How to Meet Women Who are Anti Feminist

Throughout twentieth century feminist movements have proved pivotal in granting women many fundamental rights traditionally denied to them, like right to vote, study and work. However in the last few decades, the same ideology became a target of women’s groups who feel stressed at feminism’s exhortation to women to step out of the confines of various patriarchal systems. The shock and fear of the ‘safe’, familiar and traditional has convinced many women to become anti-feminists. And if you are looking to meet singles from their ranks, here are few ways to go about it.

Ladies’ hang-outs

Anti-feminists are unlikely to be found in professional conventions and business lunches. Rather frequent places which provide skills for women to become home-makers. These could be schools and institutes offering short courses in child care, nutrition or home science. Also cooking classes, gardening classes and grooming classes may be great ways to meet women who are looking to be housewives. Women who wish to follow traditional gender roles know that they need to find a rich husband to meet their needs and thus are likely to be acquiring the right skills for attracting a suitable partner. Also shopping malls, beauty salons and restaurants famous for nice brunches are other places where such young women may be found hanging out and waiting to catch the eye of an eligible man.


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to browse photo profiles of single men and women.

Frequent kid-friendly places

One of the most vocal groups against feminism comprises of women who take pleasure in parenting and are proud of their roles as stay-at-home moms. and a great way to meet such women is of course your neighborhood park. Hang out at the kids’ playground or at the toddlers’ play areas or go running along jogging tracks which border these playgrounds. Better still walk your dog or your neighbor’s pooch in the park and you are sure to attract kids, not to mention single aunts or elder sisters who do not mind becoming moms one day. Yet another great place to meet stay-at-home moms would be a big toy-store or bookstore which have special areas for kids to read, listen to music and play.  The mothers and caregivers are usually found browsing through other sections or perhaps sipping coffee in the café area. If possible, hang out at these stores during special days when they are hosting a story-telling session or other kiddie events and you could meet an attractive single mom among the ladies gathered here. For the same reasons, the library is another place where you are likely to meet stay-at-home moms who are either choosing books for their kids or catching up on their own reading. The library offers a better place to strike up a conversation as compared to a bookshop since bawling kids are unlikely to be present here and you will have more privacy.

The local Church

Almost all major religious of the world have been markedly patriarchal in their foundations. Thus among the most vocal female opponents of feminism are women who are deeply religious and believe that the gender roles determined in their faith should continue to be followed. For this reason, your neighborhood church or spiritual center is one of the first places where you should look if you are keen to meet women who do not believe in feminism. Be a regular at the religious services of your Church or synagogue; again make sure to attend religious events and celebrations in your community since these are bound to draw single women who believe in traditional gender roles. Better still, offer to volunteer for the organization of these events or at religious schools as that will give you more opportunities to get to know all the single women in your community who share your faith and its traditional values. However avoid church hopping which involves skipping from church to church while looking for a singles group with potential partners. Such people may attend the Saturday night worship in their own church and then head out for another one or the Sunday service and perhaps the third on a weekday for Bible study. This practice is not only disrespectful of the faith and church but also is unlikely to yield concrete result while looking for the right person since it involves being in too many places at the same time. Rather stick to one church and if you are part of its singles group, try to build genuine, lasting friendships since you never know who may help in meeting the right person.

Glitzy places

It is not just home makers and stay at home moms who have a problem with feminist ideologies. At the other end of the conservative spectrum are women who depend on their physical attributes and offer sexual favors to make money and curiously enough even these may be opposed to feminism. This is because many feminists look down upon the objectification of women’s bodies as a way of serving male needs. Thus you can also look among models, exotic dancers and hostesses in the hospitality industry to meet women who stand for many things that feminism eschews.

Go online

These days there are dating sites for almost every kind of relationship need and lifestyle. Thus one of the most effective ways to meet women who flout feminist attitudes would be to go online. This way you can meet women who are keen to become home-makers, stay at home moms or who don’t mind using their bodies to attract men. Sign up with a reputed dating website, create a biography and add a photograph. Start searching by entering the appropriate keywords. You can narrow your search by indicating the number of miles away you'd be willing to travel and including the town you live in. Along with dating portals, you can also explore social networking sites as well as parenting blogs which will help you find women with the same values as yours including those who want to live a life of traditional gender roles.