Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends

Though many men roll their eyes at the thought of being addressed as Honeykins or Lambchops, fact is nicknames can bring in a delicious intimate flavor to your love life. This is something to be used between only the two of you and best of all, something only you can call your boyfriend by. If your relationship has reached the stage of nicknames, here are some cute options you can consider for your boyfriend.


If your boyfriend loves snuggling up to you, ‘Cuddles’ can be an apt nickname for him. It is short, sweet and has the warm fuzzy feeling which not only snuggling up to a beloved but simply being in love can bring on. ‘Hugster’ and ‘Snuggy’ and ‘Cuddlebear’ are other variations on the same idea that your partner might love answering to.


Which guy doesn’t secretly adore hearing the nicknames Handsome, Hunk and Good-looking when they refer to him. After all beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and it goes without saying that for you, he is the most dishy looking guy for miles around. And even if you know in your heart of hearts that your boyfriend isn’t exactly competition for Brad Pitt or George Clooney, still a nickname that is a compliment to his looks is sure to go a long way in making him feel good about himself and hence about you as his girlfriend. Other options for Handsome could be Movie Star, Knockout, Hero or simply Mr. Perfect.

Hot Chocolate

In fact if you wish to make your admiration for his good looks or sex appeal still more obvious, how about addressing him as Hot Chocolate? Or Hot Lips or Hot Stuff for that matter when you are sure about which part of his physiognomy appeals to you most. However make sure that these terms of endearment are strictly private and remain between you two since some men could feel embarrassed if their girlfriend addresses them in such physical terms in front of other friends or family members. This is especially true of guys who are the private sort or belong to a traditional culture where public expressions of love are frowned upon.


For guys who are full of life and laughter, the nickname Poppins seems particularly appropriate perhaps in reminiscence of the Mary Poppins character that was a source of magic, fun and laughter for kids. Other variations which are apt for boyfriends with a sunny and humorous personality are Chucky - since he’s a “chuckler” - , Mickey if he has a Mickey Mouse-like grin or the quick wit of Jerry, based on the Tom and Jerry character. If your boyfriend is fun-loving and loves to play pranks, ‘Elf’ or ‘Elfie’ might also be suitable nicknames. On the other hand if his humorous nature is more of the beaming, innocent sort, Cherub seems a particularly apt nickname.

Pumpkins Nicknames most often depend on physical traits for their relevance. Thus if your boyfriend is chubby and has a substantial waistline, you can lovingly refer to him as Pumpkin or Cutie-pie. Jellybear or Winnie from the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh are also appropriate for the way over-sized or well-endowed bears look so cute and adorable.


On the other hand if your boyfriend sports a toned body and carries his six packs with panache, you can refer to him as ‘Stud’ or ‘Hunk’. To carry the sex appeal element a notch higher, try and call him a Super Stud, a Jock, Jocky or better still Raunchy. While initially outwardly he may sport a bemused look at your bold nicknames, inwardly he is sure to feel special and gloat in your attentions.
Superman – This nickname has not only references of a well muscled personality but even carries faint echoes of one who can perform superhuman probably sexual feats. The same deliciously sexual compliment is also inherent in names like Tarzan, Playboy, Big guy and Soldier.


Then again if your boyfriend has a sensitive aspect to his personality and is proud of it too, you can call him Sweetums, Teddy and Puppy. However be careful since not all men like to be addressed in such terms which they may feel are emasculating or plain silly. If your boyfriend does not mind playing up his ‘soft and sweet’ side you can even go ahead use nicknames that are openly cute like Muffin, Baby Cakes, Sugams, Honey-Buns, My Sweet Boy and Sugar Puff.

Based on his name

This is yet another conventional practice when calling a person by nickname and the result is usually an abbreviated version of his/her proper name. Thus you can call your boyfriend Miggy if his name is actually  Miguel and Jake or Jakey if he is called Jacob. Other examples on the same line would be Dally for Dallas and Bobby for Robert. You can also consider a combination like 'Ally Bear' or 'Ally Poo' for Alex and 'Andy Roo' for Andrew. Again though test the waters first since many find it offensive to be called by a shortened version of their proper name or dislike their actual name being mutilated into an abbreviation.

Another tongue

If your boyfriend belongs to another culture or even knows another language, a term of endearment used in that language could make a cute nickname for your boyfriend. For instance, if he is of Mexican or Argentinean origin, you could call him 'Mi Amor' which translates to 'my love' in Spanish; similarly or 'Cheri' which translates to 'dearest' in French could also make a cute nickname for your beloved.

Use caution

While nicknames can be a loving expression of the intimacy you share with your boyfriend, you need to be aware that not everybody likes answering to them. Sometimes these may not even be your fault for instance when certain nicknames may have prior unhappy associations – thus your boyfriend’s ex may have called him by a particular name or his mother may have used a nickname for an abusive husband. Finally never ever use a negative or embarrassing trait – like a stammer, a scar from a childhood accident or a square jaws – to come up with nicknames. These are not only sure to hurt the one you love but are most likely to show you up in a poor light as well.