The Pig Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

The Pig is one of the most complex of the personality types in Chinese astrology. Far removed from the less than flattering associations of the animal in western culture, the Pig here is associated with a nature that is mostly loving, sensitive and idealistic but also mysterious and difficult to understand.
A foremost trait of the Pig is their kind and helpful nature. Compassionate to the core, they are extremely supportive both in social and personal relationship. Once a Pig connects with another person, he/she can be depended on to offer love and understanding in times of personal grief or crises. This coupled with the fact that the Pig often takes the line of least resistance and is largely amenable to all, makes him/her a highly sociable person. They usually have a kind word and a soft glance for everyone and will often go out of their way to make others comfortable and at home.
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And yet at heart the Pig is a very private person. Despite their kind and loving natures, they are actually quite shy and will avoid the limelight if they can help it. There are many facets of the Pig’s personality that are kept a secret even from people who have known the individual for long. This sense of mystery that pervades the Pig’s personality is a typical trait of the animal sign. Even the friendliest and apparently most outgoing male or female Pig is quite capable of letting down a curtain which will prevent others from getting a peek into their innermost self. There are aspects of themselves that they don’t reveal to anybody except perhaps to someone they trust completely and instinctively. The Pig is deeply introspective in nature and some of them may even seem introverts at first. This is because they like keeping many of their own qualities under wraps and reveal them only at the right time and to the right people.
However all this is not to imply that the Pig is an ascetic. Despite their sincere and giving natures, the Pig likes to live the good life. Essentially a sensualist, the Pig takes deep pleasure in good things to eat, drink, wear and feel. Many of their ranks are gourmets and come armed with a discriminating taste where food and drink are concerned. Likewise they like to pamper themselves with exotic perfumes, bath salts and fragrances and personal grooming is often a sensuous and highly drawn out affair with them.
And yet the Pig should not be mistaken for leading self-centered and empty lives. In fact this character is deeply concerned about humanitarian issues and coupled with their natural urge to help and serve, they are some of the most ardent champions of the deserving causes. Part of the reason why the Pig is able to invest so much effort and energy into external causes is because of their strong convictions. Despite having a pliable and kind demeanor, the Pig can be one of the most stubborn of the animal signs in the Chinese zodiac. They have a fixed quality which is unique in this astrological system so that once the Pig decides that this is what he/she is going to do – no matter how fool-hardy or difficult the course of action is – they will simply not be deviated from their intentions.
At the workplace, the Pig is an asset in places where selfless work and sincere devotion is required. Since Pigs seem to be born to give, to yield and to serve, they make admirable doctors, nurses, veterinarians and volunteers associated with charitable causes. In fact this character is not very squeamish about its working conditions which is why they are even more suited in areas like healthcare, enviroment and animal care.
In keeping with its complex nature, many from the ranks of the Pigs are to be found in the armed forces too. This could probably be because the Pig delights in confronting danger and taking up a challenge of any kind and can even be fiercely brave when the situation demands it. Since this sign does not like to be supervised closely, self-employment is usually a career option much favored by the Pig. Moreover this character is capable of a high level of self-motivation and usually makes decent employers which is why many small but successful business and enterprises are run by members of this sign.
The Pig posseses a high degree of personal appeal and is capable of easily attracting members of the opposite sex. To a great extent, this owes to the complexity inherent in the character type. On one hand the Pig is soft, sensual and pleasing while on the other the same person has an air of mystery and cannot be understood fully. This sense of mystique that envelops the personality of the Pig is particularly attractive, especially in the beginning of a relationship. Being a sensualist, the Pig also makes an extremely passionate lover and a physical relationship with this type is likely to be highly charged.
In essence though what the Pig seeks in a relationship is a sense of belonging. Only when they feel emotionally secure in a relationship, can they really let go of their anxieties and give full expression to their inherent loving and generous natures.
On the whole the Pig is an easy going person who is not really difficult to live with; however when the Pig perceives he/she is being dictated to or being given orders, then they are capable of digging in their heels with infuriating obstinacy. The Pig as a partner or spouse will be more pliable when receiving suggestions rather than a direct order. As parents the Pig is capable of being overprotective at times but on the whole they make extremely caring and generous mums and dads since family figures very high in this character’s list of priorities.
Though the Pig generally enjoys a robust constitution, he/she should guard against a tendency to overeat which in turn can lead to weight issues, especially later in life. The physiological areas of this personality which are particularly vulnerable include the stomach and the reproductive organs. Overall it is essential that the Pig follows a balanced diet, gets a lot of physical exercise and leads a stress-free life in order to enjoy good health for long.
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