Monkey - Dog Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Monkey and Dog make a reasonably compatible pair in Chinese astrology. This is because the two zodiac signs have several traits in common like a cheerful, energetic nature and a wide-ranging curiosity. However the fact that these two have considerably different life goals and values might make for a few areas of dissonance in the relationship.
High points of a Monkey-Dog love match
One of the ways that the Monkey and Dog are likely to come together is on account of a shared active nature. Both signs like to be in the thick of things as well as involved in an interesting experiences and projects. Unlike the easy-going Rabbit or the leisurely Snake, neither the Monkey nor Dog would shy away from a life of events and action. Thus in a relationship, each will ensure that they have enough to do together and will love accompanying one another outdoors, whether for recreational or social purposes. Also both are cheerful and happy-go-lucky people and when genuinely interested in each other, will go out of their way to create enough opportunities for romantic excitement, fun and frolic.
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Even more importantly, the Monkey and Dog possess qualities which will go a long way in complementing each other in a relationship. The Monkey is great fun to be around – he/she is zestful, widely informed and extremely ingenious in thinking up avenues for recreation and entertainment. All this makes the Monkey the ideal partner for a sign like the Dog who is prone to low moods and bouts of pessimism. While in general, the Dog is also energetic and loving, when things don’t go their way, they can become quite irritable and anxious. At such times, the Monkey is perfect companion to cheer the Dog and to reassure his/her partner that things are sure to look up again. It is just not in the nature of a personality like the Monkey to sink into negativity and depression and thus he/she stands best placed to provide positive support to the Dog partner.
On his/her part, the Dog will bring an element of commitment to the relationship which may have been lacking had the Monkey been aligned to an equally variable sign like the Horse. While the Monkey is charming and fun to be with, he/she can also be high unpredictable; they have a markedly short attention span and no sooner than they have hooked up with someone, they may be already feeling an urge to explore further. On such occasions, the Dog has the power to ground the relationship in purpose and commitment and even encourage the Monkey to focus on the relationship.
Challenges of a Monkey-Dog love match
However the Dog cannot carry the entire onus of commitment in the relationship. He/she is too nervy by nature to remain positive if the Monkey takes his/her philandering too far. The Monkey has a marked streak of promiscuity, especially in early adulthood due to a natural curiosity in various kinds of experiences. And even though the Dog is an essentially loyal and honest being, there is only so much indiscretion that a partner can tolerate. In fact when faced with an unhappy situation, the Dog him/herself has a tendency to wander away. In personal relationships, the over-riding need of the Dog is emotional security but unfortunately the Monkey is not the right person to fulfill this need. Had the Dog been allied with a more compassionate or committed partner like the Goat or Ox, he/she would have had less cause for worry. The Dog needs constant encouragement and support from loved ones if he/she is to remain faithful in a relationship. When feeling unloved or neglected, the Dog can look for appreciation elsewhere and one thing can quickly lead to another.
Also while at the outset, the Monkey may make a few attempts to lift the spirits of his/her Dog partner, the latter’s bouts of deep pessimism may in the end too much to put up with, even for the light-hearted Monkey. He/she may feel that the Dog partner is dragging him/her down with their moodiness while the Dog may see the Monkey’s quicksilver personality as evidence of frivolity and superficiality.
Even more importantly, the Monkey and Dog differ in the values and goals they hold dear. While the Monkey is essentially opportunistic, the Dog is highly idealistic. The Monkey’s wide-ranging wit and ingenuity equips him/her with the right skills of a problem-solver but he/she would much rather use them for personal benefit. In fact the Monkey will have no problems twisting the truth when it suits their ends and if they help him/her to accomplish the latest of many schemes. The Monkey is clever, but in a crafty sort of way and in an ability to manipulate others to seeing their point of view and doing what you want. The Dog on the other hand is a steady, righteous human being. Born with an innate sense of decency and a need for equilibrium in a chaotic world, Dogs strongly denounce injustice and wrongdoing; they value honor and truth and are usually among the first to speak out against injustice and champion the cause of the downtrodden. At the same time though, the Dog can get quite opinionated and fixed in their ideals. Frequently this character becomes stubborn in the extreme since they know what is right and what they want and will not be convinced otherwise. This is turn, is unlikely to go down well with a Monkey partner who firmly believes he/she knows best and seeks to be in charge of a situation, whether personal or external.
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