How to Cheer up your Girlfriend?

All sorts of things can upset a girl, ranging from minor ones like a bad hair day to major issues like an impending divorce between her parents. And in times of trouble, you are one of the people in her life, she may be expecting comfort from. So read up on these ways of cheering up and girlfriend and bring a smile to her lips.


Ask what’s up

Sometimes something as simple as merely asking what bothering her can help your girlfriend to feel better. So when you notice that something is off, ask her if she is alright. She will not only be pleased to know that you noticed but also touched by the fact that you cared enough to ask. On the other hand looking the other way and expecting her to take care of her own emotions might make you come across as unfeeling and further increase her sadness.

Just listen

Most of the times, just the mere act of listening to a girl pour out all her troubles can be the best way to comfort her. So after you ask your girlfriend the cause of her worry, wait for her to respond. If starts talking, give her your complete attention and try to understand her feelings even if you can't relate or don’t agree with her point of view. Don't accuse her of over reacting or behaving like a ‘child’. This may be a confusing time for her when she is not thinking straight. If the cause of her worry is not significant, like a fight with a classmate or a co-worker, simply the fact that you lent a patient ear may be enough to cheer her up.

Let her know you’ll be there for her

However if your girlfriend doesn't want to talk about it right away, don’t force her to. Give her some space, but let her know that she can count on your understanding and support whenever she is ready to talk. Above all, make sure you keep your word and are emotionally available at the right time. Here too, just the knowledge that she can depend on your love and understanding can be enough to make her feel better than before.

Distract her in a positive way

Now that you have a fair idea about what is bothering your girlfriend, think of ways you can cheer her up. And one of the best ways would be to engage in some activity or go to a place she enjoys. It could be as simple as renting her favorite romantic move for a DVD night or to take a long bicycle ride through the route that she loves. You could even offer to spend an afternoon at the museum or an art gallery if art and history are things that interest her. The whole idea is to get busy doing something enjoyable since action is sometimes more therapeutic than endlessly discussing painful issues.

Indulge her

If your girlfriend is feeling really down, you can think up of doing something special for her – sending flowers is a great idea that almost always works. Also you could give her a mushy card expressing your love and support always. If resources are not a problem, you could buy her something she always wanted, like a book by a favorite author or a scarf in a particular color, but never got around to buying it. Even though retail therapy is roundly attacked in these times, sometimes the pleasure of indulgence that it brings can override feeling a little upset.

Pamper her with food

Food is often a great source of pleasure since it appeals to all the major senses of taste, touch, smell and sight. You probably know all about your girlfriend’s likes and dislikes in food, so go all out to pamper her taste-buds. If you are a mean hand in the kitchen, you can rustle up a dinner yourself - she will not only be thrilled at being indulged so but deeply touched by the love and concern expressed by your gesture. Alternatively you can take your girlfriend out to her favorite restaurant and order the kind of food she likes. And of course, there is always chocolate. Indeed modern scientific research has shown that chocolate contains two important chemical compounds, serotonin and phenylethylamine. These are found naturally in the human brain where they function as hormones responsible for uplifting moods and emotions. When people consume chocolate, the normal levels of both hormones increase and this leads to a feeling of excitement as well as the pleasant rush of energy. Another compound present in chocolate, theobromine, is also believed to have a mood-elevating effect. So even if your girlfriend is not really a foodie, she will probably still be fond of chocolate and definitely cheer up at the prospect of being gifted with her favorite ones.

Offer help

If your girlfriend is dealing with major problems, all your efforts at cheering her up may have only a temporary effect. Eventually she will have to find solutions to the issues that are troubling her. If she asks you for help, offer solutions or point out various courses of action that she might take. However don’t get angry with her if she does not act upon your suggestions since that will only increase the stress she is under. The most you can do is to identify possible ways to resolve the issue but finally, acting upon one or other will be her decision. Above all be patient and don’t blame her for spoiling your love life. This attitude not only smacks insensitivity but actually selfishness and shows that you cannot put anything or anyone before your own pleasure. Also in your efforts to cheer up your girlfriend, avoid all kinds of substance abuse like alcohol or drugs – these may be successful in providing a temporary rush of pleasure or oblivion but the final costs to mental and physical health are devastating. Finally, if you feel that your girlfriend is suffering from depression or battling serious issues, suggest that she seek professional help. Offer to accompany her to a therapist or a counselor and if she refuses outright, make contact numbers easily available for her to consider them at her leisure.