The Monkey Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

The Monkey is one of those signs in Chinese astrology which shares more than a few qualities – like sociability and resourcefulness – with its counterpart from the animal world. And yet the type symbolized by the Monkey is far more than that – its traits make up a complex personality, one who is as much versatile and adaptable as intelligent and ingenious.

The most noticeable trait perhaps of the Monkey is their versatility. They can put their minds to almost any task under the sun, and that too with apparent equal ease and expertise. There is no situation or project that seems too difficult or intractable for the Monkey. Whether in the field of arts, sciences, sports, outdoors, socializing or languages, this personality seems to be at home with a mind-boggling variety of situations.

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One consequence of its dabbling into varied fields of knowledge and experience is that the Monkey gains the natural confidence of being a know-it-all – a trait that others sometimes find infuriating in the character. No matter what anybody says, the Monkey thinks he/she knows better; no matter what anyone can do, this individual will end up doing the same job twice as better and in half the time. It is this sense of a superior ability, especially in matters of communication and exchange of information, that sometimes leaves them a tad less popular in the social circuit.

However this is not to say that the Monkey lacks friends – far from it, in fact. He/she is a master of the social situation, impressing people with their ingenuity, knowing the right things to say to the right people and on the whole, giving full expression to their far-ranging wit and sophistication. Apart from this, the Monkey is fashion-conscious and makes an attempt to turn out smart and appropriately for every social occasion. These traits together with the fact that the Monkey is a foodie as well and likes to cook and host, makes him/her a highly sociable character.

And yet the social appeal of the Monkey is not a superficial thing. These people are capable of deep friendships and most of all, can harness all their ingenuity and resourcefulness in the aid of a friend in trouble. At the same time, the Monkey has an ego several times its size. It does not respond well to being crossed or corrected which he/she will almost inevitably take as a personal attack. Because of this touchy nature and a powerful memory, the Monkey makes a dangerous enemy – to someone who the Monkey perceives as its rival, he/she will be unnaturally spiteful and is even capable of nursing a grudge for a long time. Essentially, the Monkey has a mirror nature – it will respond to people in a way that others behave with him/her.

The qualities of versatility and ingenuity make the Monkey comfortable in any workplace or organization. But he/she can especially be an asset to a situation that needs to be considered carefully and where matters need to be set straight quickly. This is the reason why the Monkey is considered to be the natural leader among animal signs of Chinese astrology. The combination of dexterity and good memory are particularly valuable in tricky situations and the Monkey can be trusted to quickly think up the ideas and even put them into practice. also they are adept at many languages and often seem to figure in the ranks of expert linguists.

On the flip side though, the Monkey does not take kindly to playing second fiddle to anyone. He/she needs a definite measure of autonomy to give their best to the extent that the Money may even choose to be self-employed but in control instead of being employed with a multinational company but further down in the chain of command. But despite their reluctance to take orders from the top, the Monkey makes a good working ally and is capable of working long and hard for extended periods, even without a break. Moreover this character type will never ask anyone to do something that he/she has not personally done before and is even willing to do take on minor jobs, no matter how elevated his/her position might be. It is thus by setting a personal example that the Monkey often scores in getting people to work for them, to get jobs done and succeed as a leader.

In personal relationships, the Monkey makes one of the most interesting partners. Their versatile nature ensures that they can think up of a thousand ways to woo and indulge their beloved. Life is rarely dull when living with the Monkey. Moreover both male and female Monkeys have a healthy amount of sex appeal, a criteria which further enhances their desirability as partners. They can be delightfully provocative in new relationships as well as be trusted to keep the fire of passion burning in long term ones. However living with the Monkey might require a little bit more of patience and understanding. Because of a large ego, this character needs to feel that he/she is in charge in the relationship; moreover despite their sex appeal, in order to keep them interested in a long term relationship, it is necessary to offer them intellectual companionship and enough scope for a varied and challenging experiences. Sometimes, the Monkey may be promiscuous in early adulthood due to a natural curiosity in various kinds of experiences, but later on they are unlikely to stray very far from committed relationships.

As far as health is concerned, the circulatory system is a weak spot for the Monkey. They should take care to prevent heart ailments especially later in life and the best way to do this would be to adopt a nutritious diet and keep intake of rich and fatty foods to a minimum. Partly due to their many and variegated interests, the Monkey is particularly prone to burnouts and those that do not show outward signs of exhaustion can internalize all that stress and become nervy as well as agitated. Thus an essential part of the Monkey’s healthcare should focus on leading a stress-free life with ample periods of rest and relaxation in between.