The Metal Snake in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrology, someone born in the Year of the Snake is believed to possess resourcefulness, appreciation of beauty and psychological insight. This is a far cry from western culture where the Snake mainly typifies deceit and danger. However in all astrological systems, the basic traits of the sign are also modified by elements and when Metal is allied to the Snake, the result is an extremely complex personality.

One of the most important effects of the element Metal is to grant a tenacity of will to a sign. This is particularly useful for the Snake who for all his/her ingenuity and acumen, at times lacks a will to see things through. Under the influence of Metal though, the Snake acquires a steely resolve so that as compared to Snakes of other elements, the Metal Snake has a greater ability to follow jobs through to their logical conclusion. Also the presence of Metal makes this Snakes very ambitious; once set upon their course of action, he/she would let nothing stand in their way till they have got what they want.

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The Snake according to Chinese astrology, is a purveyor of the finer things of life and he/she owes this to an essentially sensual nature. They take great pleasure in appeasing their senses and  good food, fine wine and high culture are among the things that he/she finds worth living for. Just like the Metal Snake is more ambitious than others,  he/she also takes great pride in their ability to earn money and buy expensive things.  This Snake would rather have designer clothes than imitation ones, and much prefer his/home to be decorated with the finest décor that money can buy. It is not like that the Metal Snake is driven to showing off his or her wealth – as the innate discriminating nature of the Snake acquires a keener edge, he or she enjoys being surrounded by superior quality objects and materials.

With the natural bent of a personality acquiring  a sharper intensity under the influence of Metal, this Snake too is more private and more guarded than those of different elements. While in general, the Snake can develop warm relationships through life, he/she does not allow many people into their intimate circle and virtually no one into the deepest recesses of his/her heart. In a Metal Snake this desire for privacy acquires a keener edge which is why they tend to solid emotional wall between them and the outside world. These Snakes are very suspicious, guarded and careful. Indeed this defensiveness serves them well – it not only prevents others from taking advantage of them but in fact keep people around guessing as to his/her real thoughts and motives, in the process granting the Metal Snake an important psychological edge over others.

On the flipside, the Metal Snake is also the most dangerous of his/her kind. At the best of times, the Snake is one personality that one should not to deceive. However with Metal bringing about a greater intensity of nature, this Snake is prone to extreme feelings of hatred and vengeance when crossed. Curiously enough the Metal Snake will not display rage or tempestuous emotions when roused but rather convey the impression of a cold fury, the full impact of which will only be felt in their deadly venom of revenge. And yet it is not all negativity with this sign – because the Metal Snake tends to feel things with greater intensity, he/she also makes a far more passionate lover than others. And considering the Snake’s innate sensuous nature, this is one partner who will always be in demand.