Dove’s new ad tells women 'you're more beautiful than you think'

New York, Apr 17 (ANI): A new Dove campaign says that women see themselves less accurately than strangers do, and offers proof, in the form of forensic sketches.

Dove recruited seven women of different ages and backgrounds and had FBI-trained forensic artist Gil Zamora create composite sketches of them based on descriptions of their own facial features.

In the video, produced for the campaign, you can hear the women use phrases like “my mom told me I had a big jaw,” “I kind of have a fat, rounder face,” “I’d say I have a pretty big forehead.”

“We really weren’t sure what was going on,” Kela Cabrales, a 40-year-old technology teacher and digital artist who appears in the video, told Huffington Post. “They asked me to describe myself and use neutral terms and ‘just the facts’ sort of descriptions.”

Earlier in the day, the women had been asked to spend time with strangers, though neither party was told why.

These strangers were later brought one by one into a room with Zamora and asked to describe the women who had been sketched earlier.

The two resulting drawings of each woman were then hung side-by-side -- and the contrast is pretty stark.

The tagline of the campaign is: “You are more beautiful than you think.”

However, despite the obvious commercial intentions behind this campaign, the message rings true and is a refreshing departure from the many female-targeted ads that try to shame women into buying things. (ANI)

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