How to create lasting 'perfect' first impressions

Melbourne, July 2 (ANI): Since first impressions really are everything, not only should you strive to make a good one but you need it to be a lasting as well, an author has claimed.

According to Vicky Oliver, author of the book 'The Millionaire's Handbook: How to Look and Act like a Millionaire, Even if You're Not', whether other people see you as meek and ill-mannered or confident and curious is up to you.

Oliver has shared 12 of her tips about making good and lasting impressions, the Age reported.

Finding your power colour tops the list o making a lasting impression, followed by looking sharp - putting well together all you have.

Speaking well, using "power words", being positive, preparing for it, appearing calm and never letting the crowd see you sweat follow closely.

The last set of tips comprises of being courteous, not being a joker, creating chemistry and remembering the names of all the people in the group. (ANI)

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