Adverse Effects of Hypothyroidism

Our everyday life does it's very best to try and place upon us many pressures that impede us from living a healthy and enjoyable experience. Living with Hypothyroidism is more frequent than we would like to imagine, luckily though recognizing this particular disease is easy enough if we pay close attention to the appearance of some of the symptoms associated.

There are three types of known hypothyroidism: the most frequent is Primary Hypothyroidism, during which the thyroid gland stops producing sufficient levels of thyroid hormone T4. Secondary Hypothyroidism is generated when the pituitary gland stops producing enough of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH which is what enables the thyroid gland to synthesize peripheral thyroid hormones. Tertiary Hypothyroidism is caused by a malfunction of the hypothalamus. In this version of the disease, the immune system does not recognize the thyroid gland as part of the body itself and attacks it as if it were a foreign body. The most prevalent causes are Iodine deficiency, Thyroiditis, Drugs, Thyroidectomy, Radiation therapy, Surgery, Viruses and Bacteria, Malfunction of the pituitary gland, congenital hypothyroidism, and environmental pollutants.

This condition if left untreated will begin to eat away at our daily life. To prevent this from happening we are going to teach you ways in which you can quickly identify hypothyroidism so that you can seek professional and specialized help.

  1. Iodine deficiency in the organism and your area of residence
    Often we find this disease near cold and mountainous regions when the environment does not provide minerals that contain iodized salt or fluorine necessary for the proper functioning of our organisms.
  2. You fatigue easily
    Physical fatigue that is unjustified and that appears frequently can be a sure sign that your thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, especially if this exhaustion presents alongside intense muscle cramps.
  3. Aversion to cold temperatures and lack of appetite
    An unexplained aversion to cold temperatures is a common side effect of hypothyroidism because of the direct connection present between the thyroid gland both the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, both of which are in charge of regulating essential body functions such as core temperature, hunger, and thirst. For this reason, hypothyroidism is often accompanied by a sudden loss of appetite.
  4. Weight Gain
    You eat little yet somehow you keep gaining weight. The thyroid gland fulfills many bodily functions, one of them being the regulation of body mass and the elimination of stored fats. When the thyroid glands performance becomes compromised muscle activity becomes lethargic, and the mobilization of lipids is made difficult, which causes it to accumulate in the wrong tissues.
  5. Constipation
    The consumption of food, its digestion and excretion are all related to two underlying factors which are salt intake and muscle motility. When suffering from hypothyroidism body sodium levels tend to be quite low, and this has a direct and adverse effect on the motility of the muscles responsible for digestive function.
  6. How your skin looks
    Another way to identify hypothyroidism is observed in our skin. The lack of necessary minerals alters the metabolism of the nutrients responsible for healthy skin. This alteration has a direct result the degeneration of skin tissue. Skin becomes dry, scaly, and a sickly yellow color, especially that of the palm of the hands.
  7. Inflamed neck and swollen eyes
    Hypothyroidism tends to cause inflammation of the neck tissue due to the enlargement of the thyroid gland itself which is located in the anterior part of the throat right below the larynx. An expression of "permanent amazement" is often present in the eyes; this is known as of exophthalmia.
  8. Unexplained and sudden sadness
    States of distress caused by the lack of vigor in the muscles tends to create a situation of affliction that can develop into sorrow and lack of will similar to emotional depression. This feeling quickly disappears when proper thyroid function is restored.
  9. Slurred speech and slow cognitive function
    With hypothyroidism thought processes and verbal expression become slow and degraded. This effect can also be measured in the areas of initiative and memory.
  10. Shifts in libido and menstrual disorders
    The deficit of thyroid hormones has a side effect the appearance of other hormonal anomalies. Mainly the production of sexual hormones is often altered, and this adversely affects sexual desire and menstrual cycle stability.

Once hypothyroidism is suspected, an assessment of thyroid hormone levels can provide an accurate diagnosis. This reason is why upon the appearance of any combination of these symptoms we recommend you seek the council of a specialized health care provider who will perform a more thorough examination. Determination of blood TSH levels is exceptionally accurate, although some experts do not fully trust its capacity for detecting mild hypothyroidism.

The treatment for hypothyroidism consists of the daily ingestion of a thyroid hormone replacement. The necessary dose is individually adjusted for each patient, through the practice of periodic controls of the thyroid hormone blood levels. This treatment is a highly efficient and satisfactory because the patients are often able to recover their previous state of health.

There are no known preventative measures for hypothyroidism. However, congenital hypothyroidism can be discovered in newborns through the performance of specific screening tests. Amongst the most common recommendations are: Do not take sulfamides or antihistamines without a medical prescription. If you suspect the existence of hypothyroidism asks your doctor to order you the TSH blood test to confirm the diagnosis. Include in your daily diet parsley, apricots, egg yolks, dates. Consume fish, chicken, milk, and cheeses. Avoid drinking tap water and swallowing toothpaste. Only drink distilled water. Consume peaches, pears, spinach, turnips and cruciferous vegetables. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Avoid processes flours, processed sugars, spicy foods, saturated fats and soft drinks. Exercise regularly. Prioritize thyroid health to avoid complications with other diseases. Babies of mothers who take anti-thyroid drugs should be observed from the moment of birth to detect any evidence of transient hypothyroidism.

We hope that this information is useful for a timely diagnosis of this insidious condition and that we can help you improve your quality of life and guarantee a healthy hormonal metabolism.


  1. Taylor, R. (1998). Family medicine. New York: Springer