Broke up with your partner? Ways to cheer up

41. Have a Girls/Guys Night Out
Do something wild with your gal pals or have a guys-only party. Don't drown your sorrows in a drink but do let your hair down enough to have a really good time, since you don't have to impress anybody.
TIP: Read the guide to prevent a break up or get back with your ex.
42. Go for a Movie
If you're a movie buff, catch the latest one to hit town. Break up survival advice: Stick to something light and funny like a comedy or even an attention-grabbing, sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat thriller. Avoid heavy, serious dramas or even worse, mushy romances.
43. Go out to Dinner
If you're big on eating out and ambience, go for dinner to a plush restaurant with your best friend.
44. Go to the Beach
Take a stroll on the beach with a friend and enjoy the feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, cool breeze in your hair, the sound of the waves and a gorgeous sunset. All combined will soothe your senses.
45. Visit an Amusement Park
If you're just a big kid at heart, pay a visit to an amusement park or a water park and enjoy the thrill of the rides.
46. Read
Curl up in bed with a good book and a bag of your favorite chips. Read those magazines you've been hoarding and haven't had the time to read.
47. Take a long, luxurious shower
Enjoy a leisurely shower with your best skin care products. Sing at the top of your voice as you 'wash that man out of your hair'. If you have a tub, soak in it and have a bubble bath. Light some fragrant candles and sip your favorite wine.
48. Go on a Holiday
Travel to a place you always wanted to visit. Go alone or with a close friend of the same sex. You might even find new love.
49. Get a Massage
Pamper yourself by getting a massage from a professional. There are health clinics and beauty centers in abundance offering various services like aromatherapy, spas etc.
50. Have a Manicure or Pedicure
Treat yourself to a French manicure or get a pedicure done.
Now that you've dealt with the issues concerning your break-up and come to terms with being not just single but happily so, you're ready to take the next step. Flirt with someone you've secretly had a crush on, date, have fun and keep doing things that make you happy. And open your heart. This inner happiness you have found makes you a more vivacious person and that, coupled with the lessons you learnt while dealing with the break-up, will probably find you REAL LOVE. You are now a creature of the present, not a product of the past, and you should give a new relationship a chance, with a clean slate, as if it is the first!
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