Ways to Express your Love Online for Long Distance Couples

Today the internet is much more than a source of information and entertainment. The World Wide Web now plays an indispensible part in romantic relationships beginning with searching for a date online to chatting, ‘virtual’ meeting and then keeping in touch with a partner. So here are a few ways you can use the internet to express your love for the guy or girl in your life.

Send a romantic email

One of the most popular uses of the internet across the world is for sending emails. And this is also how you and your partner probably got started before moving on to telephone conversations and actual dates. So one day set aside some time to compose a romantic email for your loved one. You could perhaps begin with how great it is to have someone like him/her in your life and then go to reminisce about you two got to know each other or how attracted you were to him/her at the very outset. To make your mail even more special, include a list of all those reason why you love him/her and to make it suitably interesting, add a dash of humor and a generous pinch of sentiment. Finally sign off with several xxxs or choose an emoticon to convey your kisses. You can make use of several features in word processing softwares like MS Word which will allow you to change font designs, colors and background shades should you wish to make your email even more visually appealing.

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Say it with ecards

Ecards are a great way of sending romantic messages to a partner when you don’t have the time or the technical wizardry to compose an attractive email. There are several sites which allow you to send a free greeting, complete with audio-visual effects and animation. All you need to do is to enter your name, the recipient’s name and email address as well as compose the message you want to appear on the card. Finally enter your own email address and you are all set to surprise your sweetheart with a romantic and colorful ecard.

Video-chat with your partner

Online chatting is a great way to have a romantic tète-a-tète with a partner, especially if you are in a long distance relationship. While it may be a common way of getting to know a potential partner on dating websites, when you are already in a relationship, video chatting can vastly reduce the pain of physical separation and allow you just a feel of how it would be to have your loved one in front of you. Skype is one of the most common software applications which allow users to make Voice calls over the internet and links them visually too.

Start a blog

To make your online expression of love truly unique, how about setting up a blog dedicated to your partner or your relationship. You could update the blog two to three times every day and let others know the direction your romance is taking. To make the blog even more attractive, you could upload photos and videos on it. Also think about allowing viewers to leave comments so that reading your blog makes for an interactive experience and thus increases in popularity.

Launch a website

However if resources are not a problem and you are tech savvy to boot, you can go further ahead by launching a proper website for your lover or dedicated to your relationship. You can buy the website domain in your partner’s name and thus surprise them with their very own site. The site can have links to various interesting bits of information about you and your partner or to your photos as a couple, a space for memories and perhaps even future plans. And even though availability of website could depend on the domain hosting company and might cost a bit, still the very fact that your love now has its very own online identity would go a great way in enlivening things between you and your partner.

Pamper your partner’s interests

If your partner is a music lover, why not make use of music softwares like iTunes to gift your partner a playlist of his/her favorite numbers. You can go about this by compiling a list of songs your beloved likes most. Then add this list to you iTunes account and get it customized. Finally you can send over the customized playlist over to your partner who would be thrilled to receive a present of his/her favorite songs from iTunes. Likewise if your loved one is a great reader and owns an e-reader like Kindle, make use of your Amazon account to help them download works from their favorite writers.

Broadcast your love

A yet more dramatic way to express your love online would be to upload videos on a video-sharing site. For this first make a video that you feel would be the best way to declare your love for the guy/girl in your life – it could be a mushy feature accompanied by a sentimental love song in the background or an artistic compilation of home videos of you both spending time together. Be careful of including intimate footage and do so only if your partner is willing and if they serve to make a point. Finally upload the video on YouTube or any other free video-sharing site and send a mail to your partner with a link of the video. They will not only be surprised at your dramatic gesture but sure to be overwhelmed by the romantic feelings expressed in them. You can also keep your video protected by a password should you wish to restrict its viewing to limited audiences.

Send an electronic love-coupon

There are several websites which allow you to create personalized love coupons online and send them to your partner. Some ideas for a love coupon could be a sensual massage by candlelight or 10 full-blown smooches within ten minutes. You can not only think up completely original content for your e-love-coupons but even customize the design and color scheme of the coupon according to your choice.