The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands

There are seven distinct types of hands, bearing in their own way more or less relationship to the Seven Races of Humanity.

These seven types of hands are as follows:

i.    The Elementary or Lowest type Hand
ii.    The Square, also called the Useful or Practical Hand
iii.    The Spatulate or Active Hand
iv.    The Philosophic Hand
v.    The Conic or Artistic Hand
vi.    The Psychic or Idealistic Hand
vii.    The Mixed Hand

As a rule the Line of Head is generally found in accordance with the type of hand on which it is seen, namely, lying straight or what is called "level-headed" on the Square-looking or Practical hand; or sloping, and thus indicating the more imaginative qualities on the Philosophic, Conic, or Psychic types.

Consequently, if it be found on a hand in what may be called opposition to its class, such a Line of Head immediately possesses a greater significance.

For example, if a sloping Line of Mentality were seen on the Square or Practical hand, it would indicate that though the bases of that man or woman's thoughts and plans were of the practical kind, yet they possessed a far greater power of imagination than any casual observer would at first sight give them credit for.

On the contrary, if the Line of Head were found straight or level on the Spatulate, Philosophic, Conic, or Psychic types, it would denote that the person in question was usually level-headed and practical, even in their highest dreams of philosophy or idealistic creations.

On the Elementary hand the Line of Head is usually found short, straight, and coarse-looking, often nothing more than a short deep-set furrow. Consequently, if found long and clear, it would indicate a superior mental development in a coarse brutal or animal nature.

If in a Square-looking hand the Line of Head were found sloping instead of long and straight, it would denote an unusual development of the artistic and imaginative qualities, but always with the practical and logical basis for its support.

On the Spatulate hand the natural indication of the Line of Head is long, clear and sloping, but if found straight or level it would indicate a practical development of the brain endeavoring to set off the active energy and originality indicated by the Spatulate formation.

On the Philosophic type, the hand of the thinker and philosopher, the usual position of the Line of Mentality is long and sloping, but if found straight or level it indicates a mental development of the logical and practical qualities which might not be expected in such a class or type.

The same rules hold good with the Conic and Psychic, but with what is called the Mixed type, the best Line of Head to find would be one, long straight and level-looking, because this class, being a mixture as it were of all the others, would require a practical or level-headed mentality to hold its own amid the mixture of tendencies which the last type personifies.