Date Ideas for College Students

The best date ideas for college students are those that are fun as well as affordable. If students rarely have the resources to have an expensive night on the town, they score over working professionals by having a greater flexibility of schedule. So here are a few date ideas which are romantic and at the same time easy on the pocket.


Campus movie night

Most college organizations arrange for free or inexpensive movie screenings for students on the campus. The venue may not be as fancy or the décor as stylish as an actual movie theater like the Regal or AMC but when you think about it, it’s actually the same movie that viewers in both places will be taking back with them. So grab a tub of popcorn and head for the campus auditorium or open-air theater for your movie date. Then follow it up with a round of coffee and doughnuts at a nice café or if your resources permit, maybe even dinner at a quiet place.

College sporting events

If you and your partner are sports fans, take advantage of the active sporting culture on your campus. See what games are scheduled around the time when you both can meet up and then take your date to catch one that she would enjoy. It may be difficult to get tickets for the big games like the ones playing between rival university football teams but if you can manage to get a couple of seats, you are well placed to score a touchdown with your partner. And if not, it can be just as fun to watch the lesser known teams on the campus in action. After all, it is the whole experience of sitting close to your date and loudly cheering together that matters, right?

Outdoor clubs

Apart from structured sports, most colleges have several clubs devoted to outdoor activities like biking, sailing, trekking, rowing and hiking. These clubs keep organizing events from time to time which can make for great dating ideas for couples who love the outdoors and don’t mind sweating it out a bit. However check ahead with club rules since some of them may be quite strict about not letting you join them unless you or your partner is a member.

Get close to nature

If you want to get away from the crowd of familiar faces on the campus or don’t want to be bothered by the club regulations, a good idea would be to head for the outdoors on your own. Since a long drive into the countryside would be expensive because of fuel costs, look for biking or walking trails outside the town which you can explore together.  Once you come upon a shady nook or an open space by a stream, take a break and munch on the sandwiches you may have packed before setting off. The whole experience will not only be light on your pocket but a perfect way to get to know your partner amidst quiet and beautiful surroundings.

Campus trips

Keep track of inexpensive day trips often organized by college students’ bodies. Such trips usually include a visit to a nearby city, a show, historical site or a big museum. If you and your partner don’t mind travelling in a group, such excursions can make for a great date idea because of heavily discounted tickets as well as easily available transport which is usually a bus. You not only get to see interesting things but also have a wonderful day out with your partner at a fraction of the regular cost.

Theater shows

College theater clubs are among the most heavily subscribed on the campus. So whether you have a flair for histrionics yourself or are content to watch from the proscenium, a theatrical performance by your college dramatics club can make for a great date idea. The best part about such shows is that not only they are inexpensive but feature people you know from the campus and thus offers a wonderful opportunity to cheer for them together. On the other hand, if you want to impress your theater-loving date with a professional show in your city, try to get hold of student rush tickets. In most cities, students are allowed to avail discounted tickets by waiting outside the venue at a designated time before the show. Other than theater, rush tickets are also available for operas, symphonies, comedy shows and other similar performances.

Visit to a museum

If you and your date are lovers of history, how about making a date out of a visit to the museum? Unlike theme-based or amusement parks, museums rarely charge exorbitant entry tickets and in fact they even offer substantial discounts for students. Apart from the fact that the rambling corridors of a museum offer the perfect opportunity to walk hand-in-hand, the exhibits and information on display might even help you in your courses. And if your partner is not terribly fond of art or history, look for museums which cater to special interest like railheads or fabrics from across the world or even space exploration and you are sure to find yourselves having a good time.

Get musical

The campus is a fertile ground for music bands of all sorts and their performances are usually free. So if you would like to cheer for your friends and jive with your partner at the same time, catch a show being put up by one of the college bands. Alternatively keep an eye out for free, open-air performances which are often held as part of a music festival or cultural extravaganza organized by town/city authorities. Later you can take your date to a café or a small diner for a light bite and some quiet romantic tète-a-tète.

The college library

If you have done all the above, then simply ask your partner to meet you at the library at a certain hour. Sit across each other, play footsie under the table or even hold hands surreptitiously. And above all don’t forget to whisper sweet nothings to each other, all of which can be hugely romantic and fun to indulge in.