The Tiger Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

The tiger is one of the most unpredictable of creatures in the animal world. But it is also courageous, attractive and almost impossible to know completely – qualities which are all evident in individuals belonging to the Chinese Year of the Tiger. To find out more about this interesting personality, read on.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the Tiger is the co-existence of a sociable and highly individualistic personality. They tend to have lively circle of friends and acquaintances and attract others by their charming sociability and their tendency to be polite and agreeable in company. For many of this sign, it is important to nurture a wide social circle outside their family and work relationships, since this is important for the free and productive exchange of ideas which they thrive on. Part of the social attractiveness of the Tiger lies in their appreciation of fine arts and cultural pursuits. For them a perfect way to spend an evening would be a night out at the opera or theater; at the same time they are highly creative people themselves. Most have an inborn ear for music and can sing or play instruments while many are gifted with a knack for fine arts and sculpture. The Tiger’s good taste in cultural pursuits extends to appearances as well. They are most likely to be good looking or at least well groomed and fashionable. While they would rarely follow the dictates of the fashion runway, you can count on the fact that their individual style would be highly becoming and appropriate to their personality.
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Closely associated with the creative genius of the Tiger is a bent for originality which is evident not just in their artistic pursuits but in every aspect of their life - like the way they may have done up their living room or their eclectic mix of friends and acquaintances. Their thoughts and ideas do not take their counter from mere tradition but spring up from the depths of their own mind. If there is anything that turns the Tiger off, it is the trite and the conventional. They revel in their individuality in opinions and actions and thus often anticipate new trends and systems which others still find inconceivable.
However the flip side to this highly individualistic nature is a tendency to dismiss long-established institutions and systems.
At its worst, this trait leads the Tiger to a destructive rebellious nature when he/she is keen to topple a system or thought just for the sake of novelty. Also their original tastes in lifestyle and relationships often make the Tiger misunderstood and sometimes a misfit in society.
It is this tendency to go exploring in new and unchartered territories that makes the Tiger such a success in areas of research, experimentation and philosophy. The need to do something different and extraordinary is an over-riding motivation with the Tiger and is part of the reason why so many visionaries, reformers and leaders seem to be born in the Year of the Tiger. They are of a forward-looking bent of mind and can work tirelessly for causes and projects which they truly believe in. Both male and female Tigers often reveal a partiality for politics in which case they are usually liberal in inclination. Armed by an incisive mind and a large network of followers, they are determined to make the world a better place and here the watchword is ‘determined’. This is because while being open-minded, can become quite obstinate too when met with opposition to their ideas.
And yet the Tiger is able to override opposition most of the times because friends and followers recognize their genuine altruistic nature. They are sincerely interested in the betterment of their fellow humans and their original intellect often helps them to come up with effective out-of-the-box answers in solving various problems of society and economics. Nothing will put off a Tiger more easily than evidence of mean-mindedness or petty behavior in a fellow human and indeed they often reveal a weakness for the underdog and will continue to support a person or cause on which others have long given up. The Tiger honestly believes in employing the gifts of knowledge and thought in ways that can be best used for humanity.
The attraction to the original, adventurous and humane inevitably means that the Tiger is not suited for professions which require routine and adherence to strict structure. Their bent for creative pursuits implies that many from the ranks of artists, musicians and teachers are born in the year of the Tiger. Curiously enough several Tigers can be found in the armed forces too and even though their dislike of regimentation and imposed discipline may clash at first, the need for courage, camaraderie and sense of adventure in the line of duty is attractive to a Tiger.
In their personal life too, the Tiger is attracted to the freedom and intellectual stimulation that comes with ranging through various worlds, cultures and experiences. They are airy detached people. They are not comfortable in deeply emotional relationships and like their actions to be governed by their rational mind. The Tiger is extremely conscious of his/her individuality and keen to keep their personal affairs to themselves. As a result they might want to maintain a distance even with people they are fond of. The thing about personal relationships with the Tiger is that they need to feel free. For them romance is much more than conventional notions of marriage and family and they are perhaps the last to succumb to any value system just because it has been validated by tradition. Love to the Tiger is more about companionship and compatibility – especially intellectual. As parents, the Tiger is less likely to come off as authoritarian and eager to encourage fresh ideas and new experiences during the upbringing of their kids.
Though in Chinese astrology, the Tiger is believed to possess great physical vitality and endurance, all that risk-taking makes the individual a good deal prone to accidents. Apart from this, the area to watch out for is that between the hips and legs. On the whole, the Tiger needs to live and work in an atmosphere conducive to freedom and adventure. If hedged in by professional or personal circumstances, the Tiger could be susceptible to ailments, both physical and psychosomatic.
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