How to Meet and Date a Harvard Graduate

Harvard's history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The name is almost synonymous with social, political and especially financial success as a significant percentage of economists, scientists, legal experts and entrepreneurs take pride in being the alumni of this hallowed institution. Thus if you too are keen to date a mover and shaker of business or academics, here are a few tips on dating a Harvard graduate.


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Do your homework

Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first corporation chartered in the country. The university comprises eleven separate academic units—ten faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study—with campuses throughout the Boston metropolitan area. The university offers 46 undergraduate concentrations, 134 graduate degrees  and 32 professional degrees. Harvard is ranked first by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), a position it has held since the first ARWU rankings were released in 2003.  It is best you pick up interesting nuggets of Harvard’s history and life on the campus since this will provide fodder for conversation should you happen to meet any eligible single who has passed out from Harvard. More significantly having done a bit of background research will prevent you from feeling like an outsider when among people who are graduates of the university.

Look for networking opportunities

One of the effective ways of meeting Harvard graduate singles would be to frequent alumni associations and old students’ groups of the university. Most of the Harvard alumni clubs are based on fostering communion with fellow members of the colleges, or even a leveraging of old school ties. But many times the events hosted by them also function as useful ways of establishing personal connections. Even if you are not a Harvard educated yourself and thus cannot belong to such alumni groups, find out someone belonging to the clubs who will let you tag along to parties and dinners. Apart from strictly Harvard alumni associations, there are other societies like Ivy Plus which expand the exclusive circle of Harvard institutes to include top business, law and medical schools of Ivy League colleges. While most view Ivy Plus as a business-networking opportunity, according to a New York Times report about the society 1, “the tip-off to its real appeal is that about 75 percent of attendees are single”. Here members can mingle socially since like attracts like and they are more assured of finding dates who share common background in educational and professional status.

However if gaining entry to exclusive Harvard alumni associations and similar groups turns out to be too difficult, you can always explore the top places of business like banks, conventions and business conferences where the most successful professionals or entrepreneurs are likely to belong to the Harvard. While it may be difficult to pick up a date at purely business or professional venues, you can also introduce yourself as an attractive professional or entrepreneur and jot down names and phone numbers. In fact many such events also include semi-formal lunches and dinners where there is greater socializing and hence you have a higher chance of meeting an interested single.

Your chances of meeting a Harvard graduate would also rise if you take your search to hangouts in and around the Harvard campus. According to Forbes, "A high quality of life causes the young and college educated, in their first few years out of school, to flock to these places, as they are the demographic with the most freedom and mobility to move to the places that are the most desirable." 2 Thus frequent the campuses, bars, pubs in and around Harvard Yard or other areas in northwest of downtown Boston;  even if you don’t live in Boston, get involved with an academic life - volunteer for your university's alum events, attend lectures or concerts at your nearest college, or sign up for a course of any sort and in fact the more advanced, the better. And you are quite likely to come across a professor or graduate of the haloed circle of Harvard graduates.

Special interest clubs

Yet another way you can come across singles with Harvard degrees is to sign up with special interest societies which attract intelligent men and women. Thus explore debating clubs, Mensa societies and chess groups in and around your town and city and if lucky, you could come across a Harvard graduate who is available. You can also hit your neighborhood bar's trivia night and impress a potential partner with your knowledge of colonial American history or the intricacies of quantum physics. Or start your own board game night and ask your friends to each bring one smart single – that way you can at least hope that a guest or two turns out to be a Harvard alumnus. Or sign up for Facebook's official Scrabble application, and wait for a suitable guy to show up as a playing partner.

Online options

These days the internet seems to have dating sites for practically every type of dating crowd and there are some for singles interested in Harvard graduates too. One of these is which though is not affiliated to the university. For a more streamlined approach you can browse through classifieds in the online magazine or check out the personals section of The Harvard Crimson, which is the official student newspaper of Harvard University.

Nurture your personality

Harvard graduates are easily considered top catch in the dating game.  Thus it is not enough for you to flaunt your looks and figure while seeking the attention such a guy; you must give evidence of an attractive personality as well. So apart from sprucing up your looks, take steps to groom your mind as well. Expand your reading, be aware of the larger world and cultivate an interest or two on which you can converse intelligently. This is not to suggest that you should put on an act or that all Harvard grads are looking for singles with high I.Q but only to point out that for men and women who have gone through the best of colleges, intellectual compatibility can rank quite high on their list of priorities in a partner.

Perks and pressures

The best part of dating a Harvard graduate is of course that you can expect to be taken out in style. Bankers, lawyers, doctors and businessmen with this background take home some of the fattest paychecks in the economy and you are sure to be lavished with expensive dinners and gifts. Yet another significant part of their attraction lies in the sharp and ambitious personalities. They are smart, confident about what they want from life and know full well how to achieve them – all qualities which go a long way in making them highly coveted as partners. At the same time though most lucrative professions like law, medicine, banking and politics involve grueling working schedules which impose great demands on a person’s time. So when dating a highly successful Harvard graduate, you must realize that he/she will be working long hours and may even be swamped on the weekends. At these times you need to exercise patience and understand that your partner’s unavailability has nothing to do with you and is not an indication of his or her feelings for you.


  1. The New York Times - The Dating Game, Ivied and Pedigreed
  2. - The Smartest Cities In America