The Wood Tiger in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrology, the element Wood is believed to grant human warmth and generosity to a sign. Individuals bearing this element are better able to forge co-operative bonds instead of depending on solitary initiatives – something that appears to contradict the basic nature of a sign like Tiger. However the end result is often soothing and appealing personality and quite successful both in social and worldly sense.
One of the most significant influences of the Wood element is to make the Tiger much more capable of reaching out to others on a one-to-one basis. Though the essential Tiger nature is quite popular amidst friends and followers, this is more the effect of personal magnetism and a certain mystique. Instead the Wood Tiger is able to forge far more personal connections with people around, based on genuine warmth and generosity. Not only are they fiercely loyal and willing to defend their friends, but they also work tirelessly to help out a friend in need. This makes the Wood Tiger a highly popular individual so that they seem to be more of a success in the social sense. at the same time however in an effort to be useful to their loved ones, Wood Tigers may be prone to spreading themselves too thin, and should remember to take time to calm down and recharge.
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Another consequence of the Wood element is to grant the Tiger’s thoughts and actions a deeper philosophical basis. While it is only natural for a sign like the Tiger to be engrossed in many far-ranging questions and issues, he/she is usually eager to launch into a project or cause to do something about whatever issue takes their fancy. However the Wood Tiger is not always so keen on a life of action – instead of rushing wildly about, he/she would much rather sit in a corner and think long and deeply about the matter at hand. And yet this is not an indication of a passive personality – the sign of the Tiger can be anything but that. Though the Wood Tiger is motivated by philosophical considerations, it is only his/her way to build a solid base for the consequent course of action.
Yet another instance of the Wood Tiger’s capacity for meaningful action lies in his/her financial acumen. The Tiger is usually associated with professions that require innovation and enterprise instead of those that need close scrutiny or attention to details. Under the influence of Wood, the Tiger is able to let go of some of his/her extravagance and channelize the outward vision into financial planning. The Wood Tiger is thus capable of saving well which is why he/she is often the most materially successful among all the other elements of the sign. The Wood Tiger can amass quite a fortune as much as through patience and hard work as by utilizing his/her native powers of insight.
Like the element water, Wood too makes the Tiger slightly homelier than usual. The general tendency of the Tiger person in a relationship is to come and go as he/she pleases; this is because this sign needs a great deal of personal freedom and is given to bouts of solitary wanderings. However under the influence of Wood, the Tiger is often more attached to domestic comforts and thus able to forge stronger family ties.
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