Ideas for Celebrating Valentine's Day in a Long Distance Relationship

Among the many challenges faced by a long distance relationship, few are so poignant as special occasions that couples miss spending with each other. While birthdays and anniversaries do not have people all around clamoring about love, the very public nature of Valentine’s Day celebrations can be harder to ignore. And yet if your sweetheart is far away, there is no reason why you cannot plan something special too. Here are some Ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day that will keep your long distance relationship healthy and ticking.

Write a traditional love letter

Nothing is more romantic than declarations of love in a hand-written letter on perfumed paper. So Go back in time and write a love letter for your beloved – think upon how he/she has enriched your life and reminisce about the loving times spent together. If you begin to run out of ideas, liberally quote from romantic poetry or look for long distance relationships quotes like this one by Kay Knudsen which seems to express exactly what it means to be in a long distance relationship. “Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart”... Don’t forget to sign off with a personal touch like a lipstick impression. Your partner will appreciate the thought and effort that went into writing such a letter and will feel really special.

Send romantic text messages

However if it is now too late to mail a real letter, especially to an overseas partner, you can still get your Valentine’s Day wishes across by text messages. Text messages are a short and sweet way of letting your partner know that you are thinking of them. Choose messages that suit your style - whether famous romantic quotations or racy one-liners – and let your partner be pleasantly surprised. In fact a great Valentine’s Day idea would be to make a game of it lasting the whole day. For instance when you wake up in the morning send a text message with the first line from Elizabeth Barret Browning’s famous love poem, “How do I love thee, Let me count the ways” and then follow it up by text messaging at regular intervals, one reason at a time, why or how much you love your partner.

Watch a romantic movie at the same time

Since you are unable to go for a movie date together, decide to rent a favorite romantic movie on the same day and try to watch it around the same time, even though you are in different locations. You could choose from timeless classics like 'Gone with the Wind' or 'City Lights' to modern romantic comedies like 'Love Actually' or 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. This will give you a feeling of being connected and the two of you can discuss the movie later on phone, email or when you meet in person.

Think of innovative ways to express your love

On Valentine’s Day, you could reach out to your partner across the miles by dedicating to him or her favorite romantic song on a popular radio show. ‘A Thousand Miles’ by Vanessa Carlton could be a great choice it highlights the thing that obsesses all long distance lovers – the separation measured in terms of miles. "You know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight, if I could just hold you tonight." On the other hand if you wish to keep the mood more upbeat, opt for a beautiful number by Richard Marx, “Right here waiting”. The song sends a strong message about the quite power and tenacity of love that is not afraid to stand the test of time. However before you dedicate a song to your beloved, make sure that he or she has the radio tuned to the particular channel beforehand. You could also take out a “love advertisement” in the local newspaper to which your partner subscribes. The “ad” could express your love either in a dramatic or funny way – enough to catch your partner’s eye and warm his or her heart for the rest of the day.

Have a “date”

Being separated by distance does not mean that you have to let Valentine’s Day slip by without romancing each other. Find out innovative ways to have a “date” this day, for instance using a webcam to share time like you would have normally done at home. When you are connected by Skype or some other service, read to each other from your favorite love poetry or share your dreams for the future. If you feel like it, you can even reminisce about past Valentines Days that you spent with each other but take care to avoid anything that will sadden the mood or sour the context. If nothing, simply sharing what both of you did today and how you thought about each other can be romantic. The very fact that you can see each other in real time, even though on camera, will go a long way in making you feel connected on this special day.

Play games

Time was when couples in a long distance relationship could only depend upon mail to feel close to each other. But not anymore. The arrival of internet and mind-boggling advances in technology has now made it possible for long distance couple to indulge in a wide range of activities while they are connected virtually. So if you and your partner love online games, this could make a great Valentine’s Day idea in your long distance relationship. Yahoo Games for instance has around thirty multiplayer games ranging from card and board games to word and arcade games. Provides Chat options for you and your partner to communicate while you are playing. If you are looking for a game which can be played only between two people, Monkey Snowfight is a good option. Here you can battle your partner’s monkey with snowballs and ‘nana’ bombs. Moreover the winner gets bonus points which allows them to stay longer in the game. However if MMORPG or massive multiplayer role playing game is your thing, Second Life is by far the most popular choice. The game is a three-dimensional virtual world which the players create and where they can do pretty much anything they like so for instance you can go on a date with your partner here, attend a concert or take a long romantic walk. However if you are not yet prepared for all the downloading required to play Second Life, you can check out the Maid Marian group of games are convenient since they are free and don’t require a membership or additional downloads.

Look ahead

Finally, as you talk over the phone or Skype each other this Valentine’s Day, plan to do something special when you meet up. This not only keeps the atmosphere from succumbing into regrets and recriminations but keeps the mood upbeat and hopeful. Discuss with your partner what you would do when you see each other. This may be as simple as cooking a meal together or as adventurous as planning a hike in the mountains and spending a romantic night under the stars. Whatever it is, keep in mind preferences of both partners so that either of you doesn’t feel like sacrificing one’s own interests for the sake of the other. A good idea would be to keep an ongoing list and updating it with the items that you want to do together the next time you meet up.