Horny Goat Weed Extract - An Aphrodisiac for Men

Throughout history, men have invested considerable time and effort in discovering what makes sex more pleasurable or at least more attainable. Known as aphrodisiacs, a variety of substances ranging from foods to herbs and animal parts have been used to heighten sexual desire. One of these is the horny goat weed extract reputed to work wonders for enhancing sexual enjoyment among men.

About horny goat weed extract

Horny goat weed is a small pungent herb, native to Asia and the Mediterranean region. The scientific name of the herb is Epidium grandiflorum. In China the herb is known as Yin Yang Huo and has been reputed to be a libido booster since 2000 years. According to a legend, the herb was discovered by a goat herder in ancient China when he noticed that whenever his goats fed on a certain herb, their sexual behavior increased sharply. Ever since the herb has been named horny goat weed and its extract acquired the reputation of being a libido enhancer among humans too.

TIP: Read about the Man Diet which boosts the stamina of men!

Horny goat weed extract works as an aphrodisiac

Some scientific investigations into the chemical constituents of horny goat weed have suggested that the leaves of the herb contain a variety of chemicals like flavonoids, sterols, polysaccharides and alkaloids some of which may have testosterone like effects. Testosterone is one of the most crucial ingredients for a healthy libido and any chemical mimicking its effects is bound to stimulate sexual desire. According to some traditional sources, use of this herbal extract helps in achieving and maintaining penile erection in case of men with history of erectile disorders. Besides this, horny goat weed also contains a flavonoid known as “icarrin” which is believed to have a positive effect on erectile function. This is perhaps why horny goat weed extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an important ingredient in aphrodisiacal preparations, particularly for men.

Certain constituents in the horny goat weed are also believed to have a dilating effect on the capillaries and blood vessels among humans. This is likely to lead to better blood flow to the sex organs which is crucial for attaining as well as maintaining an erection.

Other scientific researches done on horny goat weed have shown that the plant contains an ingredient that works to inhibit the action of an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase or AChE. This enzyme is one of the prime inhibitors of neurotransmissions at cholinergic synapses like those found in the brain and at neuromuscular junctions. However the slowing down of the neurotransmissions inhibits speedy responses in the neuromuscular system which is bad news for the sexual experience. Thus to achieve quicker responses in the neuromuscular system - which in turn would lead to greater sexual stimulation - it is crucial that the effect of AChE be inhibited and horny goat weed extract works to do just that. In other words, by slowing down the working of the AChE enzyme, the horny goat weed extract removes impediments in the neurotransmissions of the neuromuscular system, thus not only making the body more sensitive to sexual stimulation but also enabling the sex organs to respond better to the arousal.

Yet another way by which horny goat weed extract may improve sexual experience is by alleviating disorders of other functions of the human body. A person cannot expect to have pleasant sex if he already suffers from painful or annoying symptoms in other parts of the body. In ancient China, the horny goat weed extract was used to alleviate disorders of the liver and kidney besides being used as a rejuvenating tonic for the smooth functioning of all the systems of the human body. Horny goat weed extract may also be useful for alleviating painful conditions of joints, particularly in the back and the knees.

Scientific researches on effect of Horny goat weed

There have been quite a few studies documenting the positive effect of use of horny goat weed extract in enhancing sexual experience. In a study conducted by Steve Lamm M.D, 38 men were administered 2 capsules of 800 mg each, of a herbal complex containing horny goat weed or epidium grandiflorum as well as other herbal ingredients like lepidium meyenii, mucuna pruriens and polypodium vulgare for a period of 45 days. Among the subjects in the study, 25 men were healthy while 13 were already taking Viagra for treatment of sexual or erectile dysfunction. As part of the study, the subjects were asked to take an additional 4 capsules of horny goat weed extract 1 to 2 hours prior to sexual activity.

At the end of the research period, it was found that among the healthy men, 13 reported experiencing positive effects from the intake of horny goat weed extract capsules while 6 of the men on Viagra also reported improvement in their sexual performance. In a majority of cases, the men reported an overall heightening of sexual desire as well as enhancement of sexual experience.

How to take Horny goat weed

The herb is usually taken in the form of capsules of its extracts. The usual dosage is one to four capsules of 200 mg to be taken daily for general improvement in sexual experience and overall rejuvenating effect. However for specific conditions of sexual or erectile dysfunction, the dosage may be increased or the capsule may be required to be taken before sexual activity.

Horny goat weed side effects

In the above mentioned study carried out by Steve Lamm M.D, no undesirable side effects of horny goat weed extract were documented. However one should never exceed the recommended dosage. Moreover women who are pregnant or lactating are best advised not to take the herbal extract. Even men who are taking other medicines or under medical supervision should consult their healthcare provider or GP before taking the herbal extract.

Horny goat weed as the name suggests has long had a reputation of making both humans and animals friskier. So if you are thinking of taking the herbal supplement to enhance your love life, be guided by your healthcare provider or herbal practitioner and get ready to experience the benefits of this well known aphrodisiac.