The Wood Monkey in Chinese Astrology

The element Wood is associated with generosity and humanity and when allied with a sign, it usually brings about a greater degree of empathy for others. This is quite significant in a sign like Monkey which is mostly motivated by self-interest. At the same time though, the Wood Monkey possesses many other individual traits which make for an interesting personality.

One of the most remarkable qualities of the Wood Monkey is a versatile nature. This Monkey is both physically tough and mentally sharp; he/she has a practical approach to most things in life but is also shows a deep concern for fellow beings. Whether in the field of arts, sciences, sports, outdoors, socializing or languages, this personality seems to be at home with a mind-boggling variety of situations. Indeed for all their sturdy practicality, the Wood Monkey is quite a purveyor of beauty, especially in matters of personal style. Both the male and female Wood Monkey is likely to be extremely fashion conscious and willing to go to great lengths to turn out in style and in keeping with the latest trends from the fashion runway.

Another unique trait of the Wood Monkey is a strong memory. They usually have an eye for details which are filed away in the memory compartments to be retrieved later, when the need arises. This in turn enhances the natural resourcefulness of the Monkey which is why this sign can put their minds to almost any task under the sun, and that too with apparent equal ease and expertise. There is no situation or project that seems too difficult or intractable for the Wood Monkey.

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However what grants the Wood Monkey the potential to make it big in the world is a combination of ingenuity and staying power. While all Monkeys are quite resourceful in coming up with solutions and making their way ahead, most lack a certain degree of consistency. No sooner than a puzzle has been solved or an opponent won over, the Monkey feels the desire to move onto yet another challenge or a new experience with the result that many of their projects and interests are left half-way. The Wood Monkey on the other hand is much better at sticking to a particular course of action; as compared to Monkeys of elements like Metal, Fire and Water, the Wood Monkey does not mind so much to be tied down to some sort of routine which is also why they make reliable and conscientious workers. He/she is less likely than others to leave a task mid-way, if only to gain the full benefit of a task completed. In fact it is this combination of hard work and native intelligence that makes the Wood Monkey particularly successful in the worldly sense and they are able to achieve great heights relatively early in life.

One of the most interesting traits of the Wood Monkey and certainly unique as compared to others is a capacity for intuition. While all Monkeys are essentially quick thinking and highly intelligent, the Wood Monkey is also able to understand people and events on an instinctual level. These are qualities which in fact help the Wood Monkey to be sincerely caring in nature and he/she is perhaps the most unselfish and compassionate Monkey of the breed.