How to Meet Guys in a Small Town

At the outset, moving to a small town may seem to cramp your social life. However what these places may lack in dating opportunities, they may more than make up with their cleaner, safer environment as well as close-knit community ties. So if you find yourself in a small town, despair not; make use of the following tips and you may be pleasantly surprised at finding so many eligible singles worth dating in these quiet, laidback places.

Be  a good neighbor

In small towns where community ties are quite strong, your neighbors can prove to be a minefield of resources on social opportunities. So if someone lands up with a potted plant or a basket of home-made cookies at your doorstep, don’t simply send them away with a suspicious thank-you. Apart from letting on where the freshest produce can be found in the town, your neighbors will also be able to tell you where the young and single hang out and what town events attract the most eligible singles. Once you have broken the ice with your neighbors, be sure to attend barbecue parties or pot-luck lunches they invite you to. And then don’t forget to return the gesture by hosting a small house-warming party of your own. Even though some of them may seem stuffy or old-fashioned, you never know who you might meet at their parties or who they might introduce you to.


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Ask around at your workplace

Your workplace could be another great way to obtaining information about dating possibilities in town. While your co-workers may present limited choices as dating partners - with many of them already married or not your ‘type’ - they may in turn be able to set you up with family members or acquaintances of their own. Be friendly and polite in your dealings with people at work and before long you may be invited to a dinner or a fishing trip with their family.

The town’s religious center

Even if you are not particularly spiritual, drop by the church or the religious place where people of your faith gather. Churches tend to be the social center of many small towns where people come together not only to pray but also to celebrate community festivals and strengthen social ties. So be sure to attend pot-luck dinners, fetes and bake sales at churches or local religious centers. Apart from the fact this will put you in touch with the men who are well known in the community, you can also be assured of safe dating, since the meet you meet at a church will hardly be the type to pick up women at bars and nightclubs.

Volunteer for a cause

Welfare associations in small towns often have limited resources available to them because of which they depend on volunteers to a great extent. This is why a substantial number of the town’s inhabitants can be found volunteering for food and clothing drives, upkeep of animal shelters or the town library. So check out your local firehouse and see if they could use your culinary skills since you are sure to get acquainted with some great guys while over there. And while offering your talents and services to programs that help others, you will also get in touch with men who are doing the same. Volunteering for a cause you believe in will not only bring you in touch with newer people but also make for an interesting topic of conversation in case you meet a guy you happen to like. However it is also best to be genuinely interested in the cause you volunteer for or you will find yourself getting bored and discouraged.

Get involved

If you don’t have bent for volunteer work or cannot spare time on a regular basis, look for other community events and gatherings where you can be involved. Almost every town has carnivals and craft shows which need people with organizing and management skills. Alternatively attend chamber of commerce or other business meetings in your town which are sure to attract the most eligible single men in the community. Present yourself as a smart entrepreneur or professional and pass around your business card; in case you see somebody you might like, don’t hesitate in asking for his card or phone number.

The library

Since small towns are likely to have only one or two public libraries, they are sure to attract most of the well-read men in the community. Apart from the fact that regularly library-goers are bound to smart and interested in acquiring knowledge, books also provide one of the easiest topics of conversation should you want to get acquainted with a likable guy. However it would be best to drop by on weekends or evenings, as there will be more people present, thus increasing your odds of meeting single men.

The local park

Small town may not have many gyms or what they have may not be swanky enough for you. A far better option would be to exercise regularly at the local park. Go for a walk, run or ride your bicycle, all the while keeping your eyes peeled for fellow exercisers. The park is a great place to meet men who like the outdoors and fitness; more than that, it offers a laid-back atmosphere to strike up a conversation. If you find a nice-looking guy, try complimenting his dog, sports gear or just start by saying a friendly "hello." Before long you may not only have a companion for your early-morning job, but also maybe a great date for the weekend.

Finally, get out of your house. Since small towns don’t offer many online dating possibilities or special interest clubs, it may be difficult to meet people if you keep yourself aloof from the everyday community life. Unless you leave your comfort zone and venture out, you will remain inaccessible to the many eligible singles who may actually exist in the town. So have your morning cup of coffee at the popular diner where people gather for a hearty breakfast. Or pick up the groceries yourself instead of ordering your supplies over the phone. The more you get involved with the daily life of the town, the greater your chances of meeting new people and finding someone interesting.