How to Meet Rich Men in Ottawa, Canada

The capital city of Canada, Ottawa has consistently figured as one of the best places to live in the continent. The most recent survey carried out by Mercer Human Resource Consulting listed Ottawa has having the second highest quality of life among all the cities in both North and South America as well as being the fourteenth best place to live in the world 1. Little wonder then that Ottawa attractions the elite of Canadian population and is one of the best places to look for a wealthy male partner.

TIP: Browse photo profiles of single rich men in Ottawa, Canada

Know where to look

Owing to its status as the Canadian capital, one of primary employers of the city is the Public Service of Canada. This incorporates the staff or bureaucracy of various agencies of the federal government of Canada as well as its numerous foreign embassies and missions. Many of them enjoy positions where the paychecks are comparable to the best of finance or corporate sector. So if you are looking to meet and date successful men who wield positions of influence and power rather than those who merely accumulate wealth, look out for federal movers and shakers catching a quick bite at appropriately located Parliament Pub right across the Parliament Hill where many say the actual business of the government gets done.

Get wired

Ottawa is one of the most important centers of technology in Canada and is even referred to as the Silicon Valley of the North. As the hub of high-tech industry in Canada, Ottawa is home to hundreds of technology and telecommunication companies among which the most reputed are Research In Motion, Nortel, Alcatel, IBM, Dell, Convergys, Cisco Systems, Bel Air Networks, Sybase, SkyWave Mobile and the like. So if you have a thing for techies, make sure that you brush up your software lingo and hang out where most of them do after work hours or over the weekends. The Kanata suburb of Ottawa has perhaps the largest concentration of technological companies and here the pubs and watering holes of North Business Park or the Fox Business Park are likely to attract most of the geeks. The high-tech industry enjoys one of the best salaries in the continent and whether one has his own start up or is employed as a software expert, there are many techies of Ottawa taking home a cool million dollars a year and more, depending on the success of the venture or the capacity in which a guy is employed.

Upscale hang-outs

Ottawa has several avenues for recreation and many of these are favorites with the jet-setting crowd of the city. Upscale pubs and bars in the city cater to guests with varied interests; for instance there are swanky sports bars which draw the well heeled sports lovers, Irish pubs for whom only the finest scotch will do as well as lounge bars for affluent patrons who a like a mix of mood and music to go with their marguerites. The Velvet Room, Suite 34, the Drink, the Parliament Ultra Club, Vineyards Wine Bar and Bistro, the Whiskey Bar are among the most exclusive watering holes in the city where you have a good chance of coming across a wealthy single who may even be happy to buy you a drink. However if you are in the mood for some fine dining as you wait for that expensively-dressed guy to make his move, you can choose from addresses like ARC, Allegro Ristorante, E1ghteen, the Empire Grill, Won Ton House, Korean Place, Black Cat Bistro and the Trattoria Café Italia. Even if you cannot afford the full course at many of these places you could always sample the dessert or the fine wines that these exclusive fine dining establishments are famous for.

Meet millionaire men at

Swanky Nightclubs

Weekends are a good time to check out the swanky nightclubs of Ottawa since it is then that the really rich guys take a break from adding onto their millions and descend on the dance floor for a night of fun. Mansion is the place to head for if you would like to sway to R&B music in the company of wealthy singles. On the other hand for more eclectic music, record release parties and a week-round experience, Babylon is as good as it gets. For fans of artsy décor and soul music, Mercury Lounge is the place to be where apart from dance and music, guests can also relish poetry readings as well as live performances. Little wonder then Mercury is popular with the rich and young professionals of the city. For those who like the luxury experience better than anything else, Parliament Ultra Club is the right choice in Ottawa nightclubs with its VIP restrooms, bottle service, chic Victorian style seating and two levels of pure dance.

Exclusive city events

If you want to rub shoulders with the rich and available, look out for cultural or social events which draw in the rich and famous of Ottawa. These may be theatrical or movie premieres in exclusive theaters, special screening at museums and exhibition halls. Alternately launches of luxury products and opening of fine dining destinations in the city could also be the right place to mingle with the fashion fraternity. Getting invites to such exclusive events may be rather difficult but then you can try your hand at volunteering which will also throw you in proximity with the rich and beautiful people of the city.

Affluent neighborhoods

Many dating experts believe that one of the surest ways to meet wealthy singles is to go and live near them. In Ottawa the most affluent neighborhoods are the Glebe, Westboro, suburbs like Rockliffe Park where the political and financial elite of the city have their homes and to a lesser extent suburbs like Varnier, Gloucester and Napean. The Downtown area of Ottawa which in this city is known as Centretown houses a mix of expensive commercial and residential properties. In case properties in these areas are beyond your reach, take time out to frequent the cafes, supermarkets and parks of the affluent neighborhoods which can also make for ideal meeting grounds with the rich and single.

