How to Meet and Date Rich Gay Men

One of the blessings of contemporary society is the greater sexual freedom that is allowed to adult men and women. Coupled with wider communication options, it has never been easier to look for same-sex love; and if you happen to love the good life, here are a few tips on meeting and dating single, gay rich men.

TIP: Browse profiles of single gay men in your city looking for activity partners and dates.

Gay bars

Gone are the days when those seeking gay partners would have to frequent dim-lit bars and underground hangouts located in furtive corners. Today there is wide range of bars catering specifically to same-sex lovers and those interested in meeting partners from the gay community. However in order to meet the really loaded men, it would not do to drop in at any hole-in-the-wall place. Look for gay bars in your city which are located in upscale addresses or at least have a substantial entry charge. This will imply that only those able to afford the relatively high costs are regulars at the bar. If you cannot frequent such watering holes because of your tight budget, consider working as a bartender or musician at these places. You will not only get to meet rich gay customers but also stand a fair chance of impressing them with your talents in mixing cocktails or belting out a soulful tune.

Gay singles clubs

Yet another popular haunt for gay men with resources are exclusive singles clubs for gays. These places are again likely to have rather steep membership fees or at least restricted entry rules. However consider these costs as investment since you are more likely to run into wealthy gay partners here than while waiting with a drink at a bar or a café. This is because the primary purpose of these places is to provide social networking opportunities to rich gays so that they can choose suitable partners in ease and privacy. More such clubs are quite likely to host regular open nights or happy hours when the entry rules and costs are relaxed a bit. So keep your eyes and ears tuned for these special nights when you can mix and mingle with the richest gays in town.

TIP: Browse profiles of single gay men in your city looking for activity partners and dates.

Fashion dos

Many gay celebrities belong to the world of fashion; whether this is because gays are creative and artistic by nature or the celebrities working in the relatively liberal world of fashion find it easier to ‘come out’, it is true that you can find several gay men in the fashion fraternity. So frequent fashion shows, launches of exclusive boutiques and other events of the world of haute couture and you are quite likely to come across fashion designers, models and stylists, some of who may be single themselves and open to meeting other gays.

Spas and salons

The stereotype about gay men indulging in waxing and pedicure might have been done to death but you can still find gays frequenting spas and salons more often than ‘straight men’. And the more expensive these venues, the more likely they are to attract rich patrons. So make it a point to gain access to the exclusive spas, salons and health resorts in your area and if lucky you could make the acquaintance of some potential partners.

Gay travel destinations

These days gay travel is fast becoming a popular option for those looking to meet same-sex partners in exotic surroundings or seeking to get away from it all with their gay partners. In the United States San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego and Chicago are among the most gay-friendly vacation spots. Find out the upscale bars, nightclubs and other hangouts in these cities and then frequent them as much as your pocket would allow. Some cities even have a separate gay neighborhood with varied cultural and social attractions but make it a point to patronize only those destinations which attract a wealthy clientele.

Gay festivals and parades

Every major city nowadays has its own pride event when members of the LGBT community get together to celebrate who they are amidst a shower of music, partying, festivities and the final spectacular parade. Such events are a good time to meet suitable partners but if you want to date wealthy men, you need to look in at the right places. Instead of lounging about free kitchens or the trailer park, make an effort to be seen at the expensive hotels and restaurants. Again give the free open air concert a miss and rather go on a history or culture tour of the city if you would like your odds of bumping into a wealthy gay single to be higher.

Pursue expensive interests

Like rich heterosexual men, gay men of means too enjoy the same interests which their wealth and leisure afford them. Expensive hobbies like collecting objects d’ art, breeding racing horses, stocking up the cellar with the finest spirits are all worthy of men with ample time and resources at their disposal. Thus if you can be associated with such pursuits you stand a good chance of rubbing shoulder with rich gay singles. It might not be possible for everyone to own a stud farm or bid for an original Monet but in case your profession has something to do with the world of high art or fine wines, then perhaps you can see more of rich single clients, many of whom might be gay.

Charity galas

One of the best places to network with the rich, whether straight of gay, single or attached are Charity events. Fund raising galas and charity dinners are well attended by the rich and powerful not only because many of them have their hearts in the right places but because most of them want to be seen in the right places. So either invest in a 500 dollar-a-dinner plate invitation or volunteer at one of these dos in order to come across the wealthiest of the society. And once you have managed to gain access to the event, spot the ones who are gay and proceed to make small talk with them.

Go online

Like every other dating niche, rich gay dating is very much active online. Join one of the dating sites specifically catered towards the needs of wealthy gay singles and if lucky your profile and photo can catch the eye of someone suitable. However you need to make your profile something special since there are thousands of matches vying for the attention of the few really rich gay singles.