What are Canadian Women Like - Dating Girls from Canada

Canada is one of the most advanced countries of the world. Its people are proud of its multicultural society and technological development but especially about the fact that they can hold their own even as the neighbor of a larger country like USA. So if you are heading north in search of socializing opportunities, here are a few things you can keep in mind about Canadian women.

TIP: This website has many Canadian women looking for wealthy men to date.

Proud of their own identity

As the northern neighbor of one of the world’s most powerful country, Canada is often at pains to prove its own distinctive identity. Thus both Canadian men and women are fiercely proud of their own culture and dislike being lumped in with Americans during general discussions of sports, arts, cinema or fashion in North America. So if you are eager to impress a Canadian woman, it would be a good idea to read up a little on Canadian geography and history. Simple things like being familiar with the names of all ten provinces and three territories will help you avoid exclamations like where in the world is that now should the name of Yukon or Nunavut come up during a conversation. also Canadian women are rather proud of their Government policies such as publicly-funded health care, higher taxation to distribute wealth, outlawing capital punishment, stricter gun control, and legalization of same-sex marriage which they believe are social indicators of how Canada's political and cultural evolution differs from that of the United States. Few things irritate a Canadian woman as when others mistake their celebrities for Americans. So when people like Mike Myers, Jim Carrey or Michael J. Fox come up in conversation, try not to respond with a shocked ‘Oh, I never knew he is Canadian. Even though Canada’s music stars like Avril Lavigne, Bryan Adams and Celine Dion are better known to Americans, many famous Canadians have made their mark on the global stage in areas as varied as fashion like Jay Manuel, acting like Donald Sutherland, writing like Margaret Atwood and science like Sanford Fleming. The more you are aware of Canada’s contribution to the world history, the better impression you will make on your girl.

Culturally sensitive

Canada's culture is diverse, drawing influences from its broad range of constituent nationalities and cultures, in fact in this country policies that promote multiculturalism are constitutionally protected.  The creation and preservation of distinctly Canadian culture are supported by federal government programs, laws, and institutions such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the National Film Board of Canada, and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.[204] Canada, as a whole, can be thought of as a cultural mosaic – a collection of several regional, aboriginal and ethnic subcultures, each of which is given equal importance. Indeed so if you happen to meet a girl in Quebec, she may not be willing to mingle with you unless you give evidence of your awareness of the French culture or language. This is because here cultural identity is strong, and many French-speaking people of Quebec are at pains to nurture a culture as distinguished from English Canadian culture. Likewise your friend could be from an Asian-origin family or belong to the indigenous ethnic group and making racist comments would make you appear far from attractive. Incidentally when in Canada, you should avoid referring to the indigenous population as "Native Americans”. Many Canadians find the term offensive and instead refer to members of these groups as "people of the First Nations." for all these reason be careful to adopt a culturally sensitive approach when meeting women in Canada. Finally keep away from politically sensitive topics during conversation and avoid taking sides in debates about contentious national issues, particularly when they concern such issues the status of Quebec, the place of the French and English languages in Canadian society and so on.

Like to be courted

And yet women in Canada are not all that suspicious and defensive. They are beautiful and smart and in personal relationships, they like to be courted. So if you are keen to impress your Canadian girlfriend, woo her in the traditional manner with flowers and romance. Buy her a small but meaningful present now and then but more importantly make sure that she feels special when with you. Lavish your time and affection on her and this will surely make your Canadian girl fall for you.

Love of the outdoors

Like their male counterparts, Canadian women too enjoy spending time in the outdoors – never mind the extreme northern climate. The country has vast forests, numerous streams, lakes and rivers as well as endless mountain ranges – all of which provide great opportunities for sports and outdoor interests. If the Canadian men are crazy about hockey, women are into biking, skiing, hiking and camping. Even those living in cities can be found jogging, cycling, running or brisk-walking on a daily basis. Many of them take off for the mountains on holidays where they usually have their own log cabins. So you better learn to appreciate the outdoors if you have your eyes set on a Canadian woman; in fact one of the easiest ways to attract the attention of a Canadian woman will be to show that you can chop wood or fix camping gear, even when it is freezing outside. Above all, Canadians take winter very seriously and are fiercely proud of their ability to withstand almost-arctic temperatures. When foreign visitors turn up dressed in practically skiing gear for a walk through downtown, they are sure to be sniggered at by the locals who are still wandering in light woolens. So if you want to impress your Canadian girl, show her that you are able to withstand the subzero temperatures or at least suffer in silence. The surest way to fall in her esteem would be to whine endlessly about the cold or complain about snow and ice that you have to wade through to get anywhere.

Canadians are one of the most individualistic people on earth which is why personal relationships here may vary according to cultural and social background of the partners involved. So it is best to know a woman well before declaring your romantic intentions or assuming that you are in a relationship with her.