50 Ideas to Write Love Notes to your Wife

While expensive gifts and exotic bouquets are great as romantic gestures on special occasions, for everyday expression of love, small notes and messages are usually perfect. They are easy to write and can communicate an immense variety of romantic emotions. Also the thrill of finding a love note from a partner at the most unexpected places can be hard to beat. So if you are looking for ideas to write love notes to your wife, here are some to help you along.

  1. Write a note saying ‘You are my sweet’ and leave it in a box of candy where your wife will find it.
  2. Buy a lottery ticket for your wife and tuck it in her pillowcase with the words, ‘I hit the jackpot when I found you’.
  3. Leave a love note in her wallet among the dollar bills, saying ‘You are one in a million’.
  4. Buy your wife a bunch of roses in the same color and only one of a different color. On the last, attach a love note reading, “in every bunch there is one who stands out – and you my love are that one”.
  5. When tulips are in season, send over a bouquet and add a note saying, “I’ve got tulips – ‘Two-lips’ to kiss you all over”.
  6. Tape a note to your TV remote that says, “Turn Me On Instead!” And leave it on your wife’s favourite chair.
  7. Before your wife goes in for a shower, sneak in and use an old lipstick to write on the bathroom mirror, ‘How about I join you?’
  8. Fish out a picture or photo of your wife and tape a love note on it saying ‘This is my beloved.’

    TIP: Read 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples', the bestselling book that has 2000 questions you can ask your partner. There are hundreds of questions about love, sex and romance and questions across more than 75 categories. Know your wife's secret desires and inner feelings. This book is also available as an instant download ebook.
  9. Over the weekend, bake a cake for no special occasion. Write “I Love You Sweetie” or something similar on the top.
  10. Write a note saying ‘Try me – cure guaranteed’ and stick it on to the vitamin bottle or any other pill jar that your wife take regularly.
  11. Use rose petals to write ‘I Luv U’ on the bed or on your wife’s pillow.
  12. Write ‘You are the best thing to happen to me’ on a post-it note and leave it on your wife’s makeup case.
  13. Put in a note saying “You make me feel hot all over” in the microwave where your wife is sure to find it.
  14. Buy a heart-shaped sticky note and scribble ‘I don’t know what I would do without you’.
  15. Leave a note in your wife’s dresser saying “I knew I loved you when…” and fill the rest with one of your most cherished moments while dating.
  16. When having food at a restaurant, write down, ‘I wish we could kiss right now’ and pass it on to your wife.

  17. Leave a note saying ‘I appreciate you taking time out to cook for me’ tucked onto your wife’s apron.
  18. If your wife happens to be going out of town, slip in a note saying ‘Every moment that we are apart, you are in my thoughts’, inside her travel bag.
  19. Give your beloved a small flowering plant with a note, “My love blooms for you.”
  20. When you know that your wife is going to be out for the whole day, leave a note in her handbag, saying ‘Your thoughts are all I need to feel happy’.
  21. Write down the words ‘You make me want to be a better person’. And leave it in a book that she is reading.
  22. Scribble a note saying ‘Every night I dream of you’ and tape it to something on her bedside table.
  23. When your wife is busy with grueling domestic chores, hand her a note saying ‘Let me take over’ and it will mean as much to her than romantic phrases.
  24. Give your beloved a clock or watch with a note that says, “I’ll always make time for you.”
  25. Send your love a mixed bouquet of flowers with a quote which says "We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden."
  26. Hide a heart shaped note in your sweetheart’s shoe that says, “You are my ‘sole’mate”.

  27. In a small plastic bottle write the words ‘Give me a kiss and make my day’ and slip it into the water she is running for her bath.
  28. In the sleeve of your wife’s favorite CD, tuck in a note saying, ‘Your very words are music to my ears’.
  29. Place a love note beneath your wife’s dinner plate with the words, ‘You are the strength of my body and the wisdom of my mind’.
  30. Make a romantic coupon which says, “10 wet, sloppy kisses to be redeemed before midnight” and thread it in your wife’s key-ring.
  31. Scribble a love note saying, “Your smile is the loveliest sight in the world” and tape it to her dresser mirror.
  32. Leave a note in the refrigerator which goes something like “Loving you has made my world complete”.
  33. Hide a note between the folds of your wife’s umbrella which says, “You are my sunshine after the rains”.
  34. In your wife’s phone book, hide a message saying, “Call me when you need some white hot lovin’ “.
  35. Write a love note with the words, “I cannot go through a single day without knowing you love me too”, and put it in the glove compartment of her car.
  36. Scribble the words “You fill me with desire in lipstick” on a white handkerchief and leave it by her pillow.
  37. Fish out the first aid box and slip in a note saying, ‘Band Aids to heal your heart’.
  38. In your wife’s favorite wine glass set, leave a note which says, ‘Our love is like wine, it gets only better with time’.
  39. Put down the words ‘In case I haven’t said it enough, I love you’ on a sticky-note and place it on her day-planner.
  40. Wrap around your love note on your wife’s toothbrush saying ‘You are my first thought when I wake up’.
  41. ‘You are my gold at the end of the rainbow’ – hide this love note in her jewelry box.
  42. Glue a lot of spangles onto blank paper and write the words, ‘Let’s have fireworks tonight’.
  43. Hide a love note with the words, ‘Being with you makes my heart soar’ in your wife’s laptop bag.
  44. Scribble down the words ‘you are the best thing that has ever happened to me’ on a paper and pass on to her as she is engrossed with a phone call or listening to music on earphones.
  45. ‘Words could never express how much I love you’, could make for another romantic message.
  46. Buy a ring for her and tuck in a note saying ‘My love for you will never end’.
  47. Roll up a small love note inside your wife’s stocking with the words ‘I lay my heart at your feet’.
  48. In a star-shaped trinket like a pendant or ear-ring, tuck in a love note saying ‘I love you more than there are stars in the sky’.
  49. In your wife’s favorite scarf, slip in a love note with the words, ‘every time you feel the wind blow, It’s me whispering I love you’.
  50. Hide a romantic message in your wife’s jacket pocket saying ‘I love you more now when you first began reading this sentence’.