Romantic Gestures to Charm your Woman

In this hurly-burly world of speed dating and text messaging, romance is often the first casualty in a relationship. But then what is love without tender moments, poetic expressions and delicious intimacy? And almost every woman out there is looking to be wooed and indulged in a way that makes her feel special. So whether you are looking to impress your new girlfriend or wish to infuse some spice in a long relationship, here are some romantic gestures which never fail to charm a woman.

Put it in writing

In these times of facebook and twitter, do something completely against the grain like writing out a love letter for your woman in your own hand. Use a perfumed paper if you have one, while pouring down the thoughts and feelings that your special one rouses in your heart. If you cannot think of much to say on your own, look for some romantic quotations or classic love poetry which will come close to expressing what you feel. When you are done, dress up your epistle instead with a satin ribbon like the lovers of yore and you’ll know why Don Juan was such a hit with women. Finally leave it somewhere least expected like in the car dashboard or pinned on her pillow.

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Dedicate a song to your partner

If you know your woman’s favorite radio station, you could request it to play her favorite song. This works great for music-lovers and especially if the choice is a romantic number. However the catch is to make sure that the radio is on so that your partner does not miss the dedication. It is easy to do this if you both are at home but if your loved one is at work, you could rope in a colleague to ensure that the radio is playing the right station.

Prepare a bath for her

This works particularly well if you and your partner share a home. Just for this day, come home before she does from work and prepare a relaxing bath for her with warm water, perfumed by a few drops of her favorite essential oils. In order to make it a truly sensual experience, you could also light some aromatic candles as well as play soft music in the background. The best part about this gesture is that you can either let it end with a relaxing soak and a refreshing shower or take it further to an intimate encounter. Either way, it is sure to floor your partner.

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Say it with flowers

Flowers are something which never go out of fashion and which rarely fail to charm a woman. You could ask a local florist to deliver an exotic bouquet to her home or even her workplace so that she can luxuriate in all the oohs and aahs from co-workers. Alternatively you could keep a bunch of your partner’s favorite blooms on the bedside table accompanied by a note wishing her Good Morning. And if you know your partner does not mind a little cleaning up, you can even strew the pillow with rose petals which is sure to be one of the most romantic gestures she may have come across.

Buy her something special

Love letters and flowers are all very well, but sometimes an expensive gift like a piece of jewelry or an exotic perfume, can make for the most exquisite gesture, especially at a time when no birthdays or anniversaries are round the corner. However not all of them need make a dent in your pocket. You could look for something with a special significance like the perfume that your partner wore the first time you went on a date or a pendant set in a stone that brings out the color of her eyes. A gift like this would not necessarily empty your bank account but work equally well to charm your woman with your thoughtfulness and extravagance.

Make her gift coupons

If you want to do something special just to liven up an ordinary day, how about presenting her with bunch of gift coupons with romantic ideas. Put a little bit of thought into this one and come up with something that you know your partner will like; for instance a sensual massage maybe or a treat at her favorite delicatessen. While an offer of doing the dishes or vacuuming over the weekend might seem prosaic by comparison, they are likely to be more genuinely appreciated. Make a great show of presenting the coupons to your partner and warn them that if not redeemed soon enough, the offer may expire.

Cook up a storm

Food is a significant source of sensual pleasure. Consider what your woman loves best, a simple home-cooked meal with a romantic ambience or exploring new tastes in exotic cuisine. Plan a dinner date around wherever your partner’s culinary fancies lie. It could be something as simple as a home-made pizza with the pepperoni laid out to read a romantic phrase like “you are the one for me”. Or it could be a special dinner at a fancy restaurant with live bands and French menus. The whole idea is to indulge your partner so that she has charming memories of the evening with you. However be careful to choose a day when you know your loved one does not have an important conference or a client-meeting lined up after work.

Whisk her away

If you are familiar with your partner’s itinerary, secretly arrange for a weekend getaway and then surprise her with the tickets. This might be more difficult to plan if you have kids but consider the time and effort as a kind of investment into the most precious thing you have together – your relationship. If possible, arrange the mini-vacation around her interests like nature, culture or adventure. Use the time away to reconnect with each other and avoid having discussions on kids, finances or other issues which may act as stress triggers. Your woman is sure not only to have a good time on the vacation but will be definitely charmed by the romantic gesture.