Fun Ways to Announce Pregnancy - Creative Ways to Let Everyone Know you're Expecting a Baby

Congratulations! Now that you are sure you’re going to have a baby, it is time to let everyone else know too. But why not do this in a way so as to give your family or friends the surprise of their lives. Here are a few fun ways to announce a pregnancy.
Blog about it
These days almost everyone is a regular blogger at some site or other. Start your own blog about the pregnancy and send a link to your family or friends. But make sure there is nothing in the link to indicate what it’s about. You could for example ask your parents or a close friend to check out this wonderful site you have come across. Let the blog be as simple or detailed as you like. It could have a title like ‘We are going to be Parents’ and then include a scanned image of the baby sonogram with perhaps the due date. The best part about this approach is that you can continue to update people close to you on the progress of the pregnancy and even invite their comments ending with the climax of the D-day.
Put it on record
This plan works best with close family members like your or your partner’s parents. Take your handy cam and go to their house when you are sure everyone will be present. Tell them that you just got back the video recorder from repairs and are checking to see if it works. Then while you are apparently “checking”, announce the pregnancy in a non-chalantly way like, “Oh, did I tell you that we’re going to have a baby”. Later it will be fun to watch your family’s first reactions on the news of the pregnancy.
Send a card
On the other hand if your family lives far from you and you would like them to know about the pregnancy in a more personal manner than on websites, how about sending them a card! Buy a blank card from the stationers and decorate it with pink and blue hearts. Finally write in a baby-handwriting something like, “To my dear Grand Parents – Waiting to see you in nine months. Love, Baby”. Be prepared to receive a congratulatory a phone call pretty soon after.
Keep it as the last course
If you are planning to announce a pregnancy to a close group of friends, you can try out this one. Invite your gang for an apparently regular dinner at your place. Remove all evidence of the positive pregnancy test like lab reports and pre-natal vitamins from view as well as keep the appetizers and main course simple. For the dessert however, cut apples and bananas or any other fruit usually given to babies into tiny bite-sized pieces and together with baby back ribs lay them out in individual baby bowls. Complete the presentation with a bib for each guest and then with your partner’s help, take them all out to the dining room. Your friends will pass from mild surprise to shock and then huge hoots of joy as the message sinks in.
Wear it
These days T-shirts announcing pregnancy come in wide range of designs and messages. Choose one that is most appropriate to you. For instance if you are pregnant yourself, you could put one on that says ‘Baby Here’ with an arrow pointing downward to your tummy. Or if you are a dad-to-be, announce the fact with a modest, “Best Dad Around Here in Another Nine Months”. In fact you could even get a tee custom-printed with the design and message you want. Once you have it on, saunter in on a gathering of friends and family and give them a surprise.
Ring in the good news
Family holidays are a great time to announce the good news. If it is an occasion where gifts are handed out, prepare a small package for the baby in advance and put in the gift pile. And then as the gifts are passed out, remark that there is one more and this seems for the youngest of them all. Read out the tag which says “to our baby who is on the way” and then join in your family for yet another celebration. On the other hand, if the family is getting together for an occasion where gift-giving is not usual, use the toast at the end of the big dinner to announce the new arrival. Alternatively if your family is religious, you or your partner could offer to say grace and then thank God for the gift of a new life.
Spread the sweet word
If you are thinking of letting your co-workers in on the good news, try giving them a sweet surprise. Bake or simply purchase a batch of cookies or cupcakes. Then have them topped with pink or blue icing, sprinkles and other baby-themed decorations like rattles and bottles. On a day when you know nothing major is scheduled at your workplace, pass around the cookies or cupcakes among your co-workers and you will find congratulations pouring in.
Make a family tree
This makes for a fantastic way of announcing a pregnancy if your families are keen on history and things like that. These days there are several resources from where you can buy or download a family tree. Alternatively have fun doing it yourself by tracing both your as well as your partner’s lineage and when you come to your own names, make a box beneath that and fill in the due date. Then hand around copies of the family tree to all your dear ones or have one of them framed and gifted to someone you are particularly close to.
Freeze it in the frame
Plan a barbecue party and invite all those you wish to share the news of the pregnancy with, like families, friends and neighbors. And then when everybody gets ready for a group photo, shout ‘Say Cheese’ but for the second shot, stump your gang by shouting, ”Everyone say Julie’s pregnant” and then click away. Your guests will be left with a shocked expression and you, with a photo worth a thousand words.
Sharing the news of a pregnancy is one of the best parts of becoming parents. Not only do you get to celebrate the beginning of a beautiful phase in your relationship, but make fantastic memories for the days to come.
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