How to Attract Women with your Body Language
by kalyani10

Body language is perhaps the most important form of non-verbal communication between humans. You can use gestures and body postures to convey feelings and intentions that are difficult or awkward when spoken as words. So if you wish to reach out to women, the right body language can go a long way in making things easier and making them notice you.
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to browse photo profiles of single men and women.- The eyes have it
When two people meet each other, usually the first contact they make is with their eyes. So one of the things your date will be watching for is where you are looking. Women are especially wary of men who do not make eye contact while taking to them. A shifty or distracted gaze may mean insincerity or disinterest, either way not a signal you would want to send out to a potential partner. In fact if your partner finds you perpetually distracted in her company or ogling at other girls in the pub or restaurant even while sitting with her, she will surely sign you off as a waste of time. At the other extreme, if you glare at your partner, or worse keep staring at her breasts, you are sure to make her uncomfortable. Instead look steadily at a woman - or anyone for that matter - when talking to her and let your interest show in your eyes.
- Keep your hands steady
Ever so often men don’t know what to do with their hands. Your date may notice whether your hands are steady and relaxed or nervously fidgeting with something. Refrain from behavior like shaking your leg, drumming your fingers or constantly touching your ear, nose or hair which are all signs of nerves or stress. Instead keep your hands on the table or comfortably on your sides. Also avoid fiddling with the mobile phone or constantly checking the watch, it either means that the man is bored or very rude. If you have taken the trouble of asking a woman out, then do have the courtesy to give her your attention. If you find her uninteresting, then you could wrap up the date earlier than usual but until then she deserves your time and respect.
- Lean towards her, but slightly
A woman would also gauge your comfort or interest level in her from the way you are sitting across her. If you are slightly leaning towards her, you will come off as approachable and interested while arms crossed against the chest or fists shut tight may signify a defensive or secretive personality. The chest is the region where the heart – the seat of all emotions – is located and crossing your arms over the chest implies that you don’t want anyone coming close to you. While you are certainly not going to bare your soul at the very first meeting with a girl, adopting such a defensive posture may signify your lack of trust in your partner or your unwillingness to let anybody near you. Rather adopt a relaxed posture with your palms open and facing the person before you since this shows your willingness to trust and be sincere with the other person.
- Adopt the right posture
An upright but relaxed bearing can go a long way in making you appear healthy and confident while a slouching or restless posture might be construed negatively. Make sure your gestures and mannerisms are easy and natural but don’t dwell too much on your actions. If you do find yourself getting obsessive or erratic with your gestures, breathe in deeply and play down your mannerisms. A truly confident person remains collected on the outside which is a reflection of the calm self-assurance within.
- Listen actively
While active listening is actually more a part of verbal communication, you can use your body language to show that you respect a woman enough to pay attention to what she is saying. Thus look interested in what she has to say and hold your tongue when she is putting across her views and opinions. If you merely talks about yourself, your date will correctly gauge you to be self-centered and egotistic. Also don’t rush to finish her sentences for her or fill in the gaps when she may have paused to search for better words. It is important for every woman to feel heard if she is to be happy in a relationship; and if you can come off as a good listener, women are sure to love your company.
- Pay attention to your manners
Impeccable manners are yet another aspect of positive body language which will rarely leave any lady untouched. So pick your date from her house, if possible and be sure to arrive on time. She will feel extra special and know that you are not like the other jerks who keep their dates waiting. Remember to hold out the door for her or pick up her things, even if you can see that she has dropped them knowingly! It is always gratifying to know that chivalry is not dead and what’s more, she is sure to be charmed by your gentlemanly ways.
- Take care to appear well-groomed
Women are keen observers of physical appearances. So if you think apparently minor things like dirty nails or the single strand of hair protruding from your earlobes would escape your partner’s scrutiny, you better think again. A well-groomed look is in fact a crucial part of attractive body language, one that will speak volumes about your desirability as a partner. Thus If you cannot do anything else before turning up for a date, at the very least make sure that you come neat and well-groomed. This not only includes taking care of your teeth, hair and nails but also getting rid of bad breath, body odor or grimy facial hair.
- Don’t get too close too quickly
Women on the whole like to be sure of a guy before getting intimate with him. So one of the worst mistakes you can make while dating is try to get physical with a girl before she has given a hint that she would like you to do so. Brushing past against a girl repeatedly, groping for her waist/hand, or kissing on the mouth without being invited to, are common goof-ups by men who think that they will come off as being sexy and desirable if they try to get physical with their partners. In fact they merely come off as annoying and desperate.
- A smile makes all the difference
The strong-and-silent type who is the hero of so many romances a la Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice actually comes off as quite insufferable to most women of today. Girls are looking for men who can not only make them laugh but indeed lighten up themselves. So a smile can go long way in raising your personal charm besides implying that you are happy and confident about who you are.
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