How to Meet Women who Play Video Games

There comes a time when even an avid gamer no longer feels that his minions are enough company; if you think the same and are looking to browse for romantic success in the real world, perhaps a gamer-friendly girl is what you really need. Here are then a few tips on how to meet women who play video games.
Be prepared for some digging
You may have heard your video games pals complaining more than once that attractive single women who love video games are woefully in short supply. There are females who think playing Nintendogs and Cooking Mama makes them videogame savvy, and then there are girls who just played a few Mario games because of their younger brothers. It is rare enough to find a good gamer girl, let alone have the right opportunity to make her your girlfriend. So at the very outset, be prepared to devote some serious time to browsing for an attractive girl whose idea of a date would be to spend four-five hours straight on the X Box.
Go online
If you have been frequenting bowling alleys and neighborhood pubs and wondering why you never come across women who play video games, it is probably because you are looking in the wrong places. If you want to date a gamer, it would make much more sense to look up social networking sites or dating sites devoted to avid gamers. Lovers of computer games and video games are almost always hooked to the virtual world and here is where you have the best chance of landing up a potential date.
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Gaming venues
In real life, you can look for women interested in video games at the venues where they are most likely to be found. One of these would be your neighborhood gaming café or stores selling video games. Here keep an eye for both customers and employees. Girls working at these venues would need to have a pretty good knowledge or interest for what they are selling. But best of all, being in sales, they are likely to be friendly and sociable too and not entirely lack interpersonal skills, which is quite common with geeks and nerds.
Also keep track of gaming conventions and tech-based entertainment events in your town or city which are sure to attract a fair share of women interested in video and computer games. Events such as Comic Con are highly popular with the gaming crowd and could turn into lucrative dating opportunities as well.
Check out the campus
Then again you can find a potential date among female students enrolled in game design programs at a college or an Art Institute. The campus is a great place to meet lovely young women and you would only have to frequent the corridors or cafes bordering game design programs in order to be thrown together with women who share your interest in gaming.
Get to know her
Once you have met a girl you would like to know better, try and get chatting. Adopt a witty and casual approach and don't hesitate to talk to her about games. If you want her to appreciate your gaming tendencies, mention them every once in a while. Since many gamers are rather geeky in nature, learn a little about them. Geeks live and breathe computers. So it would be a great idea to know a little about programming and source codes, should you happen to find out that your girlfriend is a software wizard. You need not become an expert yourself, but being aware of the basic terms will help you to actively listen to your partner and every now and then respond intelligently. Your interest in her area of work will not only help you to make her comfortable thus getting her to open up but also make for greater involvement in your shared passion – gaming.
Be unambiguous
Hardcore gamers sometimes have the social awkwardness of geeks as a result of which some of them may not be very good initiating social contact with the opposite sex. You may have no problems interacting with a geek brother or a co-worker, but as soon as you meet one at a party, you know that it will be a while before you can get her to open up to you. In social situations, serious gamers like geeks tend to be introverted and defensive. So use bold actions and language to initiate conversation with them. Displaying subtle hints of interest may work with others, but a girl you have your sights set on may not even be aware that you are reaching out to her. In fact they may think that you are not serious or interested unless you give them quite clear signs.
Arrange a game date
Once you and the girl have reached a level of comfort, ask her if she would like to go on a game date with you. If you were drawn to each other by your mutual interest in gaming, it is possible that she would agree willingly but don’t automatically assume that just because she likes gaming, her idea of a date would be the same. If indeed she would like a game date, by all means have a hearty session of video games together and don't be afraid to win. Do let her win occasionally though to build her confidence and comfort around you.
Avoid sexist attitudes
In gaming circles, there are frequent observations on how this seems to be an entirely man’s world. Games like MGS4 and GTAIV are designed for men, just like sports games, driving simulators, and most other titles are. And if titles are not made for men, they're made for children. Even most media representations have men getting all the thrills at an X Box and women seem to be conspicuous by their absence. If at all, women play they are only good at games like Wii Fit Women. If you are interested in dating a girl gamer, the sooner to shrug off these generalizations, the better. While the ratio of women to men in game designing and industry is still low, everyday women playing MMOs, action games and first-person shooters are only increasingly in number. So don’t come off as patronizing or dismissive to your girlfriend gamer for before you know, your partner may have logged on to Halo 3 and would be more than happy to frag you into oblivion.
Finally, no matter how much you enjoy your gaming marathons with your girl, make sure to take her out on an actual date. Suggest dinner and a movie, and let her pick the title. she will not only be thrilled to find herself being wooed like a lady but your relationship will also benefit from greater variety and balance.
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