What are Spanish Men like - Dating Men from Spain

The land of the flamenco and sangria cannot but be home to some of the most handsome and interesting men on the planet. If the warm sun, the vivid colors and full-bodied flavors of Spain have not enticed you to visit the country, its men surely will. So here are a few things to keep in mind about what Spanish men are like.

Incredibly handsome

Like the women of this land, Spanish men are famous for the intense magnetism of their dark eyes, long eyelashes and their wavy dark hair. Some others may offer a peek into unplumbed depths of passion with their deep blue or green eyes. Together with this, the men carry off their bronzed bodies will élan and indeed in Spain a tan is worn with great pride since it shows that the individual has the means and the time to vacation on beaches. Though it is sunnier in the southern part of the country rather than the north, the dark, sun-kissed look is what Spanish men are famous for.

TIP: This website has many Spanish millionaire men looking for women to date and marry.

Passionate to the core

The biggest advantage of dating a Spanish guy is perhaps the passion that he will bring to the relationship. Most Spanish men are intense lovers and their every word and gesture appears to be brimming with molten sexuality. At the same time they are perfectly capable of sweeping you off your feet with their courtly romance. Indeed when you invite a Spaniard to dinner at your place, you can be sure he will not turn up without a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of wine. Dating a Spanish guy will rarely be a boring experience – he will spring one sensual surprise after another. One evening it may be a quiet picnic in the vineyards and the next, it could be a fascinating flamenco performance. The Spaniards know how to make use of every sense – that of taste, smell, sight, sound and touch – while courting their women and you too could find yourself succumbing to the feast of senses laid out by your guy.

Let him do the chasing

If you want to attract a Spanish guy to you, try and play cool for a while. Don’t go overboard with your attentions or make your interest in him evident for all to see. Rather keep your distance for a while and let him do the chasing. This is because most Spanish men love to play an aggressive role in a relationship and so if they find the woman taking the initiative, they may quickly lose interest. Apart from catering to his desire to act as the traditional male pursuer, by taking it easy you will also be maintaining your feminine mystique – an even stronger reason for him to court you.

A great sense of style

Spanish men have a sense of style all of their own. Brushed by the vivid hues and golden sun of the country, its men carry of various colors and fabrics with panache. Thus you will come across men wearing leather sandals with business suits and looking dapper too. This is not a land where people are stiff and formal, either in their dress or in their behavior. Spaniards can look attractive when pairing espadrilles with cool leather shoes, a combination that men in many other cultures will hesitate to try. Likewise Spanish men are informal in their social interactions; they stand near each other when engaged in discussions and are not squeamish about physical contact. So should you happen to spot your Spanish hunk hugging another guy or kissing him on both cheeks, don’t jump to conclusions about his sexuality. Here people of both sexes, even when married, are allowed to kiss friends, family and acquaintances as a form of greeting. This informality is even seen in many aspects of their lifestyle – here people are laidback and are rarely found rushing to work or scurrying to catch the train. Indeed the concept of siesta, or an afternoon nap, is still common here even though modern work schedules are making it less practical now.

A player perhaps

Since Spanish guys are so passionate at heart, usually they do not believe in keeping themselves away from love or limiting their charms to one woman. Like the famous lover of lore, Don Juan, even your man may be highly popular among the ladies. So if you play cool with your Spaniard for long or are away for some time, you can expect him to find other women to pay court to. While this is not to imply that a Spanish guy is incapable of being faithful, it is a fact that they are fun-loving and passionate and thus rarely waste time in brooding and moping about past relationships.

Fun and food

Spain is a land of fiestas. Almost every city, town and village has a fiesta, at least once a year. Usually a fiesta is organized on the part of the town to honor its patron saint. People in Spain like to have fun and the fiesta is the time to celebrate. Most of the fiestas are very colorful events when the men and women put on the local costumes and cook the food their region is famous for. This is yet another indication of what you can expect of a Spanish man – his love of food. The Spaniards are especially famous for their Paella and in fact each region of Spain has its own version of the rice dish. Then again if you want to impress your Spanish partner on a date, you better find about various kinds of wine the country offers, especially the sangria which has become quite famous globally. Also there is a particular kind of ham which is appreciated among the Spanish, known as the “pata negra”, this comes from the province of Huelva and is considered both healthy and a delicacy.

Because of their great variety of flavorful food and drink available in Spain, the men not only are knowledgeable about their culinary culture but also expect their partners to be good cooks. So if you are keen to have a relationship with a Spaniard, you better brush up your cooking skills along with your vocabulary of Spanish food and wines.