How to Meet and Date Rich Men in St Petersburg, Russia

Known by various names through history, St Petersburg remains one of the most important political, economic and cultural centers of Russia. Perched on the eastern tip of the Baltic Sea and on the Neva River, St Petersburg is the second largest city of the country and a commercial power house. Thus it offers an ideal setting for a thriving social life especially if you are looking to meet and date wealthy partners.

TIP: Click here to meet and date single rich men in St Petersburg, Russia

Get to know the shipping barons

The geographical location of St Petersburg on the edge of the Baltic Sea has historically endowed it with great commercial importance. The city is thus the most important port in western Russia and in fact a major trade gateway to the European continent. Saint Petersburg has as many as three large cargo seaports: Bolshoi Port Saint Petersburg, Kronstadt, and Lomonosov. Till recently the passenger port at Morskoy Vokzal on the south-west of Vasilevsky Island served the International cruise liners but in 2008 the first two berths were opened at the New Passenger Port on the west of the island and another five are due to follow as part of the city's ambitious "Marine Facade" development project. Besides having access to the Baltic Sea, St Petersburg is further helped by its location on the Neva River. A complex system of river ports on both banks of the river are interconnected with the system of seaports, thus making Saint Petersburg the main link between the Baltic Sea and the rest of Russia through the Volga-Baltic Waterway. All these factors have contributed to create a thriving shipping industry in St Petersburg which means that the city is home to owners of several shipping and transport companies as well as to marine engineers, managers, navigators and other related highly-skilled professionals. So take a day off to browse through the Naval Museum on the Vasilevsky Island or if you have the resources book yourself on the numerous luxury cruises that depart from the city port and if lucky you might make the acquaintance of a wealthy guest.

Look up the captains of industry

Traditionally industrial manufacturing has been a significant component of the St Petersburg economy. Due to easy access to a seaport as well as mineral-rich areas nearby, the city has long been associated with manufacture of heavy machinery, automobiles, military equipment, ships, medical instrument, mining and other kinds of industrial production. Saint Petersburg thus offers ample chances of coming across industrial barons, high-paid managers, finance professionals as well as successful engineers who are all needed to run an industry or a manufacturing company. A few good places to run into these people are bars and restaurants in the main financial and business district of the city where they are likely to have their offices. Alternatively you can also places of business like banks, convention centers and industrial conferences where the captains of industry are likely to come together accompanied by their executive staff.

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Take in the cultural attractions

Despite being a major center of trade and commerce, St Petersburg is perhaps better known to international visitors as a destination of varied and rich cultural attractions. And while you may not bump into a rich denizen while making the rounds of the usual tourist spots, some venues are likelier to be frequented by the wealthy patrons of the arts. A good choice might be the various art museums like the Hermitage Museum as well as the Russian Museum both of which house priceless works of art. And before you discount these places as stuffy and boring, remember that it is only the very wealthy who cannot afford the time and resources to indulge their taste in high art. An even better choice would be the numerous theaters in the city which regularly host operas, ballets and other performances in classical music. St Petersburg is especially famous as the home of the world-renowned Marinsky Theater even though you can also explore other destinations of classical music like the Alexander Theater, the Bolshoi Philharmonic Hall and the Imperial Choral Capella. If possible, time your visit to Saint Petersburg around the White Nights Festival when the city erupts in a show of festivities offers many more possibilities of mingling with the elite.

Check out the upscale nightspots

St Petersburg has one of the liveliest nightscapes in Russia and offers its residents as well as visitors an immense choice of venues where they can let their hair down. The Hemingway Bar is well known for its classy interiors, sophisticated cocktails as well as a hip clientele, comprising of rich expats along with wealthy denizens of the city. Another place where you could head to rub shoulders with well-heeled foreign visitors is the Other Side which apart from boasting of a wide selection of drinks, also offers an eclectic menu and some great live music. On the other hand if you are in the mood for some grooving, head for the Metro Club which is one of the largest nightclubs in the city but draws a rather varied crowd. Instead you stand a greater chance of coming across more suitable partners if you frequent the VIP section of the Mod Club or places like the Papanin Club and Embargo Club which are known for attracting the powerful and beautiful people of the city.

Frequent wealthy neighborhoods

Among the many ways of meeting successful potential partners, one of the most effective is to live where they do. Being a familiar face in swanky neighborhoods allows its denizens to lower their guard and more receptive should you happen to strike up a conversation with them. In St Petersburg, some of the places where the richest live are the Palace Square which is the historic and cultural heart of the city, the elegant avenues of Nevsky Prospekt, the northern side of the Nevsky, the eastern side of the Vasilevsky Island as well as some parts of the New Holland Island which have retained the magnificent architecture of the past.