The Metal Tiger in Chinese Astrology

Just like the creature of the animal world, the Tiger in Chinese astrology possesses the qualities of strength, courage and a tendency to walk alone. When combined with the element Metal all these traits of the Tiger are intensified giving the sign great power and personality.

The foremost impact of Metal is perhaps to provide a fixed quality to the sign and where it already exists to strengthen it further. In case of the Tiger it works in a special way since the sign is a highly original personality. As it is the Tiger desires to chart his/her way in life instead of following age-long conventions or the popular way of doing things. When influenced by Metal, this individualistic streak is only intensified, so much so that the Tiger is keenly motivated by his/her own goals in life rather than being guided by others’ expectations or wider norms. It is extremely difficult to influence this personality by any method whatsoever; indeed so strong is the Tiger’s belief in his/her own capacities and vision, that he/she is highly capable of convincing friends and followers that his/her own goals in life are ultimately to their advantage as well.

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And yet despite having very definite goals, the Metal Tiger is not the one to rush hither and thither trying to achieve them in a reckless manner. Rather this Tiger gives the impression of immense energy and power held under strictly under control. Even though not lacking in a sense of adventure and initiative like the other Tigers, the Metal Tiger is more inclined to weigh the pros and cons of any given situation instead of embarking on half-baked assumptions. This aspect of the Metal Tiger also lends it a steely temper so that in the event of a conflict his/her rivals would not so much be exposed to the character’s fiery rage but rather an icy coldness which is perhaps all the more frightening.

However the intensity granted by the Metal works to heighten the emotional aspect of the Tiger. One of this sign’s unique trait is a kind of detachment where feelings and emotions are concerned. While the Tiger delights in social exchange of thoughts and ideas, they are not comfortable in deeply emotional relationships and like their actions to be governed by their rational mind. The Tiger is extremely conscious of his/her individuality and keen to keep their personal affairs to themselves. As a result they might want to maintain a distance even with people they are fond of. However when influenced by Metal, the Tiger turns out to be more passionate than usual as a result of which they can be more ardent lovers and devoted partners than those influenced by other elements. Even when not into an active relationship, the Metal Tiger is one of the most attractive singles on the scene. They have an incredible sex appeal which is practically impossible to ignore and this trait is only heightened by the brooding quality which implies vast oceans of passion and energy, barely held in check.

The main thing that the Metal Tiger needs to watch out for is a tendency to nervous or physical breakdown. Because of their high ambitions they tend to take on more responsibilities than they can comfortably fulfill. Also the strain of keeping all that energy and power under control could give rise to nervous tension, even leading to a breakdown in extreme cases.