Adventurous Dating Ideas

Date ideas centered an adventure theme or activity can be a great way to have fun with a partner. This is especially true if you and your date love experiencing the high of an adrenaline rush that comes from an extreme sport. even for more sedate couples, an adventure date idea once in a while can be the perfect way of bringing back the spice into your love life, which may have began to slack a little. So here are a few adventurous dating ideas to suit every taste and budget.

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Get wet, set and go $ROMANCE-TIPS-OPTIN$

If water is your element, then there are a lot of daring things you can do with your partner. You can choose from the crazier ones like river rafting through rapids, canoeing through mountain rivers, scuba-diving, deep sea diving or more regular ones like sailing. Most of the high-voltage water sports need a basic level of training since there is a distinct level of danger involved. Training costs together with equipment rental can sometimes these date ideas rather expensive. Also you may need to travel, stay and train at particular places where such adventure sports facilities are available. However there is no denying the extreme element in these activities and after you go through them with your partner, you both may emerge as different people.

Up in the air

For those couples who like to course through rarer atmospheres, there are several sports to choose from like para-jumping, paragliding, sky-diving or bungee jumping. However you need to be careful while signing up for these since many such activities are unsuitable for people with a fear of heights or other medical conditions. Also like the water adventure sports, training and equipment costs can push up expenses here as well. But all said and done few other sports can compare with the adrenaline rush that is experienced in these adventure activities. So what you can do is to reserve such adventure activities as date ideas for really special occasions like while celebrating wedding anniversaries or career promotions.

Take a ride

If you cannot afford to travel and your town does not have adventure sports facilities, the best option would be to take your partner to the nearby amusement park. Here you will get to ride the steepest roller-coasters, the fastest spinning rides and maybe even go through the scariest haunted-house tours. All this without leaving your town and going through lengthy training sessions too. You will not only experience the chills and thrills of various rides in the company of your beloved, but get a rare opportunity of bringing out the inner child in you too.

A day at the circus

Spending a day with a travelling circus can open up an entire world of wonder. Here there are not only fantastic acrobats, amazing animals and a riot of color, but the spectacle of form, balance and rhythm in the various circus items are enough to take your breath away. And since you will not be actively participating in any of the stunts, this date idea is perfect for adventure-loving couples who prefer to stay safe at the same time. however you need to ensure that there is nothing illegal about the animals or activities which are a part of the circus spectacle.

Vroom, vroom

Test-driving a sports car can make for a great adventure date, if you and your partner enjoy speed without having the resources to participate in a real-life racing event. For this date idea, you will need to be clued to where and when different companies are conducting test drives. You could join a club for motor-racing enthusiasts or regularly search the websites of racing car companies in order to find the time and venues for such events.

Let the rhythm get you

Adventure date ideas need not only revolve around speed or extreme sports. It can also be about pulsating rhythms, sensuous moves and fantastic colors. To experience all these and more with your partner, how about signing up for Latin dance classes. You will be thrown open to a world of haunting beats and music where it is both challenging as well as thrilling to move together as a couple on the dance floor. And when you come to think of it, this is exactly what it means to be in a relationship as well – keeping time to each other’s moves.

A feast for the senses

Cooking a meal with your partner can make for a fantastic date night as well as involved loads of romance. This because while rustling up a meal, you both can set on an adventure through the world of senses – the colors, aromas, texture and tastes involved in the process of cooking can make for a highly sensual experience. While you are chopping up veggies for a salad, you can feed each other chunky bites or invite your partner to check the seasoning of a sauce by licking it off your finger. Not to mention the fact that you will be having a far healthier meal by cooking it yourselves rather than by ringing up for a pizza or ordering a takeaway.

Hit the road

If you want to set out for an outdoor adventure but want to stay away from structured activities, how about a scavenger hunt of your own. Get going on a road rally with the purpose of gathering 26 different objects for each letter of the alphabet, with no more than two objects for each stop. Don’t forget to keep a mandatory few stops for which clues need to be given and solved. This adventure date idea is particularly suited for double dates where a couple can act as a team and compete with another couple. at the end of the hunt, the winning team could be treated to a dinner by the other one.

Thus adventure date ideas can cross an entire spectrum from extreme sports to music events to even fun-filled spoofs. It all depends on the sense of adventure that you and your partner share and your willingness to find wonder even in the simplest of experiences.