If she just wants to be friends with you

You spot a girl across a crowded room. The twinkle in her eyes seems to reflect her effervescent nature, the smile on her lips has a radiant effect on the room. She seems to exude a certain kind of warmth that reaches out and touches your heart. As you walk across to her, you seem to be absolutely debilitated in her presence. Is she the girl who you think could be the one? You try to confirm it by getting to know her better. So you become good friends and soon turn into best friends.

One day you realize that in addition to be being charming and attractive, she has occupied a special place in your heart. At that moment, you know that you want to be more than just friends with her. So you decide to initiate a conversation about your feelings. You prepare her for the conversation so that she knows what is coming. Just be honest about your feelings and ask how she feels about you. If she sees the two of you as just friends…..don’t let your disappointment show.

TIP: Go from being a friend to lover with this dating guide.

If the girl of your dreams refuses to emerge from your dreams and in reality all she wants is to be friends with you, what do you do? The following tips may help you when she expresses her desire to be just friends with you.

Lighten up the mood

The moment she reveals her desire to remain as friends, don't overreact or get emotional. Try to say something that will lighten up the mood.

Do not view this as rejection

Being just friends does not in any way imply that she has rejected you. It was you who developed feelings of love towards her, while all the while she saw you as a friend and nothing more than that. Moreover, she intends to continue the relationship the way; it always was, so there is no question of rejection or denial. Look at it this way: So what if she has denied herself the privilege of having me as her boyfriend; she considers me worthy enough to be her best friend.

Maturity is one quality a woman seeks in man. The woman in question could be your friend or your lover. If she wants to remain only your friend even after you have expressed your desire to be something more than just friends, instead of feeling victimized, show some maturity and respect her decision.

If there is a certain level of understanding and appreciation in terms of communication, commitment and approach to life etc., then there is no harm in continuing this friendship.

Optimistic outlook

Remember that there are lots of other ‘fish in the pond. Not every girl you approach is going to be interested in just being friends with you. So look around and maybe you will spot a girl of your choice sooner than you think!

Many friendship have come out of such a situation, when the girl doesn’t want to risk her friendship by going to the next level. There are several instances where guys have been deeply hurt or disappointed when they confront such a situation. If the relationship between the two becomes awkward, it will be a sensible move to part as friends rather than remain just friends.