neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Sunset Bld, Santa Monica, Brentwood, Hollywood Hills, Malibu and Pacific Palisades are sure to figure in such a list. A good way to meet the successful residents would be by frequenting the cafes, shopping centers, beaches and parties in these locations. Apart from this, Los Angeles is the hub of American entertainment industry which makes its social and cultural calendar packed with exclusive events. So a great way to go spot celebrities among the Hispanic community would be to attend premiers of movies, television series and award shows which the rich and famous are sure to attend. Post-premiere parties or post-award functions are in fact ideal venues to mingle with all those guys who appear to be loaded. The Nokia Theater is a regular venue for hosting award shows and programs while other movie theaters in the higher price bracket are the Arclight and the Landmark. other venues sure to be frequented by successful Latino men keen to maintain ties with their roots would be ethnic events like Latin American Parade & Festival in Long Beach featuring Latin food from various countries, art exhibits, vendor booths, salsa dance performances and lessons, live music and exhibitions for the whole family as well as Fiestas Patrias California on Olvera Street at El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument and Aquarium of the Pacific Baja Splash Cultural Festival.


  1. United States Census Bureau - State & County QuickFacts
  2. US Census Bureau - Race, Hispanic or Latino, Age, and Housing Occupancy: 2010
  3. USA Today - California