The Water Pig in Chinese Astrology

One of the most important consequences of Water element is increase the flow of fellow feeling in a sign. As it is, the Pig is a sociable creature, who is kind and helpful to others. However under the influence of Water, this Pig is even more affable in nature. He/she is compassionate and understanding to all those who make his/her acquaintance; the Water Pig has a kind word and a soft glance for everyone and will often go out of their way to make others comfortable and at home. In fact the recipients of this sign’s generosity do not even stop at the circle of friends and family. The Water Pig is highly caring and have a real desire to be of help to almost anyone, even virtual strangers.
With a kind and caring nature as the Water Pig’s it is not surprising that in personal relationships this sign does most of the giving and happily too. The Water Pig is highly solicitous of a partner’s needs and extremely loyal. However in order to feel completely fulfilled in love, the Water Pig needs a sense of belonging. Only when they feel emotionally secure in a relationship, can they really let go of their anxieties and give full expression to their inherent loving and generous natures.
The Pig in general is not able to accept a partner’s unpredictable ways or a desire for personal freedom and the Water Pig even less so. If a partner expresses a need to be left alone for some time or leaves to spend time with his/her friends, the Water Pig is likely to take this as evidence of neglect and rejection. For a Pig of this element, emotional intimacy and security are of paramount importance in a relationship, without which they will be hurt, anxious and unstable.
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The main reason why emotional security in a relationship is so important to a Water Pig is because they invest a lot in emotional belonging. However a highly emotional nature has its own set of problems. He/she is very sensitive in nature and is likely to be upset at the least hint of criticism, even when it comes from a loved one and is extended on a level of mature exchange. Also a highly emotional nature makes the Water Pig more impressionable than usual which is why he/she is prone to be taken advantage of. Because this Pig is so quick to trust others, he/she is often shortchanged which in fact further creates conditions for disappointment and depression.
Perhaps it is for this reason and as a way of self-defense that the Water Pig tends to be a little shy, especially at first meeting. In fact in romantic relationships, this person can even act coy in the beginning; however after the Water Pig decides to commit him/herself, their partner can be taken aback at the depth of feeling and passion which is typical of this personality.
Curiously enough the emotional nature of a Water Pig exists side by side with an intuitive insight into business matters. This person can be remarkably astute in financial dealings which is why they can attain great success, though in a quiet and unobtrusive way.
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